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USA Crop Circle Listing 2010-2012



Northwest WISCONSIN - mid-October, 2012 (grasses)
Discovered in a very rural area, a 40 ft. diameter circle with a chaotic, swirling interior lay and with the tops & seedheads of the plants along the rough perimeter cut off as if by “something sharp.”  No cut stalks inside circle. Landowner reports observing “unusual” aerial “craft” on 3 occasions (which events she seems to associate with this circle).


Chillicothe, OHIO -  early- to mid-September, 2012  (corn)
Found in a field just W of Hopewell Indian Mounds Archaeology Park in south-central Ohio, this 36-circle, 7-ring, 350′ diameter formation apparently appeared 1-2 wks. before it was reported on the 20th. Field is an old channel of Paint Creek (which now borders field) and is crossed by high-tension power lines approx. 300+ yds. from circle.


Wilbur, WASHINGTON -  July 24, 2012  (winter wheat)
Six circles (45′-65′ in diameter) with a triangular center section. Third circle near Wilbur (5 mi. N) in recent years; no tram-lines & no entry tracks seen in field at discovery. Very dry crop was not crushed as it would be if mechanically flattened. The ‘07 Wilbur cropcircle plants showed classic plant stem node changes indicative of authenticity.


St. Louis, MISSOURI - March 25, 2012  (trees)
Aerial photo submitted showing multiple circles of various sizes and several “flower” designs in a forested area. Investigation revealed that a large-scale, long-term Ozark glade restoration project is underway at the Tyson Research Center by Washington Univ. students. Trees had been cut and areas will then be burned regularly to evaluate effects.


Austin, TEXAS - March 20, 2012   (grasses)
Two areas of chaotically-downed grasses found in yard after thunder-storm during which a nearby tree was struck by lightning.  Metal fence near tree and around yard most likely conducted electric charge from lightning strike to grasses; photos submitted show what looks like charring of one plant, node bending in others. Not a Crop Circle.



Bark River (nr. Harris), MICHIGAN - October 13, 2011  (maize)
Two reportedly 125 ft. diam. circles found +/- 50 yards apart in 2 different varieties of maize in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Farmer saw no footprints in or outside circles when found and states that plants in both circles were flattened counter-clockwise & close to the ground, with none broken in spite of extreme dryness of crop.


Rocky Point Marsh, NEW YORK - September 14, 2011   (Grasses) A 30 ft. diameter, mostly circular area of flattened marsh grasses, the center of which is swirled in a manner typical of formations in grass elsewhere ( There were several other, smaller, similarly-swirled areas nearby, but the perimeters of all are irregular. No other details available.


Beardstown, ILLINOIS - Mid- to Late-June, 2011  (Wheat)
A 49 ft. diam. circle flattened counter-clockwise, discovered at harvest. Farmer reports no evidence of footprints in or outside circle when found and no broken plant stems. BLT fieldworkers measured no variation from background radiation (15 clicks/min.) but registered erratic bursts of magnetic & DC electric fields inside circle only.


Prairie Grove, ILLINOIS - June 26 +/-, 2011 (Grass)
An approximately 10 ft. diameter 6-8 inch-wide darkened ring in grass (not a crop circle) which has continued to be present through several mowings. Witnesses report that the ring looked like a “surge of heat” might have caused it. We’ve asked that the ring be examined for evidence of fungi, which is a likely cause.


Hanover, VIRGINIA - June 4, 2011  (Wheat?)
An extensive area of randomly-downed crop w/multiple standing tufts & partly circular elements, much of which is centered around base of electric pylon (red arrow). No storms reported in area during this time-period. A watch malfunctioned inside downed areas; other electronics did not. For more info regarding research on randomly-downed crop see Item #2:



Madisonville, TENNESSEE - May 12, 2011  (Young Wheat)
A mechanical-looking formation found in the same field & nearly the same location (& with a very similar design) as one found here in 2007.  Although suspicious-looking, fieldwork with plant & soil analysis is more reliable than “design” appearance in determining authenticity. See the Crop Circle Connector for fieldwork results.



Ontario, NEW YORK - October 2, 2010 (Purportedly Soybeans) Reported on October 2nd, but possibly present for some time before, this small “dumb-bell” style formation in Wayne County is the only “geometric” crop circle reported in North America in 2010 which may have been genuine.  Ground shots taken after harvest show no helpful details.


Bakersfield, CALIFORNIA -  June 22, 2010  (mature wheat?)
Long ’90’s-style “pictogram” first reported via a YouTube video as being in Monterey County, south of Salinas.  Actually a man-made formation created for a rock group.  A still shot shows large areas of randomly-downed crop near the circle, as is often the case in fields where non-mechanically-flattened formations have appeared.


Woodstock, VERMONT -  June 1, 2010  (field grasses)
Area of randomly-downed plants found in same field as last year, with additions occurring over several days.  Flattened plants show a markedly “fluid” lay, with multiple small swirled patches & some standing centers.  Downed plants had distinct bending at multiple nodes on first day.  No storms reported during relevant time-period. No storms.


Hidden Valley, CALFORNIA -  early May, 2010  (grasses)
Witness reports many bright white & golden lights “zig-zagging & soaring across sky” in early morning hours, over many nights in same area.  In mid-May witness found multiple small “crop circles” all over the valley. Fieldwork showed these to be somewhat circular flattened areas in which anthocyanin pigment was evident.



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