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"The Chinese "art of placement" concerns changing the physical environment to minimize negative energies and maximize positive ones. Shapes, colors, textures, mirrors, fountains and crystals are common tools to alter energetic space. For ghosts, it's best to consult a feng shui expert but here are some things that are good to know." - Rosemary Ellen Guiley
All homes and offices have a combination of unseen Yin and Yang energies in the various sections of the building. When there's too much Yin energy in any given room, that's where the spirits will choose to reside... especially in the SE, South, SW or West, which are the Yin directions. In this case, bringing in more natural light will help to some extent. However, you'll have better results by also adding the appropriate elemental remedy to that room to reduce the Yin energy.
Ghosts live in a yin environment, while human domains are generally more “yang” in nature. When yin chi is dominant in your home or office the ghosts will feel more comfortable there. So it makes sense to do everything possible to avoid yin spirit formation in your home and thus make it much less appealing for the ghosts to ensure that they don’t come for a visit.
A house that is too yin is usually dark with little or no sunlight and fresh air. Houses that are built near churches, hospitals and graveyards or covered by too many trees and branches (which block out sunlight) are also attractive to ghosts. Make sure to keep your own house very clean, open the windows when possible to let in the fresh air and as much sunlight as possible.
Remember that clutter and dark corners cause stagnant energy and yin spirit formation. Get rid of any collected rubbish and clutter. Turn on the lights, play music and brighten dark areas or rooms that are not often used. A bright and airy home with plenty of yang energy is best. Ghosts also dislike chimes. Space clearing bowls and bells are said to drive ghosts and evil spirits away from a residence. The burning of feng shui candles in a home is said to restore peace and tranquility.
Chung Kwei is the famous Chinese “ghost catcher” and the Chinese believe that his powerful image alone is enough to chase the wandering spirits away. Invite him into your home and office to gain his powerful protection against harmful and disturbing ghostly influences.
The Chinese call anything too linear "poison arrows" and since the Chinese believe that ghosts can only move in a “straight line" it is important to move the furniture so that it is not linear. Architecture, furniture, and objects that are arranged in straight lines are used by negative energies. Also get rid of antiques and old pictures that seem to be holding any strange energy. Often bad energy comes from older objects that have been handled by or belonged to other people especially anitques. Dirty mirrors are another "ghost attraction." Another Feng Shui charm against ghosts is a pair of Fu Dogs or Fu Lions. These are the traditional guardians that guard a home against bad energy and are placed on either side of the front door on the porch.
Things must be in good working order in the house. All sources of dirty or plugged water are also favored by ghosts. Make sure that all faucets, toilets, and sinks are in good working order and that none of these are cracked or plugged or dripping. Always keep the doors to bathrooms closed and the lids to toilets closed as well.
When travelling, a hotel becomes a home away from home. The hotel is considered as a "yin place" and is normally a favorite settlement for ghosts. The following are some tips that one can follow when staying in hotels to prevent ghostly encounters:
- Knock on the bedroom door before you enter for the first time.
- Do not go into the room right away. Whisper to yourself that you are renting the room to stay temporarily, as this allows "anything else" to leave.
- Place shoes facing the door. One side of the shoe points to the door and the other side point inwards. Keep any shoes away from the bed when sleeping.
- Put a glass of salt water next to your bed.
- Flush the toilet bowl first before using it.
- There is a Bible or Quran in one of the hotel drawers. Avoid touching or moving them from their original positions.
- Always keep the door to the bathroom closed with lights turned off when you go to sleep.
- Avoid facing any mirror when you sleep. If necessary cover it with a towel.
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