Survive UN Agenda 21 Depopulation
UN Agenda 21 depopulation of 95% of world by year 2030 is now underway,signed and approved by 200 world leaders including George Bush senior,Bill Clinton
Ronald Reagan signed an agreement with Gorbachev to merge the soviet communist system with the democratic system,America is now the American Soviet and the European Union is the European Soviet
UN Agenda 21,all asphalt tarmac back roads are to be pulverised to make it difficult for people to get to there private property to force people into overcrowded cities,all private property is to be taken by the government including all private farms including organic farms,wild animals are to re-populate the wilds,300 million out of 320 million Americans are to be executed in FEMA camps,all children are to be taken by the government and families to be destroyed and people can only have children if the UN Agenda 21 government eugenics programme gives you permission. All your dreams,ambitions,freedom will no longer exist unless approved by the government.
The NEW MAP OF AMERICA planned by U.N. Agenda 21 sustainability and inforced by local councils by ICLEI,type this into google to find your local iclei office.
The Globalist ruling elites and Jewish American,British Zionist Federation are behind the destruction of middle east countries to bring in the NWO New World Order an advanced high tech civilization and world population is being reduced from 7 billion to 500 million people by year 2030