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Your chakras are fundamental to every part of your being. First identified in ancient India (the word chakra derives from the Sanskrit word for wheel), they are the body's energy centers through which the life force flows, helping you to maintian physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual balance.
Chakras are our energy centers. They are the openings for life energy to flow into and out of our aura. They exist in the energy body known as the etheric body, which is the layer of energy closest to the physical body. The chakras form a well-organised system that keeps the life force, or energy, directed and fluid. When something happens to impede the flow of life energy, the chakras slow down activity, and energy becomes sluggish and even stagnant. If this situation is temporary, the energy resumes its natural flow. If the situation continues for some time, the chakras need stimulation to become active again. Our health and well-being depend on active chakras.
The seven main chakras are described as being aligned in an ascending column from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Each chakra is associated with a certain colour, multiple specific functions, an aspect of consciuosness, a classical element, and other distinguishing characteristics. Chakras are often referred to as looking like lotus flowers. Or they are said to look like the blades of a fan in circular motion.
Today, in our highly charged world, full of stress and loaded with chemicals - which we absorb as polluted air, poisoned water and an endless range of allopathic drugs - we are in urgent need of understanding this ancient knowledge about energy and how it works. It strives to empower people to make the best choices for health, connectedness, and love. It also teaches us that we are more than a physical body: we are a complete energy system that unites all levels of being into an energetic totality. Knowing how this system works is vital if we wish to take charge of our lives.
Root chakra - Muladhara (Root or Support)
Located at the base of the spine
Colour: Red
Element: Earth
Crystals: Ruby, bloodstone, hematite
Qualities: Patience, structure, stability, security, the ability to manifest your dreams
Life issues: To value the material as sacred, to find trust in place of despair, to persevere
Angelic presence: Archangel Michael, leader of the heavenly armies against the forces of evil
Michael brings healing to the Root Chakra by helping us belong. He supports us in creating families of choice based on love and friendship, which honors us in growth, truth and love. He helps us form communities that sustain our spirit. - Ambika Wauters
Sacral chakra - Swadhisthana (My sweet abode)
Located two inches below the navel and two inches into the pelvis
Colour: Orange
Element: Water
Crystals: Carnelian, tiger's eye, onyx
Qualities: Well-being, sexuality, sensuality, pleasure, abundance
Life issues: To know that who you are and what you do are enough; to have enough rest, food, exercise, fun and money; not to link self-worth with what you do or have; to create healthy boundaries to protect your vital life force.
Angelic presence: Archangel Metatron
Metatron is the angel who shows us the proper measure of things so that we are able to ascertain what is enough. He rules over appeitite, right thinking and right action. he encourages us to have fun, rest and to love life in all its glory. - Ambika Wauters
Solar Plexus chakra - Manipura (Lustrous jewel)
Located directly below the sternum and over the stomach
Colour: Yellow
Element: Fire
Crystals: Topaz, citrine, amber
Qualities: Self-worth, self-esteem, confidence, personal power, freedom of choice
Life issues: To develop a strong and resilient ego; to know you are worthy simply because you exist
Angelic presence: Archangel Uriel, regent of the Sun
Uriel is the regent of the Sun and guardian to the gates of Paradise. He represents to power of our true worth and encourages us to be ourselves. He can bring us the healing light of God so that we can find our stillness and know our worth. - Ambika Wauters
Heart chakra - Anahata (Unstruck)
Located in the middle of the chest
Colour: Green or pink
Element: Air
Crystals: Rose quartz, diamond, peridot
Qualities: Unity, brother- and sisterhood, love, peace, purity, and innocence
Life issues: To let love be the center of your life
Angelic presence: Archangel Raphael
Raphael is known as the Healer of the Heavenly Hosts. he brings us God's healing love and shows us herbs and medicines that we can use to bring balance and healing to our system. - Ambika Wauters
Throat chakra - Vishuddha (Purification)
Located in the internal and external throat
Colour: Turquoise
Element: The ethers, in which all things are contained
Crystals: Turquoise, blue agate, aquamarine
Qualities: Will, communication, creativity, truthfulness, integrity
Life issues: To harness your will, to express your highest truth, to live creatively
Angelic presence: Archangel Gabriel, messenger of God
Gabriel is known as the annunciator. He teaches us to honor truth by defending it with our commitment to speak up for ourselves and to oppose untruths. Gabriel teaches us that we, too, can use our voices to heal, inspire and soothe away pain. - Ambika Wauters
Third Eye chakra - Ajna (To perceive, to know)
Located between the eyebrows
Colour: Indigo
Element: The Cosmos
Crystals: Sapphire, tanzanite, lapis lazuli
Qualities: Wisdom, discernment, imagination, intuition, knowledge
Life issues: To focus your intelligence; to know who and what are for your highest good and greatest joy; to distill widom from your life experiences, both good and difficult; to choose life, health, joy and fulfillment in every aspect of your life
Angelic presence: The Shekhinah, better known as the feminine face of God
Shekhinah comes from ancient Jewish lore in which the Shekhinah is known as the feminine face of God. We know this to be the concept of the Goddess who rules over the inner consciousness of life and provides healing, vision and love. She teaches us to be discerning, intuitive, imaginative, and knowlegeable. - Amika Wauters
Crown chakra - Sahasrara (Thousandfold)
Located at the top of the skull
Colour: Violet
Element: The Cosmos
Crystals: Amethyst, alexandrite
Qualities: Grace, beauty, serenity, oneness with all that is
Life issues: Selfless realisation of your indelible connection with the greater whole of life; creation of a vital and resilient spiritual context for holding your life experiences
Angelic presence: The Christ Light
This is the pure light within us that is never born and never dies. It is permanent, ever radiant and ever connected to the source of all life. - Ambika Wauters
Article source:
Quote snippets: The Book Of Chakras, Ambika Wauters. Pgs 124-125
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