Submitted by ANTARA - Manager on
"Do we only habitually rewrite the past?" - Antara
The book The Jesus Mysteries written by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy is a highly controversial book. It states that the person Jesus never existed. The “concept” of Christ was copied out of the very Old Mystery Religions of Persia (Mithras) and Egypt (Osiris).
The merger of the Many Mystery Cults took place in Alexandria, the new Capital of Egypt, founded by Alexander the Great in 334 BC. The former capital of Egypt was Heliopolis, Alexandria was the home to the largest Jewish Community in the world. They produced the Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, the Septuaqint, between the 3rd an 1stcentury BC.
Most of the Jewish people in Asia spoke Greek and were not able to read the original Torah anymore. The writers of the New Testament based their writing on the Greek Version. Later it was shown that this version contained many translation errors.
Alexandria was the seat of the oldest school of Christian religion in the world, the Didascalai. It was founded around AD 190 by the scholar Pantaenus, who became its first dean.
It is very likely that the texts of Old and the New Testament were highly influenced by the Religions of Persia (Mitrash) and Egypt (Osiris). The Jews spend a long time in Persia (Babylonia) and the Religion of Moses originated at Heliopolis, the Old Sacred Religious Center of Egypt.
The most important concept of Heliopolis was the Ennead (Greek Ἐννεάς) or Pesedjet (Egyptian) meaning the Nine. The Ennead consists of a grouping of nine deities, most often appearing in the context of Egyptian mythology. The group consisted of Atum, the first god, his children Shu and Tefnut, and their descendants Geb, Nut, Osiris, Isis, Set, and Nephthys.
The story of the Ennead is illustrated in the so called Pyramid Texts, the oldest religious texts on earth (2400-2300 BCE):
O Atum-Kheprer, you were high on the height, you rose up as the bnbn-stone in the Mansion of the bn-bird in On, you spat out Shu, you spit out Tefnut, and you set your arms about them as the arms of a ka-symbol, that your essence might be in them….
O you Great Pesdjet, Ennead, which is on On, namely Atum, Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, Osiris, Isis, Set, and Nephthys; O children of Atum, extend his heart to his child in your name of Nine Bows. Let him be turned back from you toward Atum….
If we look closely at the Ennead it contains a very old pattern.
Atum is a Bisexual Self-Creating Entity associated with the Primal Void. Atum creates Two “children” called Shu and Tefnut. Shu was Male and associated with Space (Sky). Tefnut (Water) was the first Mother and associated with the Flow of Time. Atum, Shu and Tefnut are the Trinity (Father, Mother, Holy Ghost (Atum)) or in the Terminology of Current Physics Strings (Space), Energy (Time) and the Singularity.
The Trinity produces Two children called Geb (Earth) and Nut (Heaven). It is very clear that Shu, Tefnut, Geb and Nut are the Four Elements of Nature. They are constructed by combining Tefnut (Female, Yin) and Geb (Male, Yang) in Four different Ways (Yin/Yin (Tefnut, Desire)), Yang/Yang (Shu, Control), Yang/Yin (Nut, Spirit, Imagination) and Yin/Yang (Geb, Soul, Emotion)).
The next step in the process of Creation is the Eight (2x2x2). The Eight, the Ogdoad, are related to the Eight Chakras (7+1, the One, Atum) and the Seven (+1) Parallel Universes or Heavens.
The Names and the Meaning of the Four Elements are different in different occurrences of Space (Culture) and Time (History) but the Concept stays the same. Some of the Cultures use Five Elements. If this happens the Fifth Element is always the Center of the Four Elements.
The Four Elements are always used to explain the Forces of Physical Nature. A well known discussion in Physics around 1900 was about the existence of the fifth Element called Ether. Einstein proved that this element did not exist because the Morrison-Morle experiments showed that the Speed of Light was not bothered by the Ether.
At this moment a growing number of Physicists believe the experiments of Morrison & Morley were wrong and the Ether (now called Zero-Point Energy) is really there.
The Elements were used in Medicine (the four Humors) and are still used in Psychology (the Archetypes of Jung). In the terminology of current Science the Elements are called the Four Forces of Nature (The Strong Force, The Weak Force, Gravity and Electro-Magnetism).
The difference between the current ideas about Nature and the old Egyptian ideas of Nature have to do with Levels and Boxes. At this moment we believe that Our Reality consists of many more or less independent Boxes that are ordered in a Hierarchical Structure.
The Old Egyptian Scientists believe in One Principle that was active on every Level. They believed in the process of Enfolding. In current terminology we could say that the Old Scientists believed in a Fractal or a Self-Referencing Universe.
Thinking in terms of Fractals and Self-Reference is very difficult when you believe in a Hierarchical Causal Structure. The Big problem with this Paradigm is that it leads to highly complex models. More important this Scientific Approach leads to a Worldview where Mind, Body, Nature, Science and Religion are completely disconnected.
The Old Scientists of Egypt used a Theory of Everything - something Physical Science is looking for for many years. It is therefore not strange that important physicists are using the Old Theories for Inspiration and start to believe that the 'Old Scientists' were more advanced than we thought they were.
I believe they are Right. The only thing that is bothering us is their Language and their Metaphors. We have to spend a lot of time to Map their Universe of Discourse to ours.
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