Submitted by Holbrook PSI on

The following Q & A is from the files of Holbrook PSI.
QUESTION: My name is Rick and I am the target of a black magic curse put on me by a female witch. I'll try to explain this with as much information as I have. I don't know what kind of witch she is but I do know that she doesn't use her real name and prefers to call herself Kirke which I found out later is some sort of derivative of the name Circe. I am 28 years old and I want to say straight up that I do not do drugs or drink a lot of alcohol but this whole story is probably going to sound nuts anyways. The woman is 34 years old. This woman was someone I dated briefly (three times) and it didn't take me long to find out she was off mentally. I do not know how she set about doing this. One of my friends asked me if I left any of my things at her place. I am pretty sure she doesn't have anything that belongs to me since I never hung around or stayed at her apartment. I did not have any sex with her (my friends whose somewhat into the paranormal told me to make sure I told you that although I don't know why!?!) The witch woman was putting out some strong vibes that she wanted to waltz the sheets on the first date and I have to tell you that I'm really glad I didn't because it was tempting. I didn't even find out that she practiced this stuff until our last date when I told her I wasn't interested enough to keep seeing her. I was not cruel just honest and I did not deliberately provoke her in any way. In retrospect I wish I had listened to one of our mutual friends who told me not to start seeing her because she had a mean and spiteful nature but I did what I did and now I need to know what I can do.
Normally I don't believe in these things and at first I just blew her threat off. This is what she said, "You will have no peace or privacy and will be followed everywhere you go by the one who acts as my eyes. No woman will date you." I told her that I was sorry that she was so mad but that was no reason to say something so crazy. She wouldn't say anything else but stood there smiling at me so I left. I have not spoken to her since. Well at first I thought it was pretty funny and stupid but then I started to see something like a black shape out of the corner of my eye when I was at home. This was around April 6. After a couple of days I started to notice it no matter where I was. After about a week this thing seemed to have more of a pretty clear form. It is all black and about three feet tall. It looks like it is wearing some kind of robe with a hood that covers most of its head and it doesn't walk but floats. If I catch it when it is first appearing it seems to generate from dark corners or dark parts of the room. Most times it is just there and always worse at night. At first it was quiet but then it seemed like it was trying to speak but the words were all messed up and I couldn't make any sense of them. I never actually tried to communicate with it because I figured it was best to ignore it. One night while I was sleeping I was awakened by a gravel like hoarse voice that said, "Show yourself to me." Pardon this but at that point I do remember saying, "I'm not showing you shit and you get out of here." Now I'm wondering what it meant by that-show it what? I think that might have been a good thing that I said that because at least it isn't talking or mumbling any more. Well, I'm not exactly sure if I was dreaming that voice but I don't think so because this thing seems to be moving closer to me when I am in bed trying to sleep.
A few times I have even seen it by my car when I get ready to go out. There have been no other manifestations like physical attacks or sounds or stuff being moved or thrown and I refuse to be scared but it is getting unnerving. No one else has seen it but some of my female friends (non romantic) seem to be very uncomfortable to the point of leaving when they come to visit. My friend Patricia told me to write to you and get some advice. She believes me and is one of the friends who feels uncomfortable at my place when she never did before. So how can I either get rid of this curse and this entity or defend myself? I'm up to try anything even religious approaches. So far I haven't done anything except ignore it. I just need to know how to go about it myself before I try to bring someone from the outside into the situation. I would appreciate your feedback because the really sad part is that I have had no luck with the ladies since this happened no matter how good of an attitude I try to keep. Sorry this was so long. Rick (& friend Patricia), CO
Thank you Rick for your question. I will say right off the bat that most of my answer may not be found in books and some may disagree. You will need to make up your own mind to what may help you, this is important; you have to believe that something will help. Let us look at what you said she said, "You will have no peace or privacy and will be followed everywhere you go by the one who acts as my eyes. No woman will date you." This is part curse and part threat. The threat is "the one who acts as my eyes." This could be her familiar or even something that she has called up or which she has struck a deal. She could be using one of these entities to do her bidding, a demon, a nature spirit or a familiar type entity, but with all of these she will have to deal with consequences. With the curse part she will have consequences also… she will have to pay a price. But that is part of her stuff and your question is what you can do to rid yourself of her curse on you.
You said that you do not think that she has anything of yours but did she take a picture of you with her cell phone? Pictures can be used in a lot of magic spells; you can’t always protect yourself from having your picture taken or even knowing if your picture has been taken. So the question your friend asked about if she had anything of yours is not as relevant with the technology of today. So the point is, that we cannot stop anyone that would want to do us harm or from the tools they use to cast their spells. That is the nature of the world today; technology has made it easier to have an image and information on anyone. OK it is not all bad… even though we can’t stop them from doing their magic we can protect ourselves from it to the point that we do know that they have tried to do us harm.
I do find it interesting that you said that she took her name from Greek mythology, Circe or Kirke is one of the minor goddesses of magic. To me, using a name from Greek mythology is a little lame and lacks imagination, just like the words she used in her curse. Circe used magical potions to do her bidding, it sounds like this girl uses a familiar to do hers, that makes it interesting. For the most part people like her cast and curse at almost everyone in their life… they will get aggravated with someone and put a curse on them. Like I said before that is her stuff to work out as karma in her life. You have to feel a little sorry for her; she may never really find happiness because of her outlook on life.
Back to what you should do, first you must look at your own belief system. This means what you believe, how you believe, what your heart and soul believes AND this can be hard to put into words. It is who you are in your belief or your spirituality, your religious belief. This is important for spiritual defense that you call for spiritual help or pray to for intervention. It is all about your personal relationship within your heart with your faith or belief. This will be the base of your spiritual defense, how it is shaped or what you use in your defense. If your belief is based in a specific religion then you will need to base your defense on what that religion dictates. It would not help you to use a Native American charm if you are a Catholic that is unless you have open mind to other beliefs which could allow you to use their defenses. So after you have a base in reference to your spiritual belief you can read up on what that belief says to do for protection. Like you said, if your belief tells you to, you should seek a blessing or spiritual clearing. You can do some clearing yourself also. Spiritual clearing is a mind, body and soul clearing of all the negative you forgive her for what she has done, so that you are not feeding the situation with any extra negative energy. You can also use crystals to help with your clearing and protection (if you belief that they will help) like wearing specific jewelry or carrying stones in your pocket. There are many different crystals and some are good for protection so see which one you are attracted to (also know that some crystals will help with other personal things as well). It is best to pick your own crystal, the size, shape and color. This will help you to pick one over another. If you don’t like a crystal or stone then it may not help you… it still comes back to how you believe and what you believe in.
In your situation, or any spiritual attack, you must be strong in your belief. Within your belief you have the authority to tell the entity to leave and return to where it came from. In your house you have the authority to tell it to leave your house or car. You need to stay in your belief system for assistance from your spiritual belief. An example of this is, “the power of Christ compels you," and this can be used if you believe that Christ has the power to protect you and to defend you against evil. It is good against evil, light against the darkness, so you have to pick your side and have faith in your choice. Be strong in your faith and in what you believe for you must ask for help within your belief because that is where your faith provides you your strength. So there is no real easy answer to your question, I do apologize for that. You will have to look inside for the right path for you to follow… in other words - what is your path? I hope that this helps you to find your own answer, just remember that within your faith you are stronger that outside of your faith.
I would be really interested in your opinion on this. I like to listen to the Coast to Coast AM program on Sirius radio and I figured you must at least be familiar with the program because it is paranormal. Anyway, a couple of weeks ago the show was taking callers who were speaking about their different paranormal experiences. One guy called in with a story that happened when he was about 18 years. It took place in a cemetery in Smithfield, TX. It seems that he and a friend took a Ouija board into that graveyard on Halloween night. The caller did not elaborate on exactly what they were doing with the Ouija board but it seems that they managed to conjure up something pretty nasty. It was described as "black with red eyes" that started to move towards them very quickly jumping from gravestone to gravestone. At any rate, the two guys ran from the pace at the speed of light leaving the Ouija board behind them. That was the whole story and I even listened to it twice to get as many details as possible. So, what was that thing? It almost sounds like it was some kind of unearthly guardian that was pretty pissed off. The host on the show that night was George Noory and he didn't have much to offer except to say that to take a Ouija board into a graveyard on Halloween was really asking for it. What do you say? Thanks! Oliver, TN
Thank you Oliver for your question, I am sorry to say that I did not hear the show that you are asking about. I am familiar with Coast to Coast; I just don’t get to listen to it much. I have enjoyed many of the shows that they have had on, especially when it was broadcast with Art Bell.
First let me say that I am not a fan of an Ouija board or any of the other names it goes by like Spirit Board or Talking Board. These divination tools may have stayed out of the main stream if it was not for Parker Brothers. Sometime in the late 1890's the Ouija board was being sold as a parlor game by Parker Brothers all over the country. My biggest issue with the Ouija board is “where is the information coming from when you ask a question?” With many divination tools like the Ouija board there is no way of knowing with who or what you are communicating. Yes, it is said that when you use one of these divination tools that you could open a portal to the spirit world. I don’t think it opens a portal but acts as an exit sign for the supernatural highway. Let me say it another way, you are trying to make contact with a spirit, ghost or a specific supernatural entity. So when you call out to ‘it’ or ‘them’ using the board as a communication tool, it is like a spotlight in the dark of night… it draws attention to the board. Who or what comes to the board is the problem. How do you know if it is your Uncle Buck or any other spirit or entity that happens to notice the spotlight? So using a Ouija board in a graveyard on Halloween night, when the veil between the spirit-world and the material world is the thinnest is not too smart. It is the recipe for a problem, maybe not every time but it just takes that one time to make the point… like something in all black with red eyes chasing you out of a graveyard. In this case, something black with red eyes sounds like an entity that would be in the realm of a demon not a ghost. It sounds a little like a shadow demon since these are described as dark figures with red eyes in some cases. With the information that you said that the radio show gave it is hard to say for sure what it was.
A dark figure with red eyes is not much of a description. You need details like size, shape, how it moved and if there were any smells or sounds. There are things that you need to know before you can say what it was since there are many things that look similar or will mimic something just for the fear factor. There are entities that feed on fear so they will appear as something that will cause fear in their intended victim, even by looking like an animal or an element such as fire. Some say that these entities are demons also, but I believe that there are some entities like elementals, fairies or any of the many different entities of the supernatural realm that are not demons. So, I cannot say it was a demon or anything else, I will say that I have never ran into anything with red eyes that was good.
I am sorry Oliver that I could not tell you what it was that chased the two graveyard Ouija board users out of the graveyard. To me they got what they asked for by what they were doing and they were lucky if that was all that happened to them. If it was in a physical form it could have done physical damage or could have had the energy to cause problems in their life. Many people, who have used an Ouija board, may have had problems without knowing that it was the use of the Ouija board that started it all. The day they use the Ouija board nothing bad happens, it starts gradually sometime after the fact. So who can say that the two Ouija Board users did not have some supernatural problems later that they did not associate with their experience in the graveyard. Like I said I am sorry that I could not say what it was that they saw that night. One thing that I hope that we all know is that we never use a Ouija board in a graveyard on Halloween night if we know what is good for us.