
The Unexplained takes many obscure forms. It includes every mystery that has not been solved and every question that has not been answered. The world in which we live is such an extraordinary place that it is very unlikely we will ever solve every puzzle, break every code, or understand every awesome phenomena, yet, we go on trying flying into the unknown on wings of speculation ...
~ PORTAL 1 ~
In 1912, upon his return trip from Frascati, Italy, a New York book dealer by the name of Wilfrid Voynich, announced that he had obtained a most curious volume of ancient works. The Voynich Manuscript is a 246 page, 5½“X 8½” velum leaved book with an undecipherable code that the world’s greatest cryptographers and linguistic experts have failed to crack to date. Today, the book rests in the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. It has been dubbed the “most mysterious manuscript in the world”, and has been theorized to have different “author” sources. Authorship by alchemist and philosopher Roger Bacon has been the most popular theory and more recently, the authorship by extraterrestrials has come to public attention.
What is this mysterious work and what is its origin? Voynich found it amongst a collection of ancient manuscripts kept in the library of Mondragone College a Jesuit institution in Frascati. Purchasing the volume, he brought it back to New York where the unraveling of its history began. No one really knows the origin of the manuscript. Voynich believed it to be dated back to the 13th century but today, experts believe it to be written sometime between the 15th and 17th centuries citing it to be European in nature. In 2009, the University of Arizona performed carbon dating on four individual samples of the Voynich. The combined data placed the age of the Voynich between 1404-1438 with a 95% probability.
A piece of paper attached to the manuscript states that it was once part of the library of Petrus Beckx S.J., 22nd general of the Society of Jesus. A letter dated 1666, written by Johannes Marcus Marci, rector of the University of Prague, to a Jesuit scholar Athanasius Kircher, identifies the manuscript as being purchased by Emperor Rudolph II of Bohemia (1552-1612). The Emperor was said to be typical of the occult oriented noblemen of his time. He was surrounded by court astrologers and was a patron of alchemy. He fancied the odd and unusual and was intrigued by games, codes, and puzzles. It is believed that he paid a handsome sum of gold for it, amounting to fourteen thousand dollars by today’s standards. A letter was supposedly attached to the manuscript stating that is was the work of Roger Bacon. Bacon, also known as Dr. Mirabilis, was renowned as a philosopher and alchemist. His knowledge of physics and mathematics was formidable. Also thought to be a great seer, Bacon was centuries ahead of his time predicting the features of 20th century life.
Some experts believe that there is a link between John Dee, the great English occultist, mathematician, and astrologer who was a known collector of Bacon’s work, and Emperor Rudolph’s purchase of the manuscript while Dee visited the court from 1582-86. The book moved from the hands of the Emperor to the director of his botanical gardens in 1608 and then to the hands of an unknown individual in 1622. This individual left the book to Marci in a will. Marci sent the book to Kircher in 1666 and until it was purchased by Voynich in 1912 it sat forgotten in the Mondragone Library.
The manuscript is mostly composed of drawings with text. There are only 33 pages of full text and one page that contains a Key. The only colors that were used in the drawings are red, blue, yellow, green, and brown. All of the script is enciphered. The entire volume seems to be divided into five sections. The first section contains 130 pages of botanical drawings with an accompanying text. None of the plant drawings have been satisfactorily identified but this section is thought to be some kind of treatise on the medicinal or curative powers of plants. The second section contains 26 drawings that are astronomical and astrological in nature. One drawing in particular has received much attention because it is thought to exactly replicate the Milky Way Galaxy. There are also charts of some strange calendar that contains the zodiacal signs and a population of miniscule naked people. The third section has 4 pages of text and 28 drawings that appear to be biological in nature. These include tiny naked women frolicking in tubs which in turn are connected by some kind of weird plumbing that looks like human body parts. The fourth section contains 34 alleged pharmaceutical drawings and the fifth section has 23 pages of text arranged in brief paragraphs prefixed by a star. Page 24 is the Key.
The Voynich Variable
There have been a few scholarly attempts to unravel the Voynich mystery. One such attempt was made by Robert S. Brumbaugh of Yale University in the 1970’s. He proposed that some of the writing was a number code where each number from 1-9 represented three letters of the alphabet. The numbers were substituted for the “Voynichese” symbols that appeared on some of the pages. It is believed that much of the writing in the manuscript is a form of simplified Latin where the words frequently end in us. Here is Brumbaugh’s proposed number key code:
1 = A, J, V
2 = B, K, R
3 = C, L, W
4 = D, M, S
5 = E, N, X
6 = F, O, T
7 = G, P, Y
8 = H, Q, U
9 = I, (US), Z
With this number/letter/symbol substitution code, Brumbaugh was able to decipher the word PEPPER from the derived substituted numbers of 757752. The illustration that accompanied this cipher strongly resembled a pepper plant. The names of other plants and of some of the stars in the manuscript were also deciphered in this manner. Unfortunately after further deciphering Brumbaugh's proposal turned out to be inconclusive.
To date, the Voynich Manuscript has resisted all attempts and efforts at translation of its “Voynichese” by experts. It has even defied computer analysis. It is thought to be either an ingenious hoax or a truly unbreakable cipher. Seems only time will tell!
In essence, the Picatrix is THE Occult Classic of Astrological Magic Complete.
From the disclaimer by Christopher Warnock and John Michael Greer in their translation of the PICATRIX: The material in this book includes descriptions of processes and activities that may be hazardous, illegal or both. Readers who choose to pursue any of these activities do so entirely at their own risk, and are urged to use discretion, to be aware of the potential risks involved in these processes and activities, and to consult with appropriate licensed professionals before making any attempt to perform any such processes or activities. The translators and publisher of this book shall have no liability nor responsibility with respect to any loss or damage caused by reading or following any of the instructions in this book.
Like so many works of Arabic occultism, the Picatrix eventually found its way to Europe and was translated into Spanish and Latin at the court of Alfonso the Wise, King of Castile in the year 1256. At that time it was renamed Picatrix – a name that to this day evades attempts by scholars to figure out what the blazes it means. So of course speculation reigns – is Picatrix the Latin version of an Arabic transliteration of some Greek name like Harpocrates, the Hellenistic Egyptian god of silence and mystery? Or does the Latin text foster something even more intriguing … that Picatrix is actually the name of the tome’s author?
So, according to the general history of mighty magical tome, most of the most significant scholarly occultists of the late Middle Ages drew information from it or from material borrowed from it by other authors. Marsilio Ficino borrowed heavily from it for his “pathbreaking” Three Books on Life and Cornelius Agrippa’s Three Books of Occult Philosophy were extensively influenced by it. Simon Forman, Elias Ashmole and the famous astrologer William Lilly used it as a primary source for their magical work. With the end of the Renaissance and the rise of scientific materialism the Picatrix dropped from sight. Today it remains one of the least known and most mysterious works of western occultism. The philosophy that grounds the Picatrix is the same Neoplatonism that fills the aforementioned books. It is not a hodge podge of magical recipes and rituals but a construct of detailed instructions in magical procedures gathered by Arabic occultists over two centuries. The astral magic of Mesopotamia and the magic practiced in Ancient Egypt and other magics that were clearly borrowed from Hindu tradition all contributed to the collection of magical technique in the Picatrix. The most important fact that must be considered about the Picatrix is that it is the product of a much older world. Its magic draws on a conception of the nature of magic and the universe that differs drastically from contemporary occult traditions … its source of power is found in the macrocosm and not the microcosm, a power that is native to the universe and not the mage.
How you may know your degree (place) in the universe
The first chapter opens with:
You should know, my dearest brother, that the best and most notable gift that God has given to humanity in this world is knowledge. By knowledge we become acquainted with ancient things, and the causes of everything in the world, and what more immediate causes are the causes of of other things, and how one corresponds to another. By this we can know everything that is and why it is, and why one thing is raised above another in due order, and in what place exists the root and beginning of all things of this world: that thing by which all things are dissolved, and through which everything new and old is made known.
And ends with:
Wherefore you should know that the secrets we intend to reveal in this book of ours cannot be won unless you obtain knowledge first. Whoever desires to know ought to acquire a passion for the sciences and thoroughly scrutinize their rules, or it is ordained that theses secrets cannot be won except through wisdom and study in the sciences. In these secrets, however, is a great purity with which you may be able to help many.
EXCERPT BOOK TWO ~ CHAPTER 6 (of 12); CHAPTER 12 (of 12)
The virtues of images, and by what means they may be had, and how images may receive the powers of planets, and how works are done by images, and this is the foundation of science of magic and images.
... magical images work by virtue and similarity, because a magical image is nothing other than the power or celestial bodies the material bodies they influence. Thus when the substance of the material body disposed to receive the influence of the influence of the aforesaid celestial bodies or planets, and the celestial body likewise is disposed to influence the material body of the magical image, the image will be more powerful and more disposed to bring about the effect we seek and desire.
When you wish to do any evil thing, we ought to seek that the Moon is in Cancer or Libra forms an aspect with Mars, or conjoins him in the Ascendant or seventh house; the evil that you ask for will be fulfilled.
Why the secrets of this science may not be understood except a little at a time.
The ancient sages who have spoken of the occult sciences and magic in their books wrote them as obscurely as they could, so that no one would be able to gain any benefit from them, except by means of wisdom and continual study and practice in them. This chapter is placed here, as though by mistake, in order to make a modest demonstration of this.
Everything is good when it leaves the Creator's hands; everything degenerates in the hands of man." (Jean Jacques Rousseau)
The things of magical art found in the book The Chaldean Agriculture which Abudaer Abemiaxie translated from the Chaldean language into Arabic.
The things of magical art found in the book The Chaldean Agriculture which Abudaer Abemiaxie translated from the Chaldean language into Arabic.
FOR TAKING AWAY WARTS. First count how many there are, and take the same number of chickpeas. When the Moon is conjunct the Sun [new Moon] according to its proper motion, you should warm the aforesaid chickpeas somewhat at the fire. Then upon each one of the warts put one of the chickpeas, and leave it there for a little while; then take it off the same, and let it be put in a black cloth and tied with a thread. Stand upon a high place, throw the chickpeas behind you, and return to your home without any backward glance or step toward the chickpeas.
It's a 800 year old mysterious book that in its day was believed to contain all human knowledge. But why did medieval people believe that the author sold his soul to the devil to be able to write it?
Also known as the Devil's Bible, the Codex Gigas is believed to have been created by Herman the Recluse in the Benedictine monastery of Podlažice near Chrudim in the Czech Republic. The monastery was destroyed during the 15th century. Records in the codex end in the year 1229. The codex was later pledged to the Cistercians Sedlec Monastery and then bought by the Benedictinemonastery in Brevnov. From 1477–1593 it was kept in the library of a monastery inBroumov until it was taken to Prague in 1594 to form a part of the collections ofRudolf II.
At the end of theThirty Years' War in the year 1648, the entire collection was taken by theSwedish army as plunder. From 1649 to 2007 the manuscript was kept in the Swedish Royal Library in Stockholm. The site of its creation is marked by amaquette in the town museum of Chrast.
On Friday 7th May 1697, a fierce fire broke out at the royal castle in Stockholm, and the Royal Library suffered very badly. The codex was rescued from the flames by throwing it out of a window. The codex apparently injured a bystander and some of its leaves fluttered away and they are still missing today. In September, 2007, after 359 years, Codex Gigas returned to Prague on loan from Sweden until January 2008, and was on display at theCzech National Library.
About half of the Codex consists of the entire Latin Bible in the Vulagte version, except for the books of Acts and Revealation, which are from apre-Vulgate version. They are in the order Genesis-Ruth; Isaiah-Daniel; Hosea-Malachi; Job; Samuel and Kings; Psalms-Song of Solomon; Wisdom of Solomon; Wisdom of Jesus; Esdras; Tobit; Judith; Esther; and Maccabees. Between the Testaments are Josephus' Antiquities of the Jews and De bello iudacio as well as Isiodre of Seveille's encyclopedia and the medical works og Hippocrates, Theophilus, Philaretus and Constantinus. Following a blank page, the New Testament commences with Matthew-Acts, James-Revelation, and Romans-Hebrews. Following the picture of the devil, Cosmas of Prague's Chronicle of Bohemia, a list of brothers in the Podlažice monastery, and a calendar with necroloquim, magic formulae and other local records round out the codex. The entire document is written in Latin, in addition, it containshebrew, Greek and Slavic alphabets (Cryllic and Glagolitic).
The manuscript includes illuminations in red, blue, yellow, green and gold. Capital letters are elaborately illuminated, frequently across the entire page. The codex has a unified look as the nature of the writing is unchanged throughout, showing no signs of age, disease or mood on the part of the scribe. This may have led to the belief that the whole book was written in a very short time (see Legend). But scientists are starting to believe and research the theory that it took over 20 years to complete.
According to one version of a legend that is already recorded in the Middle Ages the scribe was a monk who broke his monastic vows and was sentenced to be walled up alive. In order to forbear this harsh penalty he promised to create in one single night a book to glorify the monastery forever, including all human knowledge. Near midnight he became sure that he could not complete this task alone, so he made a special prayer, not addressed to God but to the fallen angel Lucifer, asking him to help him finish the book in exchange for his soul. The devil completed the manuscript and the monk added the devil's picture out of gratitude for his aid. In tests to recreate the work, it is estimated that reproducing only the calligraphy, without the illustrations or embellishments, would have taken 5 years of non-stop writing
So, the mystery is ... Did more than one person contribute to the Codex Gigas?
~ PORTAL 2 ~
Is it true or could it possibly be true?
"The Dark Satellite - A Conjecture"
“So they called forth a form
From the Deep dark abyss
To embody their evil desires.
Obedient it came
From the realms of the dead,
Arrayed in its magic attire.
As it passed o’er the earth
The fair flowers fell dead
From the breath of poisonous fire.”
Extract from the alleged lost magical works of Hermes Trismegistus
What did Hermes Trismegistus know that we don't know? What did he recognize that we fail to see?
The obvious - From mankind’s unconscious observations of Mother Nature’s perpetual warfare with Herself sprang the idea that it is impossible to find anything that is not in brutal conflict with something else. Someone would win and someone would lose. Someone would live and someone would die. There were consequences attached to actions and consequences attached to non action. From this observation, the concepts of good and evil, God and the Devil, pro and anti became the cornerstone of every worldly sacerdotalism.
Background conjecture - There has been much earnest and studious thought given to the Dark Satellite. Some believe it to be tied to the Egyptian conception of spiritual fall and some believe it to be the Lost Orb of the Grecian mysteries while others insist it is the Moon in its connotation of the 8th sphere of death and dissolution. Yet there is another explanation. During the Golden and Silver Ages of the Earth’s evolution, the Dark Satellite was in the aphelion of its orbit. Its influence was scarcely felt but was minutely recognized as “animal force” and underdeveloped propensity for good. During the Copper and Iron Ages the orb gradually approached Earth and its dark shadows started to become perceptible yet remained bewildering. Around 1881 it passed its perihelion point and began to recede yet its dark clouds were not completely lifted from mankind’s mental horizon, as it remains today - a disturbing factor of our planet’s mental equilibrium.
The essence of evil - The orb is said to possess a complete and competent organization of its own. It is governed by defined laws the nature of which is exhibited in the lower animal nature and lack of virtue manifested in mankind. The sphere is inhabited by a numerous variety of races of spiritual beings possessing high intellect, disdain and cunning. Originating from a dark center in the Astral Realm, this “dark council” of magical hierophants creates the Grand Delusion. They are the producers of human suffering and misery and the procurers of lies, deceit, fraud and all religious and spiritual imposture. All these things are constantly reformulated and regenerated to suit the temper of current human times and contemporary conduct. The influence is subtle and perpetual - psychological poison projected into the dimensional mental matrix of the human race; the occult current penetrating the inner recesses of the switchboard of the mind and bombarding the Soul until finally in the heart of mankind is found an evil sliver of self interest which grows like a cancer of discontent fed by greed and self righteousness. The manner of energy distribution is inversive and used to distort and corrupt every arcane truth and inject it into theological/spiritual dogma always with just enough “error” and doubt to make it acceptable logic to the human mind. The favored targeted prey is always those who are half informed of nature’s mysteries. The old proverb … “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing,” aptly applies here.
The greatest accomplishment of the Dark Satellite while it was at its perihelion was distortion of theology and metaphysics throughout the world at large through the doctrines of reincarnation and karma and the afterlife. Not all of this was successful because there are certain natural absolutes that cannot be corrupted by the dark magic. Man alone possesses the elements of both life and death. The laws of life have been fully elucidated and then the Soul obeys a higher call.
“ … those Souls who are really human beings, will inherit Immortality as the natural consequence of their humanity.” ~Zolar~
Deific atoms are imperishable. They will always enter a new cycle of involution and evolution.
What is benefit of all this corruption to the shadowy hierarchy of the Dark Satellite? It is quite basic really – it furnishes them with a means of prolonging their foul external existence because it allows them to be connected to Earth through mankind. In another sense, it gives them an eternal lease on the world.
How can this relative evil possibly be disarmed and even better - harmonized? If after reading this dissertation you are thinking that evil is a separate force. Think again. That is Dark Satellite conditioning at its best. Evil is nothing more than the absence of True Light.
The Satellite's generated confusion and chaos is more rampant today than it has ever been in the history of mankind. We are still in the grip. The battle is on. It is up to us. It is our planet. It is our Divine Legacy.
~ PORTAL 3 ~
Daniel Dunglas Home (pronounced Hume) was a truly gifted individual. He was born on March 20, 1833 near Edinburgh and was descended on his maternal side from a clan of Highland seers. His gift of second sight began when he was four years old and was characterized by visions of future events of which he could not possibly have any knowledge at his age. He was the eighth child of the Home family and because his family could not afford to feed and clothe yet another child, Daniel was sent to live with an aunt until he was nine years old. His aunt later took him to the United States to be reunited with his family who was living in Connecticut.
By the age of seventeen, Daniel found himself living in an era where spiritualism was ripe. The year was 1850 and the United States was saturated with interest in all things psychic and supernatural for it was the time of the Movement of Modern Spiritualism. People were highly gullible and manic in their desire to connect with spirits from the other side. Fraud and drama by phony seers was also rampant characterized by séances full of moving and levitating furniture, wall rapping and knocking, and in some cases spirit manifestation. Daniel was interested in all of these things not because he wanted to "cash" in but because he possessed real psychic talent and could manifest rapping, knocking, dancing furniture and spirit voices quite naturally. These events greatly disturbed his family and he was turned out into the street. In order to survive, Daniel held séances like many of his psychic contemporaries. Unlike his contemporaries however, the events were never held where he lived and always took place in the daytime in a well lit room. Daniel did not need a cloak of darkness to cover
He returned to Britain in 1855 where his supernatural abilities made him the toast of London and he gained many notable admirers including Charles Dickens, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, John Ruskin, William Makepeace Thackeray, Lord Lytton and even Queen Victoria! His abilities now surpassed séances and included levitation, floating from one place to another, manifestation of disembodied hands that dissolved after materialization and bodily elongation... all eye witnessed. For the next nine years Home traveled Europe impressing just about everyone including Napoleon III and Empress Eugenie. He also had an audience with the Pope. Records show that Home married the daughter of a Tsar in 1859 who unfortunately died four years later.
In 1871, Home was investigated by Sir William Crookes an eminent physicist and chemist. Crookes put his reputation on the line to run the experiments since no other scientist of the day wanted to be associated with Home. In fact Crookes suffered great ridicule at the hands of his colleagues after his amazing findings were published. Home passed every test of his telekinetic abilities much to the shock of Crookes who could not believe that Home could use his powers while secured in a closed copper cage under a table. Most notable of these tests was Home's ability to move a spring balance at the end of the room and to play an accordion with seemingly invisible hands. Home went on further to prove his immunity to fire to Crookes by reaching into an open fire and stirring the coals with his bare hands without suffering any ill effects at all. In addition to these abilities Crookes catalogued the following:
- Translocations or apports
- Percussive noises including detonations
- Movement and levitation of furniture
- Levitation of Home himself
- Changes of temperature and current of air
- Movement of articles at a distance
- Change in the weight of objects
- Materializations (Crookes claimed to have retained one of the materialized hands holding onto it until it vaporized)
- Playing tunes on musical instruments without touching them
- Movement of heavy bodies with contact but no pressure
- Writing with disembodied hands visible and invisible
- Phantoms and luminescence
- Manifestation of darting points of light
- Knowledge of people no longer alive and of things of which he had no prior information
Home died in 1886. After his death Sir William said of him, "He was one of the most lovable of men, whose perfect genuineness and uprightness were beyond suspicion." To this day researchers cannot debunk Home's abilities.
Rehash from Strange But True - Mysterious and Bizarre People by Thomas Slemen, Robinson Publishing Ltd., 1998.
When the Greatrakes family of Affane, County Waterford, Ireland was blessed with a baby boy on February 14, 1629, it seemed only fitting to name the child Valentine. Little did they know that the child would grow up to be an amazing healer whose reputation and fame would transverse Europe.
As a child and young man, Valentine did not display any extraordinary talents. At 20, he began a seven year military career as a Parliamentary army officer under Cromwell. After his discharge in 1656 he was awarded a number of political appointments but lost the appointments with the 1660 restoration and the reinstatement of the English monarchy. It wasn't until 1663 at age 34 that Valentine Greatrakes began to experience a series of odd recurrent dreams where he believed he received the "gift of healing" from an omniscient being. This seemed odd to him since he was basically a squeamish man who became nauseous at the sight of disease. These dreams were soon followed by a strong undeniable impulse to begin the physical healing of others. His wife suggested that he begin his quest by attempting to heal disfigured people and he did with success.
During this point in history, Europe was plagued by Scrofula which is tuberculosis of the lymphatic glands. The disease was commonly known as the "king's evil" and it was generally believed that the touch of a royal hand of a monarch could cure the disease. People flocked from all over the map to be cured of the disease by King Charles I with less than satisfactory results. In the meantime, Valentine Greatrakes was making a name for himself with successful healings of Scrofula often termed "miraculous cures." He then tried his hand at healing ague a feverish condition characterized by convulsions. Once again his healing hands brought relief and a cure to those afflicted.
In 1665, the Bubonic Plague engulfed London and the Irishman found himself healing the infirmed 12 hours a day several days a week. His home was so overcome with people that he built outhouses to accommodate them. By now his fame had reached far and wide and unfortunately the ears of the ecclesiasts. The "Irish Mesmerist" was called before the bishop's court and he was forbidden to practice his healing methodology. An outraged Greatrakes ignored the ruling and because of his enormous popularity among the laypeople the religious authorities were unable to touch him.
In time Greatrakes earned the name "The Stroker" because of the way he moved his hands in a soothing stroking fashion above the afflicted parts of a patient's body. He was also noted for curing cancer, sciatica, blindness, deafness, and palsy. Even more remarkable was the fact that he never accepted any money for his cures. London's prominent physicians and academics spoke favorably of Greatrakes and his abilities. He was investigated by the prominent and brilliant Irish physicist of his day, Robert Boyle who proclaimed Greatrakes to be a genuine healer and by others who witnessed his curative miracles. Valentine Greatrakes withdrew from the public due to baseless but escalating accusations of witchcraft prior to his death at the age of 54 in 1683. No one has ever been able to explain or disprove his great healing talent.
When Londoner Rosemary Brown was seven years old, she was visited by "a spirit with long white hair and a flowing black cassock." He stated that he was a composer who would make her a famous musician one day. Such visions were not uncommon in Rosemary's family for her mother and grandmother were psychic and Rosemary herself displayed psychic abilities at a very early age. It would not be until about 10 years later that Rosemary would identify the man in her vision as Composer Franz Liszt. Still, Rosemary could not make any connection to the vision - she had paid little attention to music during her life and had just as little natural talent for it. She did purchase a second hand piano and took lessons for a year in later life but no spectacular personal musical aptitude or talent emerged.
By 1964, Rosemary was a middle aged widow who had raised two grown children and was living alone in a Victorian house in London. It was during this period of time that Liszt renewed his contact with Rosemary and she began to channel original compositions from great musicians of the past among them Liszt himself, Beethoven, Bach, Rachmaninoff, Chopin, Brahms, and Shubert. Igor Stravinsky appeared to Rosemary shortly after his death and dictated 60 lines of music to her.
Rosemary claimed that despite the different ethnic backgrounds, all of the musicians spoke to her in English although they did have different methods of dictation. Liszt would control her hands at the piano for a few bars at a time allowing her time to write the notes down. Chopin told her the notes and manipulated her fingers on the right keys while Shubert sang his compositions to her. All attempts to debunk Rosemary by trained psychologists and scientists were unsuccessful AND one thing was very clear - all of the dictated compositions were far beyond her musical capacity and conscious knowledge.
Some great artists she claimed took on different interests in the afterlife such as Debussy who preferred to try his hand at painting. Eventually other historic greats fell into the mix. Rosemary channeled van Gogh who communicated artistic renderings to her, Albert Einstein who patiently explained rather abstract theories to her in order to reconfirm existence on different planes, and philosopher Bertrand Russell who since passing over had reconsidered his atheism and disbelief in life after death.
So where does this information come from? Some psychics believe that it does not come from deceased minds but rather from an individual's receptiveness to the Akashic Records and the Universal consciousness. This might be true but it hardly explains Rosemary Brown's difficulty in keeping up with the other-worldly dictation of musical masterpieces or the ability to turn out paintings and drawings reminiscent of the Masters with an untrained hand.
Rehash and quotes from Strange Stories and Amazing Facts, Reader's Digest Association 1976 and Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time, Vol. 19, H.S. Suttman Inc., Westport, CT. 1992.