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Wild Caribbean Black Bean Chili


2 Bags (about 4 cups) Dried Black Beans

About 1/8 cup Olive Oil(you could use whatever here, Coconut Oil, Butter, ect)

About 4 onions

Garlic (this depends on taste, I use about 8 cloves)

A stalk or two of celery

Bell Peppers, carrots (whatever, I like keeping it loose based on personal preference, but I like to throw in as much as possible in the way of veggies)

Chili Peppers (1 or 2 Habanaro, or 8-10 Jalepenos. You are going to need heat to offset the citrus in the recipe)

1/4 cup Chili Powder

1/4 Cup Cumin

2 tbsp sweetner  (white sugar or honey)

1 1/2 Cup Orange Juice (fresh squeezed if you can)

3/4 Cup Lime Juice (About 3 or 4 limes I believe)

2 tsp each Lime and Orange zest

28 oz can Crushed Tomatoes (of course fresh is always better)

Salt and Pepper to taste


The night before you plan on cooking this, soak your beans. The day of, I like to heat them to boiling, then let them sit anyway (I'm not a fan of crunchy legumes, but you may be)

Dice up all of your veggies.  Now I basically saute the onions and other veggies together til they are soft and sweaty, then throw in remaining ingredients.  Take the beans, drain the water, rinse them off and throw them in with your veggie tomato spice mixture, and add a little water. The recipe calls for 6 cups, but I found you only need 1-2 IF that. (it is supposed to be a stew, not a soup)  Cook for about 1 1/2 to 2 hours. You can let it simmer much longer if you want as well, or throw everything in a crockpot and go to work, come back and enjoy.


This recipe was stolen and adapted from the Joy of Cooking cookbook, by Irma S. Rombaur, Marian Rombaur, and Ethen Becker. Credit needs to be given where credit is due.

A little warning, if you have never worked with habanero, please PLEASE be careful. The first time I used them, I was nonchalantly cutting them up, and the fumes reached my face, I ended up with my head in a sink filled with ice water.



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