Submitted by LOGOS - Overseer on
Nearly everyone has heard of the Blue Moon, a rare astronomical occurrence that happens when two Full Moons occur in the same calendar month. A lesser known astronomical rarity is the Black Moon which occurs when there are two New Moons in the same calendar month.
The Black Moon is considered a highly occult entity that has always been recognized and honored by Ceremonial Magicians and Wiccans. Rituals and spells conducted during the Black Moon are believed to be in effect from one Black Moon cycle to the next. The cycle generally runs for approximately three years.
The influence of this Moon is believed to be “other worldly” and practitioners can tap into portals which open into other dimensions including everything from the Faerie Realm to the planes of the Ascended Masters. Paranormal investigators would find the energy of this Moon conducive to supernatural events, ghosts and haunting whereby actual communication with “spirits” could be easily achieved. All of this is possible because the dual New Moons are associated with altered states of awareness, higher consciousness and collective wisdom. Try making a “Wish Lists” during the next Black Moon. Simply write down ten wishes during the eight hours after a Black Moon and keep it in a handy place where you can easily access it and read it at random times over the ensuing year. Many of the wishes should come true.
In the year 2014 there are two Black Moons - January 30, and March 30.
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