Geometria Sancte
How many of you remember the Harmonic Concordance and the beautiful pattern of Sacred Geometry created in the Heavens by the planets?
In Astrology, the Aspect Patterns that form Sacred Geometry are configurations and consist of three or more planets that aspect each other OR are connected to one another by a common aspect (geometrical angle). Planets in aspect patterns function as units always working together, in fact whenever one of the planets is “triggered” in a configuration all of the other planets involved are also activated. Delineating, understanding and working with Aspect Patterns is very complicated because so many planets must be synthesized. Each pattern has a different “theme” which sets a “tone” according to the inherent planetary vibrations. Thanks to the Greeks who "personalized" Astrology and their concept of "nous" (tapping into a higher self consciousness), useful archetypal and psychological meanings can be seen attributed to these vibratory patterns.
Here’s what Johannes Kepler had to say about aspects in general, “An aspect is effective when the radiation from two planets forms an angle, which is able to stimulate the nature of earth under the moons and the lower powers/faculties of animate beings so that at the time of this configuration have an increased activity.”
In the 1600s, largely due to the theoretical influence of Johannes Kepler, the concept of harmonics came into play. Kepler believed that planetary aspects worked because the planets vibrated at the same frequency and therefore resonated with one another. Harmonics are based on the division of the 360 degree circle by whole numbers. Kepler invented a few other aspects aside from the ones formulated by Ptolemaic theory. It is interesting to note that when using in both Astrology and Music, the closer the vibrations are to being exact, the more powerful the harmonic.
Astrological history is full of the genius of Johannes Kepler for it was Kepler who formulated the extraordinary laws that govern planetary motion. His work shows a mystical union of numerological and scientific thought. Like the greats before him such as Plato and Pythagoras, Kepler believed the world was ruled by numbers. It was Kepler who worked diligently to prove that the distances of the planets from the Sun coordinated with the Five Solids of Euclid. He also believed that musical harmony when mathematically expressed was the same as the harmony of the spheres (planets). He said, “I affirm and demonstrate that the movements of the planets are modulated according to harmonic proportion.” Kepler believed that each planet “sings” a harmonic tune and that by calculation involving the angle it describes in a day (as seen by the Sun) he could work out each planetary tune.
1st HARMONIC – Conjunction – (0 degrees, Major): A neutral aspect whose ease or difficulty depends upon the nature of the planets involved.
2nd HARMONIC – Opposition- (180 degrees, Major): Balance and perspective.
3rd HARMONIC – Trine – (120 degrees, Major): Easy, flow, gifts and talents. Sometimes lack of motivation.
4th HARMONIC – Square-(90 degrees, Major): Challenges, obstacles but effective solutions.
5th HARMONIC - Quintile –(72 degrees, Minor) & Biquintile -(144 degrees, Minor): Creativity, change, craftsmanship.
6th HARMONIC - Sextile-(60 degrees, Major): Opportunities, support.
7th HARMONIC - Septile-(51.4 degrees, Minor) & Biseptile (102.9, Minor) & Triseptile (154.3, Minor): Pleasant, Creative, Mystical
8th HARMONIC – Semisquare – (45 degrees, Minor but important) & Sesquiquadrate – ( 135 degrees, Minor but important): Frustration, conflict, tension.
9th HARMONIC – Novile – (40 degrees, Minor, also known as Nonile) & Binovile – (80 degree, Minor) & Quadnovile – (160 degrees, Minor): Integration, personal growth, need for perfection.
10th HARMONIC – Decile – (36 degrees, Minor) & Tredicile – (108 degrees, Minor): Skill, artistry.
12th HARMONIC – Semisextile (30 degrees, Major) & Qunicunx (known as Inconjunct if the Fixed Modailty is in play, 150 degrees, Major): Adjustments, off timing, changes, close encounters.
>The 11th HARMONIC which is used on certain occasions contains the undecile, biundecile, triundecile, and quinquendecile which refer to aspects of karmic debt and the burdens of fate./span>
The astrological Harmonics are shown by color in the following diagram:
Now let's venture into the world of Astro-Geometrics and see what some of the most common chart aspect patterns mean. An astrologer can tell you if you have any of these aspect pattern configurations or others in your natal chart.
The Grand Cross is a 4th Harmonic aspect pattern. The number four relates to the Cross of Matter and it is the number of the physical world and form and structure. The Grand Cross is composed of squares and oppositions so it is concerned with action (squares) and perspective and balance (oppositions). There are four squares and two pairs of oppositions in this aspect pattern. The Grand Cross is classified by modality - Cardinal, Fixed or Mutable and each one has it's own interpretation although all Grand Crosses are hard to ignore because they are quite challenging.
- Cardinal - All Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) are concerned with questions of identity so this Cross can be considered an "Identity Crisis." The four planets that would be involved try to define and express the identity of who they are with each one coming from a different perspective so when this pattern is "triggered" there are four entities taking action simultaneously, each in its own direction. The person with this aspect pattern will feel pulled apart wanting to take action but lacking direction of what action to take. The key is maintain awareness and stay focused on the "SELF" so individuality can be further defined and expressed.
- Fixed - The Fixed signs - Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius are concerned with questions of self worth. Their purpose is to sustain so they resist outside efforts to initiate change. When this Cross is triggered the inclination of the planets involved is to dig in their heels and take a stand because the focus is on maintaining things exactly as they are. Once the Fixed Grand Cross starts taking action it is very difficult to stop the momentum. The tendency of the individual with this pattern is to feel their self worth is being attacked and to "give in" is demoralizing. Every attempt at outside change is viewed as "personal." Fixed Cross people must learn how to be more flexible and less resistant to change.
- Mutable - All Mutable signs are concerned with completion and healing. Since Mutable signs tend to be scattered, disassociated and disperse the challenge of Mutable Cross people is to maintain focus, equipoise and coherence. The problem is that when this Cross is triggered the planets involved will try to avoid or adapt to obstacles. When the planets do that simultaneously, nothing is achieved.
The T-Square is a Grand Square with a missing planet so the structure is less stable. All the pressure is placed on one planet so the individual with this Aspect Pattern have a built in focus and can bring plenty of power to bear to be productive. The apex planet is key because it is the release of all the energy. There are three kinds of T-Squares, Cardinal which is identity concerned and active, Fixed which is resistant to change but will usually come to some sort of cross fire agreement and Mutable that will scatter energy but will rein it in in order to find harmony and balance.
The Grand Quintile is a 5th Harmonic Aspect Pattern. This is the rarest of Aspect Patterns with a low occurrence rate. Tremendous intensity is featured here that is poured into creativity, change and freedom. The number five represents life energy and is the creative spark that animates form so think of this Aspect Pattern as one of great creative power backed OR one of great destructive force. Examples of this in real life are actor Charlie Chaplin and Adolph Hitler who came very close to having this pattern having strong 5th Harmonics in their charts.
The Grand Sextile is a 6th Harmonic Aspect Pattern. The Grand Sextile also holds great powers of creativity. This pattern holds other patterns within it including two Grand Trines, six Kites and three Mystic Rectangles (which are explained later in the post). The natural inclination of this Aspect Pattern is to return to a point of balance and bring equilibrium to the six planets involved so all action will be aimed at equipoise.
The YOD or Finger of God is a twelfth Harmonic Aspect Pattern. This pattern consists of two planets that are sextile one another that receive a quincunx aspect from a an apex planet. The planets that are quincunx have absolutely nothing in common with one another which is frustrating because they can find no point of resolution so an adjustment must be made. That means one of the planets will have to act contrary to its nature which is uncomfortable. For the individual it often represents a crisis of timing. People with this configuration spend much of their lives integrating the energy because it always seems that there is a crucial piece of information missing. The YOD is actually an isosceles triangle which the Greeks said operates on the "Soul Level" or what we would call today the mental/emotional/astral plane. Once its integrated a "Cosmic Perspective" ensues!
The Boomerang is a YOD that has a planet at the release point opposing the apex planet. Viola! A point of balance is formed. Individuals integrating this pattern are less likely to suffer problems of off timing and missed opportunities. The division of the isoceles triangle splits it into four triangles so the Boomerang operates on the mental/emotional plane of the YOD and also in the physical/material realm. This level of awareness is called nous by the Greeks where we encounter our higher selves and receive higher guidance.
The Mystic Rectangle is one of two types, feminine (Earth and Water) or masculine (Fire and Air). It is what is considered a soft aspect pattern that offers an extremely strong sense of balance and structure and harmony. A well integrated Mystic Rectangle is considered unflappable and the individual is quite capable of handling whatever life throws at them. A rarer form of this pattern is known as Lucifer's Rectangle which involves the signs Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces. It has been found in the astrological chart for the founding of the Church of Satan and in Aleister Crowley's chart (inclusive of asteroids).
The Grand Trine is a Third Harmonic Aspect Pattern. It occurs when three planets are all in the same element either Fire, Earth, Air or Water. It is a equilateral triangle which is Sacred Geometry is said to represent "pure being." The nature of the Grand Trine is ease and harmony but it can also be lazy if it is not kicked into motivation by a hard aspect.
- The Fire Grand Trine is representative of action. Individuals with this pattern must learn not to over-extend themselves. Absolute honesty is a plus and there can be explosive expressions of joy or anger.
- The Grand Earth Trine tends to be the least active. Individuals will be very grounded and practical in their approach. They are also very sensual and enjoy creature comforts. They do what feels good to them and will make up excuses for bad habits.
- The Grand Air Trine people are social and relationship oriented. Their minds are active, detached, objective and theoretical. They prefer talking over action.
- The Grand Water Trine relate to all that is emotional and spiritual. These individuals like to operate on deep transformative levels. They wear their hearts on their sleeves and can be drama queens and kings. They often create turmoil so they can learn and experience healing from it.
The Kite is a Grand Trine with a fourth planet that opposes one of the other three planets in the Trine. They have been called "Grand Trines with a perspective." Individuals can take advantage of all the gifts indicated by the applicable Grand Trine. Any creative energy can be honed and manifested. Kite people often "know" what to do with their talents because they have extra awareness.