
Cosmobiology is a discipline concerned with the correlation between the Cosmos and all organic life and the effects of cosmic rhythms and stellar motion on mankind. Man’s character disposition, innate knowledge and all possible turns of fate are a mirror reflection of the Cosmos … the macrocosm in the microcosm …
We are all cells of a greater whole ... why wouldn't the Cosmos and ALL of its information be imprinted in us? Do we actually learn or simply remember?
Man's quest to understand himself with the complexity of the cosmos in reality predates the earliest Babylonian/Sumerian illumination. From the time the first human contemplated his environment his mind has been soul-driven on the quest for understanding him-Self. Like most gallant searches, we simply have not found the physical evidence for it to speak about it with any clarity. The cell memory and the Soul memory knows that civilizations have come and gone without leaving any traces. Values of good or evil, angel or demon, religious underpinnings of any kind, in truth, have nothing whatsoever with that original quest. That quest is the quest of the Soul and the proverbial "why am I here?"
There is a new awakening which is expanding and transforming the minds and hearts of a great multitude of humanity. It can be considered an evolutionary current of the collective experience that will bring forth a radical turn in orientation. Students and teachers of astrology will be confronted with certain dynamics of human psychology and human inter-relationships that no longer satisfy what we truly need to know. Our 2D vision will no longer suffice as we are pulled into a holographic program of understanding and re-understanding. But in essence this is not new but very, very old. The astrology of the Chaldeans and even the ancient Hebrews was steeped in metaphysics and the interpretation of Cosmic Laws. We would be fools to think that these interpretations belonged to them, for their interpretations were based upon the foundation of something much more ancient. Something that transcends what we identify as “time” itself.
Today there is a great divide between Astronomy and Astrology. Why should that be? Could this statement be true?
"Astronomy is actually Astrology that has had its Soul removed."
Esoteric knowledge of astrology is largely attributed to far removed sources or other-worldly beings such as Dwjhal Khul, for example, who allegedly gave certain information of cosmobiological significance via channeling to Alice Bailey. We can accept that or poo-poo it. We can look at it this way, either Alice had one hell of an imagination OR she had in fact tapped into something, not necessarily someone, very ancient. Perhaps something that was always there. Imprinted in her being and ready for release.
When something comes very easily to a person, let's say a foreign language, OR they just understand it without ever having studied it, it means they have had contact with that language prior to incarnating and are currently releasing that ability. Where did that ability come from? If we go into the modern study of the Seven Rays and calculate a person's Rays, we would see that a person who carries a strong 7th Ray influence (arcane knowledge of all time and non time) would most likely make a good astrologer, alchemist or high magician. Why? Because the imprint is there. Who imprinted this? The Soul. Who created the Soul? What we call Source, the Divine, God, the Ultra Natural or an “accident” depending on your flavor du jour and current orientation. We are all cells of a greater whole ... why wouldn't the Cosmos and ALL of its information be imprinted in us?
Yet we continue to speculate through our current level of understanding shaped by exposure and beliefs, our books, attended lectures and studies - Perhaps it is aliens, inter-dimensionals, ascended masters and anything else we can identify by a structured specific title? OR is it … Just plain evolution of the human mind? No to each.
It is merely the predisposition, the blueprinting of the Cosmos that resides in each man in his cell and Soul memory and is always there and always will be there.
He will recognize it and the complexity of the Cosmos bit by bit when he is ready just as he did at the beginning of it all.
The ancient astrologers believed everything in the sky to be stars. Planets were simply called "moving stars." When they were ready to look into the future of an individual or a nation they took into account the ENTIRE sky as far as their perspective would allow. Astrology originated in Babylonia (modern Iraq) and it incorporated fifty individual constellations each of which had its own set of symbols. The "appearance" of planets or moving stars in certain areas of the sky served as "omens." In the beginning, astrology wasn't personalized or akin to an individual - it was localized or more concerned with events that affected the whole. For some cultures such as the Egyptians and Sumerians, the stars reflected actual geographic areas on Earth. The temples on the Acropolis of Greece were built in alignment with the Pleiades and the pyramids of Giza lie in correlation with and form a precise terrestrial map with the three stars that constitute the belt of Orion in that great constellation. The Ancient Persians kept and safeguarded centuries' worth of astrological findings. Personal or natal astrology can most likely be credited to the Greeks who were more interested in the individual man.
Like other professions today's astrology has "specialists" each with their own brand of knowledge and expertise that they bring to the client. This ranges from the weather to Wall Street to reincarnation and everything in between. New forms of Astro-Cosmology are cropping up all the time and they honor the old but embrace the new.
Every thing in the known universe is in motion, including our lives. Why not the signs? It is time the world caught up with the NEW AGE. Aquarius is the sign rising in spring, which means we are in the Aquarian Age."
Many people who are familiar with astrology and who have had many mundane readings eventually want to look closer at the spiritual side of the SELF. They are interested in Karma, past lives or simply why they exist in this particular time and space. The methods used by astrologers to examine such matters are as varied as the astrologers themselves. Such methods are generally based on ancient schematics and can be quite involved. Other newer methods are formulated by astrologers after much research and time testing. For example, veteran astrologer Bernie Ashman devised a method for reading past lifetimes by viewing natal chart planets in a clockwise fashion rather than according to the traditional counter clockwise house system. In this manner the sign and degree of the 12th house cusp become the past life Ascendant and the entire chart is read in mirror image - the natal 11th house become the past life 2nd house and so on and so forth.
Karma charts, Past Life charts, Seven Rays charts and any other kind of esoteric charts are always read in coordination with an individual's natal chart and current projection charts in order to give that individual the most complete information. In the following example by STARLOGIC ASTRODYNAMICS a Karma chart is cast by using the midpoint of the Sun (Spirit of current incarnation) and Moon (Soul memory) as the Karmic Ascendant degree. All house cusps are equal to the degree of the Ascendant. Planets are placed according to their natal degree in the corresponding houses and are read as past or karmic influences. The following summary is a short briefing of a "few" stand out influences. In reality this chart was interpreted along with the nativity, projection chart, solar return, Seven Rays analysis and geo-morphic resonance analysis.
CHART OF KARMA: The signs that appear on the major angles indicate the Karmic Cross for the current lifetime. The chart shows a Fixed Cross indicating that the individual will be very aware that the Soul is being tested and the current lifetime experience will have periods of definitive quiescence followed by periods of definitive turmoil and upheaval... very black and white with no grey. This will be ongoing throughout life.
Planets at Anaretic or Karmic degree (29Ëš- 0Ëš) take on great meaning as does natal Saturn and the Nodal Axis. The natal chart (insert) indicates three planets at Anaretic Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto. Jupiter is conjunct Neptune in the nativity and both are opposed by Saturn. In the natal set-up the opposition exists from the 2nd - 8th houses but in the Karmic chart the emphasis is from the 4th -10th houses. Problems regarding current issues of self worth and value can be rooted in suppressed identity and values of the past (note the weight of planets in the Karmic 2nd house).
The Anaretic Jupiter indicates that in a past life there was not enough information was gleaned by the individual which led to narrow-mindedness. So, taking steps to broaden the mind by increasing education and taking opportunities to travel and explore are encouraged (in the nativity Jupiter rules the 9th house of travel and the 10th house of reputation) this time around. The Anaretic Neptune shows escape problems in the past. Issues were never faced straight on and this was an underlying factor of the narrow-mindedness (Neptune rules the 1st house (self) of the nativity). Pluto at Anaretic degree indicates difficulty accepting change.
Pluto is known as the "truth bearer" and acts very much like an all-seeing eye. Plutonian energy can and will initiate situations that force needed change. Often the individual thinks that it is others who need to change when in reality it is the individual who needs to change. From its natal 7th house position (others) it is part of a stellium with the Sun and Venus (6th house of work). In the current lifetime there are some problems with work relations due to a bossy nature and this can be residual generation from the 3rd house position of these planets in the Karmic chart indicating strong desire to communicate. Because the individual is on a Fixed Cross karmically, extra effort must be put into understanding that every ending has a new beginning and it is important to accept each hand that Fate deals with a new perspective and without unnecessary harsh words, bad attitude and bossy behavior towards others. Above all, placing blame on others for personal shortcomings should cease. In this lifetime the individual has chosen to live on a Mutable Cross indicating a great variety of life experiences that will encourage expansion and cooperation with others.
Saturn in Gemini operating from the 10th house (reputation) of the Karma chart and the 2nd house (self worth) of the nativity speaks of overcoming fears to reach goals. It also relays that the individual needs to learn to acquire knowledge for purposes other than the accumulation of useless information... after all knowledge needs to be kept in motion but also needs to be communicated in the proper way. Finally, the Nodal Axis in the nativity straddling the 5th-11th houses shows the need to use creativity for goals with a reminder from the karmic 6th-12th house axis to be respectful while in the service of others. After all it is difficult to be respectful of others if you think you are right ALL of the time.
7 RAYS ANALYSIS: This analysis in simple terms reveals the Divine Will of the SOUL for the current lifetime. It can only be read in tandem with a natal a chart and a karmic chart. Calculations are based on the DAY of birth and the TIME. The planets (with the exception of the Moon) take on Esoteric meanings and the Earth and the astro-entity known as Vulcan are placed in Ray Zones based upon house placement (which are known esoterically as "mansions") according to the natal sign of the calculated SOUL POWER PLANET. The MONAD RAY of the Soul OR origin of the Soul (which never changes) and the SOUL RAY and PERSONALITY RAY (which change every seven incarnations) are calculated along with their subrays and the SACRED and SOUL POWER planet and the SACRED TRIAD. In addition, the influence of certain Fixed Stars that are filters for the Rays are also interpreted.
In a "brief" summary of the 7 RAYS example chart (which was read with the prior KARMIC CHART example, the Natus and all Projection charts in full delineation), the individual is calculated as a 5th SOUL RAY. The problems of this lifetime cannot be answered purely by logic and reason but by the TRUTH... after all, one cannot solve all the problems of life with logic and reason. The individual develops a quest of "HOW?" through conflict and the constant solving of the problems of life as indicated by the Fixed Cross of the KARMIC CHART. The 2nd PERSONALITY RAY holds the essence of DIVINE LOVE and the quality of compassion accompanied by will and strength to carry on despite adversity. Under these conditions the individual is purged and cleansed. When the PERSONALITY RAY is blended into the SOUL RAY the individual is capable of much good because the Soul moves closer to DIVINE WILL (God). The Soul purpose is to trust intuition along with reason.
Jupiter is the SOUL POWER planet and it is conjunct Neptune. The drive is a spiritual quest for Higher Universal Truths. It is necessary to expand spiritual knowledge along with educational needs (notice how this theme is repeating itself?). Mars indicates that much aggression will be used in communication which will set the stage for life experiences and conditions for testing. It is in a Grand Trine with Saturn and Uranus which grants the individual the cosmic right to extend the self with authority. Earth indicates a promise of immortality (also validated by the 4th Astral Ray). When the individual falls asleep at night and ventures to the 4th Ray relations with other Souls are conducted as "practice."
The heavily weighted 10th mansion which holds the SACRED PLANET Venus along with the Sun, Mercury, Pluto and Vulcan reveals that it is important to be "seen" in this lifetime (which was not the case in the past lifetime) and act as an advocate for others. This theme will present itself many times as the individual is striving to overcome the narrow-mindedness of the past life.
The Noda Axis straddling the 6-12th houses in the KARMIC CHART indicate collective service to the individual's collective generation. The Anaretic planets and in particular Pluto in the 7th house of the natal chart indicate MANY past lifetimes spent garnering expertise regarding the secrets of life and death both scientifically and arcanely. The retrograde Chiron in Aries in the 1st house of the natal chart show the capacity for leadership and unconscious unfoldment due to its involvement with the 2nd PERSONALITY RAY (love)/1st subray (leadership). A natal T-Square consisting of the Moon square a Uranus/Chiron opposition creates a crisis over feelings and Higher Consciousness and gives a much needed push towards overcoming subjectivity and embracing more objectivity. This is the essence of a Spiritual Warrior drawing in healing, initiatory and alchemical processes in this lifetime.
Astrologers are often asked for a Karmic/Past Life Synastry which is a chart comparative for two or more people. The purpose is to determine the possible events that transpired between two or more people and what they are "working out" OR "on" in the current lifetime. It involves a 150 point checklist involving various connections to the South Nodes of each chart. Sometimes an astrologer might be approached by an individual who has had past life recall and has actually historically researched the alleged past life persona for personal validation. If birth information is available for the past life persona the astrologer can look at the inter-chart comparison for "clues." For example, if the "current" persona's 12th house sign and degree happen to fall on the "past life" persona's Ascendant or occupy the 1st house this might be a good indicator that there is more to analyze for further validation.
It would seem from these examples that astrologers have the ability to peer through time. They can look backwards at past lives and karma and forwards in a current lifetime through use of transits, progressions, directions, solar and lunar returns. But can they look far enough ahead to view a future incarnation? Well, if we accept the tenant that the chart never dies and lives on even after a person has left the planet the answer is yes. There are some schools of thought that postulate that the current nativity's 2nd house cusp becomes the Ascendant for the next future incarnation. That is where the theory ends because even if this was true the signs, degrees and house placements of the planets would still remain a mystery. Using the nativity in the prior example, the individual can therefore expect to have a Taurus Ascendant in the next lifetime. The rest is up to the Soul who will choose the rest of the astro-map according to what it feels it has yet to learn in Earth school.