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Spiritual Immaturity


Image by Moni Mckein from Pixabay

“Say not I have found the truth, but rather I have found a truth.” ~ Kahlil Gibran

Just because you are an adult does not mean you are emotionally mature. Just because you are an adult does not mean you are spiritually mature either.

To be emotionally mature allows an individual be happy within his/her own life because it promotes self-sustainability, growth, and the ability to deal with changes. Interactions with others are real and therefore beneficial whereas emotional immaturity merely produces superficial outcomes and relationships.

Spiritual immaturity can be a slippery slope for often what we might consider as ‘mature’ is actually immature. Here are some examples:

Pride Puff: There are individuals who spend years on a spiritual path acquiring knowledge from a plethora of sources. One might say that they should be proud of what they have learned and digested. However, even though oft secured behind a veil of humility others may subjected to a gust of wind and barrage of information of a ‘father knows best’ variety. Knowledge in itself is a good thing – it can puff up awareness however it is love that actually build up awareness.

Ungracious Truth: The individual, insist, “I tell the truth! I am a truth person and will tell everyone the truth! I was born to do this!” Whose truth? The only truth in all of that is that the person is a jerk stuck on one side of the fence, unmotivated by grace and universal law and who would fall short presenting that ‘truth’ before God.

Untruthful Grace: “Some ‘mature’ people avoid the truth side of the equation as though love floats with no backbone. You cannot separate grace from truth any more than you can separate truth from grace. This one is rather self-explanatory. One’s verbiage either holds grace or it doesn’t. If it doesn’t hold grace it is not a truth.

Nepotistic Ninny-ism: There is a large number of people who consider themselves amongst the spiritually elite who live to about how awful the world is or how awful certain people are as well. They do not live within the law of love because they are exclusive but they believe they are doing the absolute right thing regarding those who must be exposed and annihilated because they are ruining the world. You can join the club only if you agree. If you do, step up and receive your clown button. If the Great Creator so loved then world and all in it, who has the right to say otherwise.

Derrière Dynamic: Some say, “I am spiritually mature. Paid all my dues. What can you teach me? What can you do for me?” Maybe help you pull your head out of your hind-end unless you can give a demo on how to part the Red Sea or turn water into wine? The spiritually mature are ‘grace’-fully humble. They know that shouting about how advanced you are simply shows lack of wisdom.

Are you spiritually mature?

These are my own thoughts about it. Hope it provided some food for thought.

Reprinted from my personal blogspot.

© 2016-2022, Arlene O. Parr all rights reserved


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