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Minor Arcana Matrix

   Wands  Cups  Pentacles Swords



Ace = New beginnings

2 = Balance & Polarity

3 = Near Completion

4 = Absolute Completion

5 = Foolishness

6 = Phsysical Manifestation

7 = Choices/Decisions

8 = Sorrow

9 = A situation that must be dealt with

10 = Success & completion

Page = Announcement

Knight = Aggressive Pursuit

Queen = Nurturer

King = Obstacle


Wands = Communication

Cups = Emotion

Pentacles = Money/Material things

Swords = Conflicts


The Major Arcana

The Major Arcana is extremely complex and very personal to the psychic. In order to give a good reading you must rely on knowledge of the cards and most importantly intuition. Each card of The Major Arcana MUST be meditated on, this not only enhances your intuition it gives you a connection and relationship to your cards.


Here are some basic meanings from

0 The Fool

The Fool can be placed either at the beginning or the end of the Major Arcana or anywhere in the Cycle  He or She stands at the start of a journey, and in this sense symbolises new beginnings, along with limitless potential.Innocence, trust, spontaneous and irrational behaviour, 'going with the flow' - these are all Fool qualities.The negative side of The Fool is reckless,impulsive, lack of commitment, an inability to stay the course, 


1 The Magician

Power and Skill, The Magician. He symbolises intelligence, creativity, communication, direction and control over the material world.The Magician uses his abilities to make things happen, and whereas the Fool intimates great potential, the Magician shows that this potential can be realised if control is taken of the situation.Negatively aspected, the Magician indicates indecisiveness, hesitancy, deceptive and manipulative control, lacking in confidence. 


2 The High Priestess

The High Priestess is also a being of great Power and Skill - but while the Magician employs willed control of the Material world, the High Priestess works on a much more subtle level. She symbolises hidden wisdom, psychic ability and the use of Spiritual energies to bring about results. All Feminine, Psychic and Spiritual abilities are related to her.As a negative influence, she indicates conceit and stagnant energy, potential denied, a lack of foresight. 


3 The Empress

This is the Archetype of Maternal energies. The Empress speaks of all things to do with motherhood and domesticity, fertility and growth, Motherly Love. Seeds planted, be they the seeds of a relationship or of an enterprise, are coming to fruition.When negative in relation to other cards, the Empress can indicate unfaithfulness in relationships, a lack of care for others, laziness, and insecurity.


4 The Emperor

An active, authoritarian, Masculine card, The Emperor symbolises Authority, leadership, ambition and discipline, and fatherhood,  A self-reliant builder, bureaucrat and leader who craves stability and order, he symbolises organising one's life and taking a more forceful attitude to achieving one's goals; building a stable base from which to progress.In his negative aspect, The Emperor can indicate an obstinate and overbearing nature; a weak, hesitant, character; strong opposition to one's aims.


5 The Hierophant

The Hierophant deals with traditional values,Education, and Conformity. the need to follow a strict moral path and to rely on received wisdom. Now is not the time for spontaneous action or for innovation - the Querent should rely on well known or traditional solutions.Negatively, the Hierophant indicates bigotry, conformity, blind obedience, hypocrisy, fanaticism and intolerance, as well as holding stubbornly to a path of action even when to do so is causing problems.


6 The Lovers

Relationships, romance, love and sexuality are all seen in this card. On a deeper level, the Lovers deals with choices which have to to be made, and teaches that the act of choosing should be guided by the heart rather than the head. Also, responsibility within relationships and the balance of Male/Female energies need to be considered.Negatively aspected, The Lovers relates to badly made choices. temptations, and relationship problems (anything from rejection or jealousy to separation and divorce). 


7 The Chariot

Success is coming! The Chariot speaks of taking control of your own life and moving forwards. Taking the reins implies using willpower and forethought to move ahead on a journey of self-discovery to the successful achievement of your goal.Victory and strength of character,The negative indications of this card are: failure due to ill-considered action or badly thought out goals; overconfidence; angry rage, loss of control.


8 Strength

Strength is manifested through gentleness and control of the emotions. This can be found through dedicated self-development or lessons to help develop Strength may arise from Life itself. In all situations, there is a need for self control and compassion, Patience or reconciliation rather than conflict.The negative forces associated with Strength are arrogance and lack of tact; impatience and impatient action; brutality; meddling in other people's affairs; misuse of power.


9 The Hermit

Inner wisdom, inner guidance and self-knowledge are the main themes of The Hermit. Withdrawal from a situation to gain a clearer and more informed perspective, Solitude,Guidance, a need to learn, either from instruction or from experience. There is also a warning of a need for caution.When negatively aspected, this card indicates stupidity, stubbornness, misanthropy and wilful ignorance. 


10 The Wheel of Fortune

Fortunes rise and fall in a cycle. changes in our affairs, good fortune, success and reaping what we have sown. A turning point, The unfortunate aspects are: ill-fortune, payment of Karmic debts and lack of success based on poor preparation. unexpected difficulties, But the wheel will continue to turn,

11 Justice

Balance, decisions, equilibrium, Cause and effect.In the negative sense, Justice points to a situation which needs to be re-balanced, injustice or bias,  There is also a suggestion of legal matters and paperwork to be dealt with.


12 The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man is suspended; upside down,  This card signifies the need for letting go and patience, Transition, a voluntary sacrifice for a Higher purpose.The negative aspects of this card are: indecision, a situation of impossible choice, useless self-sacrifice and boredom or stagnation. 


13 Death

Death is the ending and the beginning, Whether this change is pleasant or not depends on how someone views their present situation! It is out with the old in with the new,The negative implications of this card are loss, fear of loss, a fear of letting go,  and holding on to things which no longer have a purpose in our lives. stagnation. 


14 Temperance

The word 'Temperance' means 'Moderation'.  In a Reading, this card shows a need for balance, moderation and self control,  It is also a card of harmony, health and healing.In a negative sense, Temperance speaks of extremes in everything – mood, behaviour, lifestyle - and of instability influencing the surrounding situation. 


15 The Devil

This card has two interpretations. One relates to choice, with a warning not to choose solely on the basis of material considerations,in most decks, the figures below the Devil are held only by light chains - they choose to be imprisoned, The other meaning is that life is being lived on a purely material basis, ruled without reason by the lowest of human instincts, and to excess in all areas especially those of sex and money, 


16 The Tower

Sudden shocks or crises are indicated by this card. Situations or states of mind which have outlived their usefulness are about to be destroyed and the ground cleared for new growth. This is only painful if it is not accepted, or viewed with the wrong attitude.Now is not a good time to plan for the future - it is time to live in the day. Equally, if the Querent's life is filled with problems, this card can indicate a dramatic (though not necessarily painless) change.


17 The Star

Following the apparently catastrophic influence of The Tower comes the peaceful healing of The Star. This card indicates hope for the future, inspiration, and Blessings offered by the Universe. Trials and ordeals are over, opportunities and indications for the future are good.The Star can have negative meanings - disappointment, closed attitudes and an unwillingness to move on in life. 


18 The Moon

The warning moon tells us of confusions, fear and illusion, the moon urges one to rely on instincts and intuition. The other side of the moon can show health problems and depression.


19 The Sun

After the Night comes the Dawn. The Sun indicates all things good in Life - joy in what you do, success in all matters, an understanding of yourself and your Life.The Sun's negative aspects are: superficiality, egotism and a love of showing off 

20 Judgement

It is time to make a change: the Querent is surrounded by opportunity and the Universe is waiting. However, the change must be made: nothing will happen if it is not worked for. It is important to think of the implications of what is done, to act responsibly and for the highest good of all concerned.The negative aspects of Judgement are: hesitation and thoughtlessness  note that this can include being prejudiced or judgemental.Judgement also carries the message that whatever is about: to happen will come about because of past actions. 


21 The World

Journey's end - and new beginnings! Completion, Plans have succeeded. self-awareness is clear. understanding is full: life is harmonious, enlightenment  and balanced. After a time of rest, the next stage of the Querent's journey will begin.Negative interpretations of The World include: blocked energies, possibly even failure not taking all available information into account; lack of self-worth, and delays.


The Pyramid Spread


*For this Lesson Please click on images for full size


       The Pyramid spread is a classic spread that is complex but can be easily understood. Please note that this particular spread is meant to be looked from many different view points. There are mini pyramids that connect to each other to form the pyramid and you must look at the entire pyramid as well and follow the cards ascending on the left and right of the pyramid that lead to the Main outcome. Each way you look at the pyramid you will see more and more answers.


       Above is the Basic lay out of the 15 card spread. Let me go over the basics since the image is more a Visual with a few rules than it is a complete guide. 

       After you have done your personal routine lay out cards 1 through 5 from left to right and continue going from the left to right as you build the the pyramid until you reach the 15th card at the top.

       Through out the spread their are ten Mini pyramids. All ten mini pyramids connect to each other.

Lets look at a simple Pyramid Three Card reading. 

Now that we have an understanding of how the mini pyramids connect and create the full pyramid please refer to first Image for the meaning of the three cards in the middle of the spread.


The Major Arcana is extremely complex and very personal to the psychic. In order to give a good reading you must rely on knowledge of the cards and most importantly intuition. Each card of The Major Arcana MUST be meditated on, this not only enhances your intuition it gives you a connection and relationship to your cards. Go to the Main Page for more info.
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