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Beginner's Compendium Of Astro Physicality

Medical Astrology is a complicated venue that demand a union of medicine and astrology. It should not be attempted half heartedly by the novice and should only be practiced by a qualified medical doctor who is also a qualified astrologer with experience and expertise.  Yet in varying degrees, some of the tools of medical astrology are available to those who are interested. Here are some possible particulars for the Zodiac signs in general…


Bones: Cranium, face

Muscles: Frontales, occipitals, attolens, deprimens, articularum, zygomaticus, temporalis, buccinators

Arteries: Temporal, internal carotids

Veins: Cepahlic

CELL SALT: Kali Phosphoricum

RULERSHIP AND FUNCTION: Aries rules the head in general and specifically the motor centers of the brain and the circulation of blood through the skull.

POSSIBLE DISFUNCTION: Inflammation of the brain that may cause delirium, frenzy, vertigo, dizziness, sharp head pains, headaches,  baldness.

REFLEX DISFUNCTION BY POLARITY: Sluggish or clogged kidneys, skin ailments, toxemia (Libra). Also by adverse action to other Cardinal signs: Headaches and digestive disturbances (Cancer), sluggish gallbladder (Capricorn).



Bones: Cervical vertebrae

Muscles: Sternohyoid, mastoid, trapezius, sternnomastoids, esophagus, stylopharingaeus, splenius and complexus, longus, scalenus, biventres cervicis and spinals cervicis

Arteries: External carotids and basilar artery

Veins: Occipitals, jugulars, veins of thyroid gland

CELL SALT: Natrum Sulphuricum

RULERSHIP AND FUNCTION: Taurus rules the adenoids, tonsils and larynx but its main function shared with the planet Mercury is the thyroid gland.

POSSIBLE DYSFUNCTION: Hyperthyroidism - tenseness, inability to relax, heart palpitations, weight decrease, heat intolerance, excessive sweating, increased bowel activity. Hypothyroidism - obesity dry skin, brittle hair, low blood pressure, slow pulse, depressed muscular activity.



Bones: Clavicle, scapula, humerus, radius, ulna, carpal and metacarpal bones, upper ribs

Muscles: Deltoid, biceps, supinator radii, subclavians, triceps, serratus anticus minor, pectoralis, palmaris

Arteries: Subcalvans, brachial, right and left bronchials, intercostals, radials, ulnars

Veins: Pulmonary, basilica, subclavians, azygos, vein of thymus and mediastium

CELL SALT: Kali Muriaticum

RULERSHIP AND FUNCTION: Gemini rules the hands, arms  and shoulders with the exception of the sternum and breastbone, the central nervous system, tubes of the body (eustachian, fallopian, lungs, trachea, ureter, urethra).

POSSIBLE DYSFUNCTION: Pulmonary problems –bronchitis, pleurisy, hyperventilation, asthma.

REFLEX DISFUNTION BY POLARITY: Lung disorders and hemorrhaging, arterial ailments (Sagittarius).



Bones: Sternum, ensiform cartilage and part of the ribs

Muscles: Diaphragm and intercostals

Arteries: Axillary, diaphragmatic, posterior mediastines and esophagian

                Veins: Diaphragmatic, gastric, gastropiploic, mammary

CELL SALT: Calcarea Fluorica

RULERSHIP AND FUNCTION: The liver. Its primary rulership is of the stomach and digestive processes therein. Peristaltic action.

POSSIBLE DYSFUNCTION: Anemia, digestive ailments, gastric mucus, flatulence, dipsomania, craving for alcoholic beverages.

REFLEX DYSFUNCTION BY POLARITY: Low hydrochloric acid levels in stomach, bloating, croup in babies, tumors or cysts in breast region (Capricorn).



Bones: Dorsal Vertebrae

Muscles: Longissimus and latissmus dorsi, transversalis, diaphragm, heart muscles

Arteries: Aorta, anterior and posterior coronary

Veins: Vena cava and coronaries

CELL SALT: Magnesia Phosphorica

RULERSHIP AND FUNCTION: Leo rules the heart. Vertebrae that protect the spinal cord.

POSSIBLE DYSFUNCTION: Heart problems, fainting, convulsions, back pain, arotic disease, aneurysms, hypertrophy, angina, pericarditis, endocarditis, sunstroke, muscular rheumatism of the back, scarlet fever, rheumatic fever

REFLEX DYSFUNCTION BY POLARITY: Back ailments, arrhythmia, sudden attacks of angina pectoris  (Aquarius).



Bones: NONE

Muscles: Obliquus, transversalis  of abdomen, rectus pyramidalis

Arteries: Gastric, superior and inferior mesenteries

Veins: Portal, hepatics, umbilical, intestinal

CELL SALT: Kali Sulphuricum

RULERHIP AND FUNCTION: Virgo rules the process of the pancreas, spleen, intestinal tract, duodenum, liver (co-rules with Jupiter and Cancer).

POSSIBLE DYSFUNCTION: Deficiencies, diabetes, hypoglycemia, loose bowels, diverticulitis, pancreatitis.

REFLEX DYSFUNCTION BY POLARITY: Sensitivity to all drugs (Pisces).


Bones: Lumbar vertebrae

Muscles: Quadratus, lumborum, sacrolumbars

Arteries: Suprarenal, renal, lumbar

Veins: Renal. Lumbar

CELL SALT: Natrum Phosphoricum

RULERSHIP AND FUNCTION: Libra rules the kidneys, basal metabolism.

POSSIBLE DYSFUNCTION: Al l kidney diseases and disorders, blood disorders, edema, adrenal gland stress, susceptibility to colds and sinus problems, skin rashes and drying.

REFLEX DYSFUNCTION BY POLARITY: Inflamed kidneys, acidosis (Aries).


Bones: Tuberosity of ischium, brim of pelvis, symphysis pubis

Muscles: Cremasters, sphincter, levatores, penis, clitoris, sphincter of bladder

Arteries: Internal Iliac

Veins: Spermatic, mesenteric, colic, hemorrhoidal

CELL SALT: Calcarea Sulphurica

RULERSHIP AND FUNCTION: Scorpio rules the reproductive system, the prostate gland and the functioning of the colon.

POSSIBLE DYSFUNCTION: Constipation, hemorrhoids, bladder infections, diseases of the reproductive system and generative organs, hernia aneurysms, menstrual hemorrhaging, urinary disorders, colon spasm, back disorders.

REFLEX DYSFUNCTION BY POLARITY: Venereal disease, weakness of bladder, vaginal passage problems, problems with ovaries, venereal ulcers in throat region (Taurus).



Bones: Ilium, femur, coccygeal, sacral

Muscles: Iliopsoas, iliacus, pectineus, sartoris, rectus, quadriceps extensor, gluteus

Arteries: External iliac, femoral, sacral

Veins: Vena sacra, iliacs, great saphenous

CELL SALT: Silicea

RULERSHIP AND FUNCTION: Sagittarius rules the thighs and sciatica nerve.

POSSIBLE DYSFUNCTION: Paralysis to coccyx, gout, tumors and cysts of thigh and hip areas.

REFLEX DYSFUNCTION BY POLARITY: Nervousness, expiratory dysfunction of the lungs (Gemini).


Bones: Patella

Muscles: Patellar ligament, popliteus

Arteries: Iliac, popliteal

Veins: Poplitea, exterior saphenous

CELL SALT: Calcarea Phosphorica

RULERSHIP AND FUNCTION: Capricorn rules the process of the gallbladder and the knees.

POSSIBLE DYSFUNCTION: Arthritis, heartburn (from poorly functioning gallbladder), bouts of diarrhea and constipation, psoriasis.

REFLEX DYSFUNCTION BY POLARITY: Skin eruptions, problems with synovial fluid of joints (Cancer).


Bones: Tibia, fibula, inner and outer ankles

Muscles: Tibialis anticus, peronaeus tertius, Achilles tendon, gastrocnemius, soleus

Arteries: Tibial

Veins: Internal saphenous

CELL SALT: Natrum Muriaticum

RULERSHIP AND FUNCTION: Aquarius rules the calves and ankles, oxygenation of the body, blood circulation, spinal cord, and rods of the eyes.

POSSIBLE DYSFUNCTION: Poor circulation, ailments affecting coordination of muscles, nerves and the brain, varicose veins, cataracts, glaucoma, weak ankles, cramping of legs, lumbago, spinal curvature.

REFELX DYSFUNCTION BY POLARITY: Stroke, lumbar disorder, blood disorders connected to the colon (Leo).


Bones: Tarsus, metatarsus, phalanges

Muscles: Short extensor of toes, short flexor of toes, abductors of great and little toes, short flexor or great toe and accessory flexor toes

Arteries: Internal and external plantars, tarsal, metatarsal

Veins: All veins of feet

CELL SALT: Ferrum Phosphate

RULERSHIP AND FUNCTION: Lymph gland system, bodily mucous, feet.

POSSIBLE DYSFUNCTION: All lymphatic problem, swollen glands, susceptibility to colds, poor circulation, childhood problems, fatigue, hypo-functioning thymus gland, bunion and all foot ailments, cirrhosis of liver.

REFLEX DYSFUNCTION BY POLARITY: Weak lungs, poor resistance to viruses, coldness of extremities, nervousness and paranoia.

Medical Astrology is a complicated venue that demand a union of medicine and astrology. It should not be attempted half heartedly by the novice and should only be practiced by a qualified medical doctor who is also a qualified astrologer with experience and expertise. Yet in varying degrees, some of the tools of medical astrology are available to those who are interested. Here are some possible particulars for the Zodiac signs in general… Go to Main Page for more info.
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