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Is There A Historic Jesus?


Historical Jesus refers to scholarly reconstructions of the life of Jesus. based on critical methods including critical  analysis of gospel texts as the primary  for his biography, along with consideration of the historical and cutural content  in which he lived. These reconstructions accept that Jesus existed although scholars differ about the beliefs and teachings of Jesus as well as the accuracy of the accounts of his life, and the only two events subject to "almost universal assent" are that Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist  and was crucified by the order of the Roman Prefect Pontius Pilate. 

Most contemporary scholars of antiquity agree that Jesus existed, and most biblical scholars and classical historians  see the theories of his non-existence as effectively refuted. There is, however, widespread disagreement among scholars on the details of the life of Jesus mentioned in the gospel narratives, and on the meaning of his teachings.

My intent here is not to start a religious argument or to knock any particular religious beliefs. I would be interested on any feedback and thougts regarding what has been refuted. Seems things would have to add up somewhere.

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