Submitted by Dr. Arati Mishra on

Even the very premise of Atheistic Philosophy says that God’s existence cannot be proved. Hence they say that whatever cannot be proved can never exist. But this argument is one sided and incomplete. The belief that ‘whatever cannot be proved scientifically has no existence’ could be true let’s say until 100 years previously because scientific research was yet in its infancy. But today when modern science has taken measured steps in the realms of the ‘invisible’ and ‘unknown’ and has come out with some amazing discoveries it goes without saying that there are many more areas which have yet to be discovered by modern science simply because so far they have not gone in this direction. A day will come when they will go deeper and deeper into the mystery of creation and come out victorious with more discoveries.
Until the past few decades it was believed that the minutest particle of matter was a molecule and that there was no way to break it up further. Hence in those times the molecule was considered to be the subtlest form of matter. And yet after a few years passed by scientists were able to break up molecules into further smaller units called atom. At that time scientists said that the atom cannot be further broken down. Again history is witness to the fact that the atom too was pierced by later well known physicists. When the atom was further broken down scientists were amazed to note that a great gush of energy manifested. This energy can either be used to fulfill our fuel needs or it can be misused to make let’s say nuclear weapons and heartlessly kill millions of innocent lives.
But even today the atom is not accepted as the subtlest form of matter. In fact modern deep thinking scientists, physicists etc opine rightly that there exists an even more subtle principle in the atom. It is on this very basis that Prof. Richards writes in his book “Thirty Years of Psychic Research”: Fifty years back it was believed that whatever was not proved by material science had no existence. Despite this within the realm of material science such scientific data has been unearthed which says that let alone spiritual principles even the nature of matter has not been understood in totality by modern science. Hence how can one challenge the existence of a subtle conscious substratum of this material world just because modern science fails to prove its existence? We must all realize that spiritual sciences are beyond the ken of material science.
Sir A. S. Edigran elaborates further: A conscious force is at work in inert objects which can be called Prana or vital force. Toda we are unaware of its true nature and function and yet we can from the experiential standpoint say with conviction that everything happening in this material world is certainly not accidental or without the working of an intelligent principle.
Modern science even today is incapable of unearthing the subtlest principle of matter. For example when the atom was broken up a gush of energy emitted from it. And yet even today science has failed to fully understand its true form and nature. For example light is not a material object. A material object exists in a particular place, has some weight and which can be disintegrated. Light has no weight, has no particular place for existence and cannot be further disintegrated. The subtlest form of matter which is subtler than an atom too is akin to light in form and yet there is some strangeness attached to it. The strange thing is that along with it being a wave in form it exists in a certain place too. Modern scientists call this subtle form of atom as ‘quanta’.
What we are trying to say is that with due respect to modern science, it has failed to fully elucidate the subtlest form of matter. Hence how can we use modern science as proof for the existence of a subtle conscious principle which is the substratum of this inert material world? In other words just because modern science fails to prove the existence of a conscious cosmic principle can we deny out rightly the latter’s existence? In the human body the chief centre of consciousness is said to be the brain. Thoughts, thinking and emotions are said to primarily manifest in this region. Despite intense scientific research anatomists and physiologists have not fully understood the mysteries of the all important brain centre. Dr. Mcdougal in his book “Physiological Psychology” says: Even if the anatomical structure of the brain is studied very minutely, yet the question as to how human beings have gone beyond their animalistic behavior so as to become thinking, intellectual beings will remain unanswered. Why are human beings capable of expressing refined emotions unlike their animal counterparts? Thus we will have to accept that a subtle, formless principle exists within human beings. This principle can be called the soul, sensitive consciousness etc.
If at all there is a difference between a living man and a dead body with reference to their bodily chemical content is concerned is that the living man’s body is all the time ‘growing’ and the growth of a dead body comes to a standstill. Many have tried to induce growth in a dead body but all their hard work came to naught. Even today research is conducted in this realm but in a different manner. Today researchers are trying to find a way of inducing consciousness which had left a living body (so as to render it dead) to re-enter the dead body and thus bring it back to life. The great scientist Sir James Jeans in his most widely read book “The Mysterious Universe” writes: Today science is now moving on to the realm of that conscious cosmic principle which is the controller and substratum of this material world. Science yearns to unravel the mystery of what is the nature of this conscious principle without whose existence the existence of our material world is impossible? It is because of the fact that the self regulating mechanism of material objects is so weak that merely on its basis one cannot explain the existence of the untold potential of the power of thought present in the human psyche.
The very fact that this world functions so smoothly, its advancement and amazing potentials of consciousness in the human body all point out to the fact that a divine ‘director’ does exist (whom we call God). Arguments against this observation say that all creatures and objects are nothing but manifestations of matter; apart from matter nothing else exists.
As a counter argument the well known scientist Tendell in his book “Fragments of Science” writes: To say that life emanated from inert atoms like hydrogen, oxygen etc which are devoid of intelligence does not make sense. The reason being that the movement of life’s consciousness is so well managed and well directed everywhere that it cannot be called an ‘accident’ or ‘chance’. The great poetical works of Homer or the unearthing of the mathematical principle of Differential cannot be the result of a dice thrown or a roulette game in a casino.
The author of “Fragments of Science” writes that inert machine like activities cannot account for manifestation of the acts of seeing, hearing, dreaming, emotions and other sensations. Apart from carrying out ones daily chores whatever man thinks, desires etc and whatever is seen in this external world cannot be the result of various atoms uniting with one another.
As of today in spite of hectic scientific research being conducted all over the world, the mysteries of this material world have not been fully unearthed. Hence how can we use such scientific research to ‘prove’ the existence of a cosmic conscious principle (God)? Thus it is futile and prejudiced to say that God does not exist simply because modern science cannot prove its existence. There was a time in scientific research history when the atom was not yet discovered. Does it mean that the atom did not exist at that point in time? The atom definitely existed in the past and today even if via vain logic one tries to disprove the existence of the atom, the latter will continue to exist. Whether we accept something or not, whether we know something or not yet if something exists it will continue to do so without paying heed to our acceptance etc.
AUTHOR: Shriram Sharma Acharya