Submitted by Cadet Cyndy on
Greetings all! It's me Cadet Cyndy the Spiritual Stewardess and Funky Flight Attendant. That's a two sided coin because by profession I am actually a real time flight attendant but I am also a frequent flier into the astral worlds.
Years ago when I began to astral travel, I would go to my boyfriend's house, and try to see what was going on there. I would also have dreams that I was at different people's homes, and I was looking down on them watching what was going on in their houses. I got really good at all of this OBE. No one knew I was there and I did come to find out that spying on others and intruding upon their personal space had consequences that were very unpleasant including the attraction of negative entities. So, the basic travel rule is worth repeating - Astral Travel/projection should be engaged as a tool for self development and nothing more.
Here are some "fly" (as in good) notes* from
About How To Astral Projection -
Move to Tibet, live there for several decades while you study the intricate mantras to chant while you meditate for days on end until you achieve your fully accredited astral projection. I would find this technique to be worse than stepping in front of a bus. And personally, I don’t see the need to memorize ancient Sanscrit words to know where you are in the astral plane and what to do while astral projecting.
Relax on your bed or sit reclined in a comfortable chair with your eyes closed trying to will your spirit to leave your body on an astral projection. This astral projection does work but you’ll spend days or even months at it, you might even give up the attempt before you astral project for the first time. After you’ve experienced a few successful astral projections this astral projecting method will work quicker but it will never be how to astral project instantly. I’ll give you a hint though. Don’t try to force the astral projection. Just let your consciousness slip into astral projecting.
About Instant Astral Projection -
I’m sorry but the only way to astral project instantly, is to die suddenly. I don’t recommend that astral projection method. However, there are ways to transition your consciousness into astral projecting that are quick enough that you shouldn’t be tempted to step in front of a bus while you’re waiting to astral project. You might be thinking I meant that sudden death technique of initiating an instant entry into astral projection as a bit of humor. Well, I did mean it to be funny but sadly, I think most people will not actually try astral projection until they happen upon that terminal technique for astral projecting. Everyone will astral project at least once but those who wait until death to astral project are missing out on something wonderful they could’ve done while still alive. So let’s get you astral projecting, if not instantly, then at least soon.
Meditation For Astral Projection -
Meditate first to relax your mind and body before you allow your consciousness to shift into your astral projection. Truthfully, until you’ve got a few astral projection trips under your belt, you’ll likely fall asleep before you go astral projecting. For this meditation method, I suggest you begin your astral attempting meditation before you are tired. I think that most people who astral project quickly use this astral projection technique.
An even quicker method of astral projecting is by meditating while listening to a binaural beat recording, an isochronal tone recording or soothing binaural music. There are also subliminal and hypnotic products available digitally but I see these as serving another function other than triggering an astral projection experience. The binaural or isochronal recording prepares a person’s mental state for astral projecting and I think it is awesome to have such a useful tool available for astral projection beginners.
Another way to induce an out-of-body experience or astral travel is with hypnosis. And similar to the hypnosis option, a subliminal package is available to assist with astral traveling. However, I see these as primarily a way to convince a mind that astral travel IS reasonable. As I’ve said often accepting the possibility is the first half of the task. After the hypnosis and/or subliminal mp3, a spirit still has to jump the second hurdle of actually triggering the astral projection. So over the hypnosis or subliminal method, I would strongly suggest the binaural astral travel method.
Astral Projection For Reverse Aging -
You and your body exist here in the physical universe but if you follow quantum mechanics, you might also know that the atoms that make up your body phase into and out of the physical plane all the time. In fact those quantum size particles are phasing into astral space and back into the physical universe. Astral space exists all around us and in us as well and we are all continually traveling into and out of the astral plane. This is just normal life. Science does not actually know why our bodies age. They do know that over time the DNA strands become damaged and as the DNA replicates, the damage is passed on to the next cellular generation.
Since time does not exist in the astral plane, the previous and future portions of your existence are in a mixed pool around you – and you can astral travel to any portion of your life to visit or revisit. You can also enter your previous or future body and absorb the thoughts and memories that your past or future self is experiencing. That ability alone is an interesting astral adventure but it brought me to an epiphany. ‘Co-existing for longer periods in a former incarnation of myself might bring a return to youthfulness!’
The cells of your body are constantly in flux. They are continuously being replaced AND they are blinking back and forth into the astral plane. In pure theory, a body should never age at all because the cells are constantly being replaced – so why do we age? Medical science doesn’t know how to answer that question yet. So might I suggest that we grow old because when our DNA phases into astral space, it does not come back exactly as it was before it left?
Is Astral Travel Insanity? -
Actually, I believe the people who don’t accept the reality of astral travel are the crazy ones. Perhaps crazy isn’t the right word. I suggest that our having astral traveling ability actually makes the better logical sense.
Consider that throughout the course of civilization, everyday folk have absolutely trusted in the spiritual belief that something happens to their souls after death. Religions each offer different explanations of what happens for the soul but the basic premise that an afterlife does exist is almost universally accepted – and spirituality isn’t thought of as insanity. Let’s think rationally about the root concept of afterlife.
For life essence to be able to transcend the death of the body, then the spirit can’t actually be 100% fixed to the physical body. If a spirit can leave the body at the instant of death – to journey on to whatever awaits then why can’t that same detachable spirit be able to voluntarily disconnect from the body before death? Well, it can. Out-of-body death experiences prove this is possible and astral travels are simply extended out-of-body experiences where the spirit doesn’t remain around in the vicinity of the physical body.
Astral traveling is an amazing experience. There are places to explore that will blow your mind and that without astral traveling, you can only imagine.
Astral Projection Myths:
There are a lot of misconceptions about Astral Projection floating around online and offline. Many of them scare people into thinking Astral Projection is dangerous. I’m speaking from experience when I tell you there is absolutely nothing to fear. Let us go through some of the common misconceptions and shed some light on them..
Myth 1: Astral Projection is very rare.
Truth: Astral Projection is a very common phenomenon indeed. Five to ten percent of the world’s population has experienced a conscious out of body experience at least once. This means around 6 million people in the U.K, or as much as 30 million people in the United States.
Myth 2: Astral Projection is always spontaneous. You cannot learn it.
Truth: You can learn to Astral Project at will. There are countless techniques that teach you how to have an OOBE. Since every individual is different, no particular technique is best for everybody. You have to find out which method is best for you. Just like anything in life, you have to practice and get good at it.
Myth 3: Not everyone can learn to Astral Project. It is only for a select few.
Truth: Anyone can Astral Project but it requires some practice, consistency and open-mindedness. Just like you learn to walk, ride a bicycle or swim, Astral Projection is a skill you need to learn.
Myth 4: Only adults can Astral Project because they are more mature.
Truth: Age is never a factor in Astral Projection. It’s a fact that children Astral Project more than adults. The reason is that children are innocent and they believe everything is possible, so they achieve Astral Projection more easily. We adults do not believe everything easily. The more we are open-minded and start believing, the easier it is to Project. Age in itself is never a roadblock for Projection; the only hindrance is your level of belief.
Myth 5: Astral Projection is not safe.
Truth: Astral Projection is a natural experience reported in every culture and society of the world. It is safe for most people but anyone who has acute psychological problems should avoid it.
Myth 6: It takes several years to achieve a conscious Astral Projection.
Truth: Since every individual is different, no one can guarantee how long it may take. Some achieve it on the first try and others do not achieve it even in two years! But if tried consistently, about 30 days is a fair enough time to experience at least one projection.
Myth 7: It is possible that you may not be able to get back into your physical body.
Truth: Every night when we sleep, our Astral body is out of our physical body. We are just not conscious about it. During Astral Projection, we are aware of the fact that we’re in another dimension. Since after every night’s sleep we can easily get back into the body, we can do the same after Astral Projection too. The surprising fact is that it is difficult to stay out of the body. Getting back into your body is instant and automatic. Your Astral Body is connected to your physical body by a Silver Cord, which ensures that you can always get back in.
Myth 8: You can get possessed during Astral Projection.
Truth: This is a very common question in most people’s minds, but there is no danger of being possessed by other entities. Your Astral Body is attached to your physical body by a Silver Cord. No one else can sever it and enter your body. (Let me be extra clear here.. You are perfectly safe while astral projecting. You are safe because entities need physical matter to tether to, and while projecting you have no physical matter they can tether to. Possessions ARE a possibility when you are in your body. That is why Seances and Ouija boards can be quite dangerous. Because you’re actually calling entities to you when you’re in your physical body.)
Myth 9: Astral Projection changes a person’s religious beliefs.
Truth: An in-depth study of 350 participants was conducted and published by Dr. Melvin Morse in 1992. According to that study, out-of-body experiences did not seem to alter one’s religious beliefs. In fact, most people reported that their religious beliefs were confirmed and strengthened by their out-of-body experiences.
Myth 10: You cannot go very far when out of the body.
Truth: There is no defined limit as to how far you can go away from the physical body. However, it is important to note that there are certain areas that you do not readily have access to unless you have spiritually graduated to those areas. There are several planes apart from the Astral Plane. You cannot visit a higher vibratory plane in a lower vibratory body.
Myth 11: There is no cord that connects the Astral and the Physical bodies.
Truth: There is definitely a Silver Cord that connects the two bodies. You may or may not be able to see it, but it is always there. Even the Bible talks about it. Through the Silver Cord, the transference of energy takes place that gives life to the physical. As long as a person is alive, this cord is intact. It can be likened to the umbilical cord attaching a child to the mother.
Myth 12: Other Astral entities can sever the Silver Cord.
Truth: The Silver Cord cannot be severed by anyone. This only happens when the hour of death has arrived for a person, and that comes by law.
Myth 13: The Astral Plane is full of dangerous negative entities.
Truth: Yes, there are negative entities in the Astral Plane, but they are not dangerous. They can do no harm to you in any way. Remember, in the Astral, your thoughts have power. If you don’t like something, you can always change it into something you want. By not being afraid, you can make these entities vanish or turn them into something more pleasant. If any of these entities do scare you, at the most you will slump back in your physical body. Many of these negative entities are self-created. They are nothing but manifestations of our own fears, which appear as thought-forms. In order to avoid bumping into any of these entities, you should attempt Projection in a good mood. The rule in the Astral Plane is like attracts like. If you are in a negative or bad mood, you will attract negative thought-forms, but if you Project with positive and loving thoughts, you will most likely attract positive and loving entities.
Myth 14: When a person wakes up after Projection, he feels really tired.
Truth: During Astral Projection, the physical body sleeps normally, so when you wake up, you feel very refreshed.
Myth 15: You cannot touch objects in the Astral.
Truth: You can touch and feel Astral objects in the Astral just as you can touch physical ones in the physical plane. But in the Astral, under normal circumstances you cannot touch physical objects. If you attempt to, your hand will pass right through it. That’s why you have heard that your Astral body can pass through walls!
Myth 16: It is necessary to be good at visualization in order to Astral Project.
Truth: Visualization is not a necessary ingredient for Projection, but if the projector can increase his ability to visualize, it will help him progress faster.
Myth 17: Drugs be used to help induce Projection.
Truth: Some kinds of Drugs do induce projection, but I do not recommend any kinds of drugs because they harm your Astral vehicle. The key to a productive out-of-body experience is complete control, and control is the first thing lost when you use any kind of mind-altering substance. Drugs curtail your spiritual growth. They take you to the lower Astral Plane full of confusion and disorientation. It is dull, gloomy, and full of negative energy. The lower Astral is very unlike the vibrant, progressive, positive Astral we are seeking to achieve. Why contaminate the biological vehicle when effective results can be achieved naturally? Don’t put your body at risk. If there is real desire to experience Astral Projection, then that desire along with consistent practice will get you there.
Myth 18: It is impossible to meet with other human beings during Projection.
Truth: It is possible to meet other human beings (dead or alive) in 4D, but if you want to talk to them meaningfully and remember what was said, you should both be conscious while doing so. If we find them in 4D while they are asleep and dreaming, they will usually appear drunk to us because they aren’t actually conscious. They may not recognize us, but later when they awake, they may remember seeing us in a dream. When we see people in dreams, most of the time, they are in our dreams because we put them there. SOMETIMES, we see people in dreams because their souls are actually with us in the 4th dimension.. But it’s hard to say either way. If you see someone in a dream, and you were able to remember it clearly, there’s probably a reason you can remember it.. It may have actually happened.
Myth 19: When we are Astral Projecting, if we think the name of a friend such as John, by mistake we can visit some other person by the same name.
Truth: In the Astral, your thoughts are the key to where you want to go. Your higher self knows who you want to visit and will take you to the correct person. Here, the name of the person doesn’t matter at all. Since you are thinking of that person, you will go to that person.
Myth 20: Astral projection doesn’t prove life after death.
Truth: People who have experienced proper conscious OBEs even once start to strongly believe in life after death. Finding themselves outside their physical bodies and still functioning, still able to see, hear, touch, even smell and taste, still able to do everything and more, how can anyone deny that life goes on?
*Astral Notes links:
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