Submitted by Sisomsoc Seletsyc on
Recently I have been feeling very down, my thoughts range all over the spectrum. I meet new people and instead of getting to know people I almost become them. It's like I am connected to how they think.. It has been straining my emotions and today it really hit me hard. From suicidal thoughts, am I really this persons child or this strangers child.. I am beginning to think it's just loneliness.. the lack of being with people that is making me feel like I don't fit in or don't belong. I am trying but sometimes there is only do as Yoda would go on about. So how to get out of this mentality. Tired of the same old frivolity of the people I once knew.. How do I remove the stain of another persons emotional imprint on my thought processes? It wears me out because I am very sensitive to others emotions and when they feel some way I feel that way.. and as it goes if I am already dealing with my own baggage it tears me down to level of complacency that a younger me would scoff at. Yes, I have been through many emotional roller coasters and yes this won't be the last. I just need to get it on the right track so I am actually living and not just feeling like a yo yo on a string.
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