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A Journey Within

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 I love to meditate and journey within. I don’t get to do it as often as I would like, but I do enjoy the times I get to get away. My last journey was yesterday during the evening. I kept getting signs that I need to connect with my ancestors through meditation. I finally made time to do it right before the storm that had been brewing all day graced us with his presence. I wasn’t able to go into a deep meditation like I wanted to. My five year old daughter was in a mood and acting out. I sent her to her room after a failed attempt to get her to meditate with me. Throughout my journey, I kept coming back to real time to check if my daughter was at my door. Luckily, I am able to easily focus ard reconnect with my inner-self and those that surround me.

 When I finally was able to connect without getting distracted, a cool blue energy surrounded me, making me feel calm, cool and perhaps collected. As the light blue energy (I usually see it as a fog, best way to describe it) disappeared, I found myself stepping on stones across a body of still water. After crossing the body of water, I came to land that was illuminated with a bright light as if it was an entrance to a magical jungle or forest. As I crossed the bright light line/doorway, I found myself speeding through a tunnel, like I was in a worm hole. The worm hole was decorated with sacred geometry and I was being hauled away to my vision. I finally came across a leopard in the rainforest hunting or perhaps protecting herself. She was low to the ground, her muscles on her back were tight together and her fur was wrinkled on her shoulders because of it. I could see her eyes focus as she hissed and showed her great fangs. Her behavior was not direct towards me; I was slightly above the rain forest and to the left of her. Time changed quickly and she was now walking through the brush and I was overlooking her as she was making her way through the forest.  I could see how elegant and graceful her walk was, creating a fluid movement through the jungle. She swayed through the greenery making her way to her destination. As soon as she disappeared, a young kitten came into view, which quickly morphed into a male lion and morphed back to a kitten.

Then, a hawk flew by and picked “me” up. I was able to focus on his eyes and beak. I felt like I was tucked right under his neck. I don’t believe I was able to see the ground beneath me, just the sky around us and his eyes and beak. At some point I also came across an elephant, but I can’t remember how it appeared in my vision. I do know it was in the jungle looking at me with its ears spread wide, with some green branches surrounding the sides of its face. It didn’t seem threated at all; he was curiously looking at me. At one point, I was with a jellyfish and I could feel its body contracting to propel us upward. The motion is still so vivid to me as I write this now. I can still feel her pulling herself close within only to explode with energy as she pushed with all her might to move forward. As we went higher and higher, the jellyfish turned into reddish color that eventually was glowing orange. The jellyfish was beginning to radiate this bright orangish-whitish color (very high energy). I could see the energy flow from the outer edges of the jelly. She began to grow enormously into the sun, right below my feet. The same energy color was now below me and radiating out over the horizon. The bright light dimmed and the remaining energy turned into stars that were passing by me, as if I was watching many nights passed within those few seconds. So there I was, watching the stars circle around me, leaving their trails of imprints on the sky above.

 I know I need to journey within myself more… I just struggle with finding the time to commit to it. I truly enjoy the visions that are given to me. I feel that one day I will be able to fully dedicate myself to these visions. As of right now, there are many other aspects of my life that need to be developed before I am ready to fully embrace my gifts.

I found this site by looking up the meaning of “toad totem.” I have looked up the meaning numerous times but never had the delight of finding this web site. I quickly signed up and anxiously awaited my approval for my membership! I am happy that my life has led me here. I would like to share my experiences through meditation on here. I may even start a group where we can all share our visions. I am a little hesitant to do that at this point because I am not sure how much I can commit. I am currently attending the University of New Mexico working towards a major in psychology and biology with a minor in chemistry. I am also assisting my professor with medical marijuana research (HUUUUUGGGEEE ACCOMPLISHMENTS CAN COME FROM THIS). On top of school, I also have my family that needs my attention. I have high hopes that after this coming school year, I will have a little more time to dedicate to other areas of my life.    

So, for now I would to document my visions on my blog. I also would like to try and figure out the meanings behind them. I always find myself trying to put the pieces together. If any of you would like to share some insight with me, please feel free <3