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What Your Lips Say About Your Fortune

In the old texts of Chinese face reading, the mouth signifies the trend of luck at the age of 60. It can also reveal certain aspects of a person's personality.

Big Mouth
In the old Chinese face reading text, a big mouth usually mean a bad relationship with the parents. However, in the old times, having a good relationship within the Chinese family usually means the children will be obedient and listen to the parent without talking back. Talking back is usually construed as having a bad relationship. In these days, talking back is can be a good sign; it means there is an exchange of dialogue. Theses people tend to be more independent and daring, and they are less likely to remain close to home.

Dainty Mouth
A dainty mouth is a smaller mouth, not as wide as conventional mouths. People who have this type of mouth tend to be more humble and supportive instead of seeking the limelight.

Upturn Mouth
If the ends of the mouth curve upward, like the person's always smiling, that is considered a moon mouth. This is a good sign and is considered very good luck for the person in question. People will often come out to assist the person in a time of need, and the person will have many good friends.

Downturn Mouth
The downturn mouth usually indicates a rocky childhood and turbulant late years. A person with this type of mouth also tends to exaggerate and fib.

Big Lips
The phenomenon of the big lips is not recorded in the old text when it comes to Chinese face reading. Thus texts that exist about this type of mouth are from recent studies and observations from the face-reading specialists. Generally, such people love their freedom and don't care to be held back. They can also speak very convincingly, but when it comes to putting their words into action, it becomes more difficult.

Chipped Lip
Essentially, this type of lip is 'missing' a small section; thereby you can see the teeth even when the mouth is closed. This type of lip indicates there could be a negative disturbance on the person's life when they are 60 years of age.

A mole on the lip indicates the person in question has a very curious mind. They want to know the 'who, what, when, where and how'. They are very talkative, so it makes it easier for them to make friends. If the size of the mole is small, then they will not lack food or clothing in their life. It the mole is large, bigger than a grain of rice, then its akin to having lose lips, and this person is destined to sink ships with their lose lips.

All this puts a new meaning to reading lips. What type of lips do you do you have?


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