Submitted by Reii on

To wait is to expect, and to expect is to reject, to reject the will of your own Higher Mind, if you have expectations you are not in alignment with who you truly are, and here is why.
Trust is the key. Do you even believe you have a Higher Mind? Do you even believe that it is doing most of the work for you on a level that your physical self can’t even comprehend? Well start, because it’s true. How many people do you see waiting, desiring a particular thing manifesting in their lives, they always have it on their mind, they have mental visualizations of how they believe it should manifest, and they dwell on it each and every day because deep down, they don't believe that life is going to bring it unto them.
It’s simply a lack of trust, have you noticed that the moment you let go things simply happen? Unexpected things occur when you let go, because in letting go you have given up the control the physical self believes it needs, which paradoxically slows down the manifestation of your desire being made manifest.
Many simply believe their physical self and mind is all they are, they allow the negative self-talk to define them and repeat the same fearful experiences on a loop, over and over again. To get out of this loop you need to take a big jump into the unknown, and trust in the process of your life, which you can never truly escape from. Even death doesn’t end the process because your life is eternal, it is not bound by one incarnation, and ultimately we only have one.
There are 7 steps to forming a bond of trust with your own Higher Mind and they are.
1. Allow everything to be, from moment to moment - Everything that manifests in your life each and every moment is what NEEDS to happen. It is either to reinforce your joy or to reflect back unto you those components that are within you that are out of alignment with that joy. So work with it and stop resisting life.
2. Understand the role of both minds - Your physical mind or ego is simply designed to focus you in the present moment. That’s all its meant to do, and that is why it is synonymous with the five senses, as they anchor you here and now. It should allow the intuitive guidance of the Higher Self that comes through the Heart to guide it, as the Heart is a more direct link to the Higher Mind than the physical brain is.
3. Understand that all people are you - Everyone is an aspect of your own consciousness. Do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself. Everyone is your teacher, and your lover.
4. Understand that everything happens exactly when it needs to happen - Something not happening that you desire? Then it doesn't need to be happening right now. Divine timing is a very real idea. Everything is planned carefully on a higher level and the synchronicity that allows everything to click together to form ALL THAT IS, manifests in your life at the exact time it needs to. Trust in the timing of everything.
5 Discern between your Higher Minds desires and your egos - Sometimes we have to get out of our own way, many desires we have are fueled by motivations that are generated by fearful assumptions and negative belief systems. Having the discernment to see whether your desire is love or fear based is the key to this. Change your motivations and beliefs and your desires will automatically change, I guarantee you.
6. Go within for the answers you seek - Inspiration may exist outside of you, but all the inspiration is ultimately doing is telling you to go within for answers. All the answers you seek are within the core of your being, within the core of that space, connect to it and make it your home.
7. Love and accept yourself as you are - You are imperfectly perfect, from moment to moment. If everything happens exactly when it needs to happen then even the processes you are in of letting go of fearful and outdated beliefs is perfect! You will let go of them exactly when you need to. If something hasn't gone away yet then it simply hasn't taught you everything it needs to yet. Love this, love the process you are in as challenge doesn't have to be defined negatively what-so-ever. You are exactly where and who you need to be right here right now. Nothing is wrong, ever. Only your definition of what it makes it appear so. Look in the mirror and understand, know and realize that God consciously created you exactly as you are. If God loves you, why can’t you love yourself?
Thank you for reading.
-Craig Krishna
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