Submitted by PALLAS ATHENA -... on

This story was dictated to me by my 8 year old son. The drawing is also his. I thought it might make a nice share.
Once there was a guy named Ben. For a long time he did not know his name meant Bright Energy Navigator. He was a real smart guy and read a lot of books and knew a lot of different things.
One day he went to the park and he heard some people talking about a light and a song. He thought it was strange so he thought he would talk to the people. He thought maybe they were talking about a new scientific discovery but he found out they were talking about God and all the things that God created. He didn’t think there was too much special about what the people were talking about so he thought he would try to find out some more on his own. So he read more books but could not find out exactly what the people were talking about.
Finally he got disgusted and yelled out loud into the air that he wanted the answer but no one answered him. This went on for days and days and finally he gave up looking in books and yelling into the air. He just thought maybe it was all something he was not supposed to know. He even tried to find the people again in the park but they never showed up again. He didn’t think he imagined the whole thing but now he gave up.
One night he went to sleep and had an amazing dream. He saw a beautiful light all white and blue and gold appear to him. He thought maybe it was an angel but it actually was not. He also heard a beautiful song that he also thought was angels but it was not. He tried to wake up real quick but it didn’t work so well or at least he didn’t think it did. All of a sudden a nice voice started to speak and asked him what he was looking for. He spoke up and said he was looking for the reason for the light and song and where it was. Where could he find it? The voice had a laugh and told him the light and the song was inside him in his soul. Then the guy got a little scared and wanted to know right now what it was. The voice laughed again and said not to be afraid because it was just love. Then the voice told him his name meant Bright Energy Navigator and that he should tell anyone who asks him what it is so they didn’t have to guess what it was anymore. Ben said that was easy but the voice told him that most people don’t know really much about love so it was his job to tell them. Then the voice told him to go look in this big mirror which appeared before him. He looked and saw the outside of his body with all lights coming out of it. Inside in the center he saw a burst of blue and gold and white lights streaming out in all these sparkles.
When he woke up he felt really good and then went out every day to navigate around people and tell them about love.
Merry Christmas!
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