Submitted by Truth Seeker on
As I sat listening to my 24 year old tell me about this cool guy she met, I instinctively knew that he did not operate from a place of Light. I also knew I had to be very careful what I said to her. I have learned that being the mother of a Scorpio can be quiet the challenge. As a Leo my tone tends to be a roar rather than a soft calm voice of reason.
She continues to tell me of his military time as well as of his spiritual studies - that of his paranormal explorations. The twinkle in her eye is bright as you might imagine. He has quickly honed in to the fact that she has had some exposure to the world of metaphysics. She told him of my studies and that of course opened all sort of avenues for discussion. Yes, I know that you are thinking I am just being an over protective Mom. But how many times do you meet someone and within a 10 minute period of time know so much about the other person? And to top it off she goes on to tell me he lives in her apartment complex. GREAT!
So far what I have written sounds fairly normal. Still all my flags are up and my bells are going off… something is amiss here. I let it go for a few days, and then ask again if has she spoken to him and of course the answer is a dreamy “yes.” I very gently, okay maybe not so gently, told her to be careful. Naturally she immediately challenges me. I am always up for a challenge so I start the game – you know the game of 20 questions! Where does he work, does he have a girlfriend, the whole nine yards. The only answer, at this point, that I can remember is he has not just a girlfriend, but that he is engaged. Of course I am assured that it is nothing, they just like to talk. Then she tells me he came to visit as well. He of course did what all newly acquainted people do… he gave her his journal so she can read some poetry. This he said would help her to understand him and assure me that all is well. This in my heart I know is not good.
I asked her to get me something personal of his so I can try to get a good ‘read’ on this dude. So she dutifully gives me one of his business cards. Not only did she get the card from him, she proceeded to explain to him why I wanted the card! Much to my dismay the card did not reveal to me his true agenda but true to my Leonine nature I do not give up that easily. So armed with full name and knowing how most of the younger people now have a blog of some sort, I go on a search. In the meantime, I have a close friend and someone I know is spiritually in tune to help me out with this dilemma. She, with my permission, employs another advisor and I patiently await an email, so I can be armed when my daughter comes to dinner. Just as I had hoped the email arrived just in time! The email went into detail from both people as to why I felt the way I did. So being the every ready Girl Scout, I printed it out and left it lying in a safe place.
I lit candles, cleared my aura, cleared the atmosphere in my house, and meditated. As the day unfolds with some nice music playing from my favorite CD, a relaxing trance meditation mix, I know I am ready to make sure that my daughter understands what she is up against.
I was cooking and my husband doing whatever it is a husband does for hours in the basement or “man land” as it is called at our house. I suddenly felt led to take the business card of this young man and burn it, with the intent of stopping him from contacting my daughter again. I call his name and speak directly to his spirit as I set the card on fire. Much to my chagrin the card seems to be blown out two times. I was outside on my back deck but there was no breeze. I again lit the card and finally got it to burn completely. I felt as though their contact had been severed.
Now remember, I told you I had the email in a safe place. It was set on the 50 year old dresser in my bedroom. There was a candle (a tea light) on the same dresser. I being married to someone with a degree in fire science technology am careful to make sure there is no chance of the paper getting into the flame. There is no fan on, no windows open, and no reason for the paper to move. The candle is of course on a candle holder, a plate of sorts, that was raised at least an inch with several pieces of pink quartz around it. The paper and candle were at least 18 inches apart. Some time passed and I had gone into my bedroom to change clothes and prepare for dinner. As I started into the room much to my shock, the paper had moved over to the candle and is nothing but black ash. When I looked at it, the shape and size of the paper had not changed. The paper was void of words and black and when I reached to pick it up I found that it disintegrated at my touch. There were no burn marks on the dresser. The glass candle holder did not have any marks nor did the pink quartz.
So I ask you why it burned. Why are there no burns on my dresser? Why did the smoke detector not go off? Was it my energy that caused it? Was it some sort of retaliation from this young man? I do not know for sure but my guess is I caused the fire. My feelings and thoughts were so strong about him, and his name was on the email. I also know he could not penetrate the strong shield of protection that under which I keep my home and property covered.
How strong are your thoughts, intentions? If we were to harness this energy collectively, just think what we could accomplish! How would it affect our health or wealth? How do our thoughts and intentions affect our relationships both business and personal? How do our thoughts and intentions affect Mother Earth? Most of us are well aware of how powerful we are. But maybe we have forgotten and need a reminder. Maybe this is new to some of you. What effect does your energy have on the world? I bid you Peace and Love… (Oh yeah, just to let you know - the young man is out of the picture!)
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