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The word crystal comes from the Greek word “krystallos” meaning “ice.” This was the name the Ancient Greeks gave to quartz because they believed it to be ice that was frozen so hard it would never melt again. The Earth itself is a giant mineral. It started out as a vortex of swirling energy and gasses that collected cosmic dust. Under intense high heat it formed an oblong/round shape and finally a hard crust. At the heart of the Earth is fire and from this environment quartz if formed and pushed to the surface.  From the conditions of the Earth crystals and minerals are formed, some from intense layered pressure, some below the surface in caves and some from the erosion of dripping water.

Since the Earth is 85% crystal with its crust being largely silicon and oxygen combined with six other elements, aluminum, sodium, potassium, iron, calcium and magnesium, this “recipe” gives us a wondrous  variety of crystal colors, shapes, sizes and hardness. Earth is also the great recycler capable of changing one thing to another such as shale to garnet.  Some of the aspects of these transformations remain a mystery which makes the end products even more intriguing and powerful.

Just like the earth, crystals and minerals start out as a vortex of energy (the God source and heart of the crystal). Etherically, a pattern of Sacred Geometry as designed by God surrounds the vortex and dictates the geometric DNA of the crystal. When you are attracted to a crystal and place it in your hands you feel a vibration, or buzz, or simply a strong attraction to the crystal. This is because you are resonating with the heart vibration and the scared geometry of the crystal.

Crystal Healing does not fit into orthodox scientific principles and is generally relegated to the pit of New Age fallacy. This is hardly surprising given the “flaky” misinformation doled out by some alleged “crystal experts” however it must also be remembered that it has taken 4000 years + for science to validate much about Ancient Wisdom. What we do know “scientifically” is that what underpins biochemistry is electromagnetism. Quantum physics states that what we perceive as “solid matter” is 99.9999% empty space filled with energy. If you can grasp that concept it makes it easier to understand how the human body interacts with crystals.

Crystal healing works on the following principle:

Every cell in the body vibrates at its own specific frequency.

When these natural vibrations become unbalanced we experience dis-ease.

Crystals oscillate to a natural healing frequency and through their unique molecular structure and geometry the Universal Life Force can be transmitted to an individual to address existing or potential dis-ease.

History of Crystal Healing

The first ‘known” reference to the power of crystal healing comes from an Egyptian papyrus dated around 1600 BC. The document gives directions for curative use involving the wearing of lapis, malachite and red jasper beads. These were strung into a necklace and worn around the sick person’s neck so the dis-ease could pass through them and dissipate. In Ancient times the placing or wearing of stones on certain parts of the body as well as pulverizing gems/stones and mixing them with a liquid producing “elixirs” was also common. Some believe that concocting elixirs was the forerunner to modern mineral water.

The earliest known writer on precious stones was the Greek philosopher Theophrastus who extrapolated that stones could be distinguished by “gender” according to their depth of color. In 1776, Sir John Hill (the English translator of Theophrastus’ work) postulated that the metallic content of minerals accounted for their curative powers. Today we understand that rogue metal atoms found in crystalline compositions are indeed responsible for the variety of colors we see today. Many of Theophrastus’ notions were repeated by Pliny the Elder (AD 23-79) and the Greek was named in Pliny’s Naturalis Historia which influenced medical practice over the ensuing 1500 years.

With the advent of the 16th Century belief in the benefits of gemstone medicine declined when mineralogy became a “science.” Some of this may be attributed to the scientific tomes of the day such as De Re Metallica by Georgius Agricola (aka George Bauer, 1494-1555), a practicing physician and metallurgist and Swiss physician Paracelsus (1493-1541) who denounced “mineralized” water as quackery and responsible for gout. Yet, the dispensing of powdered gems persisted and in Compleat Chymical Dispensary by Dr. John Schroder (1669) he offered that a few doctors of “real learning and repute” were offering scientifically based reasons for attributing curative powers to precious stones and metals.

By the 20th Century, people were looking for a more scientific explanation for Crystal Healing. In Precious Stones for Curative Wear and Other Remedial Uses, Dr. William T. Fernie quoted a “leading Medical Journal” as stating, “The astute physician should not altogether overlook the part taken by gems in the kaleidoscope variation of human sentiments and the evolution of personal sympathies.” Several years later, American gemologist George Frederick Kunz linked his explanation of the therapeutic effects of precious stones (taken internally) to homeopathy. By the 1980s Marcel Vogel, a respected authority on crystals had placed the power of crystals firmly in the scientific domain. He investigated crystal healing in a laboratory setting for many year (please refer to page titled Marcel’s Magic Crystal). Rigorous ongoing studies by PEAR – Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (USA) have been validating Vogel’s findings.

Tips for Choosing Crystals

When shopping for crystals, close your eyes and visualize the “ideal crystal.” Open your eyes and pick up the first one you are drawn to.

Hold your left hand over the crystals. If you feel a magnetic pull, buzz or tingling over a crystal it is meant for you as your energetic vibrations are compatible.

If you are relying on the internet, let your intuition guide you when viewing the crystals. You’ll often get a ‘that’s it!’ feeling.

For mail order, establish a good rapport with the dealer so your questions will receive an intuitive hit.

Questions to Ask Yourself Before Purchasing Crystals:

What will I be using the crystal for? Healing, meditation, energizing my home or work environment, a focal for visualization or decorative inspiration?

What appeals to me – geometric shape, clarity, size?

What colors am I attracted or drawn to pale or deep shades?

Do I need small crystals for body layouts or large crystals for focal visual or meditation?

Do I prefer clear or opaque crystals?

Do I prefer cut and polished crystals or ‘natural’ crystals in a matrix?

Do I think of inclusions as flaws or enhancements?

How much money do I want to spend?

Do I prefer lots of inexpensive stones/crystals or fewer expensive pieces?

How do I feel about heat treated crystals?

Will my crystals be ‘private’ or displayed?

How do I feel when I receive a crystal as a gift since I have not personally chosen it?

Do I have the patience to wait for the right crystal that connects with me?



Historically, crystals have underpinned human development economically, technologically and culturally. The importance of crystals links all civilizations across time and space. Crystals help us interpret the past. Their desirability in antiquity helps us trace trading routes between far flung civilizations. Bound up with myth and magic, crystals help bring light help bring light to the different historical world views that have arisen down the ages concerning the immutable link between humans and nature. For thousands of years, crystals have been used for healing, for protection and for adornment. Crystals have never lost their fascination or their value ... they attract abundance, heal and create love while enhancing the environment wherever they are placed. See the Main Group Page for more information. Also visit the Crystals category in the ATHENAEUM for further reading.
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