Submitted by Claire de Lune on
An interesting piece by Gerardus Grist
Before the World ever was...
Yes, even before the physical universe ever stirred into existence, We the People of Mankind in the form of an Indefinable Force of Creativity already existed! We had no form or shape as we know ourselves at this moment. We were not precisely aware of our possibilities, but we knew that we as this Indefinable Force of Creativity were capable of anything we desired. We knew that we were all powerful, infinitely alive and all loving...
We were united as a Force in Consciousness...
We knew that we were The Infinite and Universal Creator and that certain aspects of creation were but a thought away from being real as a physical manifestation. Physicality however is an infinite thought! Up to this day, we as Man or as the Creator, are still completing this Activity of Mind or Consciousness in greater and greater detail and finesse! For since we are Life and thus live forever, we create and manifest ourselves in a divine and mysteriously unlimited way. All other Beings, Creatures and Things are manifested in a similar manner. We all become "real" and "actual" in physical form by means of our creative thoughts. Energy follows Thought, like water fills the shape of its container. Thought is the Creator...
We are the Consciousness of the Universe...
Slowly but surely we differentiated ourselves in a diversity of Beings. All equal to the original Force of Infinity. For all of us are a Holographic Reflection of the Source. We are the Infinite Beings of Immensity. At the moment however, we have lost the conscious connection with our Source and the knowledge of our infinite Greatness. Our loss of knowing our Heritage, depends on the depth to which we lower ourselves into our matter creation. The deeper we express ourselves in material form, the more we forget and separate ourselves from our Source. That's why we as Man, at this very moment, are at a loss of knowing Who or What we really are! That's why we are struggling in blindness and desperation. To realize that this is so, is our salvation, for salvation is beginning of awakening and self realization...
... WHY THEN...
?... IS ALL THIS SO ...?
We as the Universal Creative Force...
We as the Infinite Source of Consciousness, divided our Thoughts into Divine Holograms or Beingnesses. Each and every individual Beingness is an Aspect or Image of "The One Infinite Hologram". Each Beingness reflects the Source and inherits an infinite but hidden Force of Greatness. This Force is explored and developed by each Beingness according to its own desires and capabilities. We as this Infinite Consciousness knew from the beginning, that we as the Infinite Source were not really divided but that we would lose conscious awareness of our unity when we multiplied Ourselves and dived into the material! We endeavored to do this anyway, because we needed to explore our Infinite Source and our unlimited potential in Creatorship...
The illusive separation or division of Ourselves was needed...
In order for us to create the miraculous multitude of the many, in which all of us are the very source expressed in different manifestations, an illusive separation or division was needed. All Beings, Entities, Creatures and Things are living Thoughts in manifestation. Living Thoughts that became reality and dwell in multitudes of planes, visible as well as invisible...
One of these planes is the plane of our world...
In this world, mankind and its many members, are the holographic images of the Infinite Source. For we all are the Infinite Source of Consciousness in different holograms of physical reality. Each and every one of us according to our own desires and capabilities. And none will ever be lost! For no one is really separated from the Source, but lives within this Source and as this Source, with a specific holographic function and capacity. All are working toward a common purpose. The purpose of full Awakening! The goal is being ALL... as an individual entity with an unlimited individual awareness...
The universe is an infinite symbiotic relationship of consciousness...
In this universe, undifferentiated consciousness, by means of its divine manifestations, slowly but surely becomes a differentiated and aware consciousness in individual form. A Self Aware Being, which is... and represents - The All of Consciousness. The Source of Being and unlimited Awareness...
Our lives are but thoughts of separation...
In order to accomplish this, it is necessary to have different planes or levels of densities, through which all of us progress to eventually recognize or realize our Source. Our own Cause! Upon this Homecoming, all of us will discover that our lifetimes were but dreams. Dreams in which we experienced the company of ourselves in different forms. While in actuality, we never left nor separated from the Source We Are. Our lives or dreams are but "thoughts of separation" in an illusive play of reality! To realize that this is so, is what all of us are working on. All of us in different ways. While all ways and paths together form the infinite symbiotic relationships of our creation, in which all Beings and Things are but relatively real and emanate from the Absoluteness of Awareness or Consciousness. Which is directing and inter-weaving its Thoughts and Dreams into the infinite mosaics of creation, in which we live and play as...
Man... The Infinite Creator !
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