Submitted by Rogue Khrae on
Image by Enrique Meseguer from Pixabay
My Grandfather once told me that the crow was the smartest of all the birds. What’s more, it even knew it was the smartest of the birds and enjoyed it to the fullest. In fact, it was so smart that it chose to stay a crow, rather than move on to some other area of evolution. It has the unique ability to outwit most birds, animals and even humans at times, and they make for themselves a wonderful living … Crows intrigue and aggravate us. – Ted Andrews, Animal Speak
Throughout history, the crow has been associated with both positive and negative symbolic meanings. The most common are:
- Life magic; mystery of creation
- Destiny, personal transformation, alchemy
- Intelligence
- Higher perspective
- Being fearless, audacious
- Flexibility, adaptability
- Trickster, manipulative, mischievous
Additional Associations for Crow…
- Guardian of the place before existence
- Manifestation
- Law of Attraction
- Life and Death
- Rebirth
- Transition magic
- Watchfulness
- New opportunities coming up
- Fair Trade and Barter
- Ability to move in space and time
- Honoring ancestors
- Ethics and Ethical behavior
- Carrier of souls from darkness into light
- Working without fear in darkness
- Guidance while working in shadow
- Moves freely in the void
- Understands all things related to ethics
- Shape Shifter
Many cultures consider crows to be the keepers of the Sacred Law, for nothing escapes their keen sight. Crow medicine signifies a firsthand knowledge of a higher order of right and wrong than that indicated by the laws created in human culture.
“Native Americans had great respect for this bird. Several southwestern tribes heralded the Raven as the bringer of light that escaped from the darkness of the cosmos. Thus, they associate this bird with creation because it brought light where there was none. Other tribes looked upon this bird as a trickster or even a shape-shifter because of its high intelligence and ability to adapt to different situations.”7
The relationship with war and death also underlies the crow’s connection to the Otherworld. The crow is sometimes perceived as a harbinger of death as well. The Scots have a term for death: “going away up the Crow Road.” In Hindu belief, crows serve as intermediaries who bring offerings of food and water to deceased ancestors on the anniversary of the relative’s death, a practice of expressing gratitude known as ’Srˉaddha. In ancient Egypt, however, the crow was a symbol of faithful love because of the bird’s monogamous nature. 2
“Greeks pegged the crow as a white bird initially. But the white crow gave Apollo (Greek god of prophecy, healing and much more) some bad news and Apollo turned it black as a mark of displeasure. From that day on, the crow kept her secrets to herself in an effort to protect her brood, and her knowledge.
The Latin term "Corvid" identifies the crow family. This word is derived, in part, from the word "cunning". This is oh-so-true with the crow. These birds have been known to outsmart other birds, many animals, and even more humans at times. They are masters at tactical maneuvers, and cunning is definitely the name of their game.
The crow is associated with many a god and goddess. Do some research, and you'll discover that's true. Morrigan, Shani, Odin, Badb...these and more deities are aligned with the crow. In my studies, it's rare to have a creature shared by so many deities. Why is that? My guess is the power of the crow. There's something majestic and magnetic about the crow that temps a god or goddess to affilliate themselves with this bird.
The crow can be monogamous (having one partner), but this isn't always the case. The Egyptians noticed their tendency to keep one mate and deemed this bird as a symbol of devotion and faithfulness.
Chinese Lore places the crow on a throne of masculine rule. In ancient Asian legend, the crow was said to be the father of the Asian race. As a result, the crow is respected and given great devotion (at least it was back in the day) as the parent of humankind.” – Avia (
A number of verses appear in American and European folklore to describe the crow's influence. In North America, "Crow on the fence, rain will go hence" is an often cited expression. In Maryland the following verse is found:
One crow--sorrow
Two crows--mirth
Three crows--wedding
Four crows--birth
The English version is as follows:
One's bad luck
Two's luck
Threes health
Four's wealth
Five's sickness
And six is death
Still another version goes like this:
One means anger
Two means mirth
Three a wedding
Four a birth
Five is heaven
Six is hell
But seven is the Devil's ownself.
What if a crow catches your attention?
Personal Integrity are your watchwords and your guide in Life. How is that working for you? If you have a Crow totem, your prime path is to be mindful of your opinions and actions throughout your life. You must be willing to walk your talk, to speak your truth and to know your life's mission.
1) Animal Speak – Ted Andrews
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