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What Your Cheeks Say About You

In the age of plastic surgery, there are facial features that are in demand. The cheekbones are one of the more popular features that are sculpted by surgery. What is it about the cheekbones? Do they subconsciously tell us something about a person? From the perspective of Chinese face reading, the cheekbones can hint at various different aspects of a person's personality. In addition, it is specifically used to foretell a person's fortunes when they are 46 to 47 years of age.

High Cheekbones
High cheekbones indicate a person has enormous drive and ambition. However, the high cheekbones will only bring luck to those who have high cheek bones paired with a certain type of nose. The bridge of the nose should be high, the tip and the flesh of the nostrils should be rounded and prominent. If however, the cheekbones are high, but the nose is thin, then this person should be more careful during the ages of 46 to 47.

Wide Cheekbones
Wide cheekbones are ideal for women because they have a higher ability to protect themselves and be rightfully cautious. They usually have the sense that as long as they are not crossed, they will not cross others, whereas those with the high cheekbones are more likely to take the initiative.

Wide and High Cheekbones
These people are very proud and driven. In addition, they have a tendency to become jealous of others. It doesn't matter what they say or do, on the inside, they are thinking about how a situation will benefit them. Usually a male with this type of cheekbones will have a weaker relationship when it comes to their spouse, unless the spouse is extremely accepting.

Flat Cheekbones
A person with cheekbones does not have the type of fortune for leadership. They have a hard time getting people to listen to them, especially those with high cheekbones. However, they can keep people under control by being more strict, and rewarding those who follow.

How do your cheek match up? Check your other facial features to get the complete picture.

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