Submitted by Penitent on

Does man belong to this world or to the hereafter? Man is a created being. He is created for a purpose. If such purpose is limited to a life-cycle only and he disappears permanently then he is a citizen of this world. But his very life-cycle denotes a fixed finality and whoever produced the biped-homo sapiens sapiens is quite able to reproduce th ingrate beast once more and hold him responsible for all his thoughts, beliefs and actions, especially his arrogance to belief, seeking worldliness.
We find ourselves, all of a sudden, on planet earth, amidst billions of stars and planets within the solar system within the Milky Way Galaxy; one galaxy amongst hundreds of billions of galaxies, with hundreds of billions of stars and planets and solar systems in every galaxy. We have, as human species, certain from, certain shape, certain constitution, certain structure, certain function, certain weight, certain height, certain features: a trunk, a head and four limbs, five fingers attached to the end of every limb; a head with two eyes, one nose, one mouth, and two ears. We are given a physical apparatus with myriads of systems, a psychological apparatus prompting us to act and react, mental system and a soul to make us tick with life. Our perceptible framework is made out of atoms, Trillions of atoms, e.g. 70 kg human consists of some (7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) and of some (100 billion) of human cells as well as 80-120 billion of neuron-cells comprising the human mind. All function to perfection, in absolute unison, in harmony and succinct order abiding by strict laws to enable man to exist, to survive, to think, to age and to die. Nothing infringes on the schedule of its objectives, in part or in unison. Our preplanned being is already figured out and decided, our program unfolds as preplanned fitting in with the master-plan, working out the last minutest detail of the final product of man adult mature processed through a life-cycle of which no halt, no postponement and no regression is possible. All is forced in a one way directionality working its way to a specific finality. From the sperm which fecund the ovum to our death, we are forced production atoms, forced to be what it is, develop in the way it does, make of us human beings, forced into a process of aging, forced into a death state, only to disintegrate into unidentified atoms again. We realize that we do not have any role to play in all this, not even one say, no one asks us our opinion and we have to submit to our life-cycle from the first cell to the final product, whether we like or not. We realize that all functions as planned and all unfold on its preprogrammed program, all functions according to the schedule, adhering precisely to its planned forms, shapes, structures, functions, development and change.
We realize we are nothing but atoms, trillions of them, constituting trillions of cells, making our bones, our muscles, our blood system, our nerve system, our gland system, our digestion system, our mind, with all faculties of thinking, reflecting, concluding and working out our convictions. We have freedom of movement, freedom of thought, freedom of action, freedom of attitude and freedom of feeling, and freedom of spiritual aspiration, within this framework, this creature, which we identify as human being.
Our atoms are unidentified matter-constituents, unidentified energy, and unidentified substance. We have not got the faintest idea who we are, being made of mysterious enigmatic unidentified atoms. This is exactly why we do not know who we are: unidentified shapes and forms, with unidentified mind made out of unidentified neuronic-cells that develop as it were by remote control that decides its very being and its very unfolding, supplied with expressive apparatus (languages and voice re still in the domain of the enigmatic unknown in term of presence, origin and finality; unless Darwin's chimpanzee ancestors decide to create for itself thousands of languages and adopt it to the service of humans as well as other animals!). We have lesser clear perception of our enigmatic origin, origin of universal atoms, what produces it, what assembles it together to be what it is, who makes such atoms and who holds it together, otherwise it would disintegrate, and who controls it! What force develops, what factor makes it what it is ticking in the way it does. We have lesser still empirical knowledge of what is its finality, why should such assembly of matter be, for finality remains the bogy of scientists. Our atoms are so constructed in such a way to enable us to be what we are, thinking human being, for the most of us, to be optimist, a biped-homo sapiens sapiens of a two-breed of male and female distinctively different.
Our atoms are forced into its structure, its form and its characteristic manifestations. It is forced into one directionality; otherwise the whole process cannot lead to the final product. We realize that our atoms are remotely-innerly controlled to produce the final product, an adult mature human being. From the fecunding of the sperm of the ovum we are process into a succinct orderly program. Such program unfolding unto the final product of the mature adult human being cannot exist if the final product is not formed already in the first cell. Thus the entire program with its already depicted final product, to the last detail, are embodied in the model imprinted in the first cell to unfold unto the formation of the final product itself. We realize that we have a life-cycle to undergo, and by obligation, if not hindered by death which brings an end to the process and the program itself. We are forced to undergo birth, undergo development, growing, forced into the process of aging, then forced into old age, for most of us, and then forced to die, where our atoms are forced to disintegrate once more into unidentified status.
We can deduce from all this presence, directionality and finality that an organizing-producing, controlling factor must run the show, decide the program and concretize the program in the way it is planned.
It is obvious to assume further that whoever, i.e. the assumed producing factor, that produced our atoms, put them together, is capable of reproducing it again, assembling it again and processing it once more in the way it was at leisure.
Considering our life cycle and its specific structure itself is subject to good and evil tendencies, where man is torn between the two and has a mind to decide we realize there is moral task forced on us. Considering that we are forced to confront a vast flabbergasting unidentified enigmatic universe, made out of unidentified atoms, just like ourselves, and forced by our natural curiosity to explain we realize that our mental task is even more engaging. Explanations are impingent in order to satisfy human natural curiosity and looking for answers instigates interaction between reason and the perceptible universe only to produce knowledge. Lack of any proof for human explanations, lack of proof, or evidence, or index, or even solid arguments, whether empirically validated or not, we are forced into a two-fold alternative choice, of belief and disbelief in a creator-cause, which is forced upon us before making our final reverence. We are mere energy-matter dimensions forced through time.
Our living universe is also constructed of atoms, unidentified atoms, forced into shapes and forms, structures and colors movement and change. Its constituents are also forced energy-matter through time. All unfolds unto a specific program and a master-plan, right from the singularity of the Big Bang zero point, or eternity of the universe, for what is made denotes a maker, especially when we realize that everything denotes oneness, oneness of matter, oneness of energy, oneness of substance, oneness of laws, oneness of movement and of change, oneness of life dimensions. Whatever factor led to the production of our living universe is capable of reproducing the same thing again, or different universes, at leisure.
These premises and assumptions stemming from our presence and the presence of the universe indicate meaning, sense for life and death, sense for our presence, our mind endowment, strife between good and evil, our choice between belief and disbelief in a creator cause without proof. Such presence, real and meaningful, taking directionality and control as indicators of forced criterion of producing and disposing. Reason and knowledge unravel for us infinite possibilities of discoveries prompting explanations, prying into the secrets of our enigmatic universe. Yet, the enigma of everything imposes itself on our awareness as imminent as ever, irresolvable and challenging, where we are left to wonder, scientists and philosophers alike, about the what, the how and the why? And the Who has produced everything?
Lack of any proof for such universal causality of the universe, ourselves included, we recoil, with all our knowledge, scientific or otherwise, the magnitude of our own reasoning faculties, upon our own personal convictions and have to decide for ourselves whether to believe or not in a creator-cause.
Should we, by our own choice reject metaphysical hypotheses as empirically unscientific, then we have chosen disbelief in preference to belief. Should we, on the other hand, acknowledge a creating-cause that has produced it all, then we identify ourselves as believers in preference to disbelief. Lack of any evidence, empirical or otherwise, prompts us by obligation to make our personal choice, which is individual and intransmissible.
Human explanations are at best limited to human reason and human knowledge. For this revelation is needed to explain the enigmatic presence of our living universe, our presence in it, our origin, our meaning, our mission and responsibility, and our finality.
In view of what we are, temporary existing matter-dimensions in time, transitory and short, made of unidentified atoms, tendencies toward good and evil and our personal arbitration, our forced choice, give sense to our being.
In such a precisely controlled universe, its disciplined unfolding purposeful dilation, with exact directionality and finalities, producing meaningful precise matter- dimensions in terms of forms and shapes, structures and functions, leave no place for chaos, hazard, coincidence or chance, as many biped ignorant philosophers and scientists think.
The mere structure of our minds, made out of perfect apparatus of 80-120 billion neuron-cells system, enabling us to think and reflect, observe and conclude, feel and apperceive, survive and explain, does not leave any place for such conjectural unfound hypotheses about hazard and coincidence, let alone chaos (Greek Mythology, atomists, organicists, materialists, mechanicists, Nietzsche, Freud, Russell, Sartre, Higgs, Dawkins, Hawking).
Our meaningful existence with trillions of atoms put together for a fixed temporary time has the prupose of comforting the universe and yielding its own knowledge, knowledge of conviction produced by reason of conviction, whether to believe or not in a creating-producing factor that we identify as God.
Such task entails responsibility, subject to our life cycle, our confrontation with the universe and to our choice between belief and disbelief. Given the mind and a life-cycle and having to confront the universe man is charged with such responsibility.
Such responsibility necessitates judgment and also the consequences of the responsibility itself, i.e. reward and punishment, to be administered to humans who are charged with such responsibility. Since every human being has a mind and has the freedom of choosing between belief and disbelief, between good and evil, and having liberty of choice and action, then every individual being is responsible for his or her own actions. Such responsibility necessitates a day where humans must be brought to account for their own attitudes and actions. The power that charged humans with such responsibility, and has produced humans, their minds and their free choices, gave them a life-time, and their responsibilities, is capable of reproducing these humans and holding them to account for their responsibility. The universe and all that is within, having been produced once can be reproduced once again. Thus, a second life emerges as necessary as finality for human existence, human judgment, human attitudes, and human actions. A tribunal of judgment capable of delivering judgment and holding humans to account for their own deeds and capable of administering reward and punishment would be necessary, inevitable and just as real as our first life.
Thus two lives emerge as necessarily inevitable for concretizing human finality.
On such occasion where humankind is forced to be again, our judgment necessitates reward or punishment. This is in short the message of the religious argument of monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam), where everything is explained in terms of first life-presence, preparatory and temporary one on the one hand, and a lasting one on the other, reaping the consequences of its own actions. Thus, being fully aware of such destiny, we are free to think and act in the way we like, where we become makers of our own destiny, fully responsible before the final tribunal. Should the judgment result in either felicity or doom, it is our own actions and beliefs, in our first life, that decide the outcome.
The impact of our confrontation with the universe makes us realize that we are mere passenger- observers and not permanent resident-actors. We undergo a life-cycle of which we make our own assessments and hence deliberate our own convictions and then forced to leave our first residence. We realize in all this our incapacity to produce one atom, one single amoeba, let alone a flower, a butterfly, or an elephant. Our realization of our incapacity of producing such objects, let alone a star, a solar system or a galaxy, or even producing ourselves within it, and our role is limited to discoveries of what already is, working out our own explanations of it, relating it to a super-natural power or not, consists the core of our responsibility.
Such awareness, intuitive as well as rational, forces us to make our own convictions. Our convictions are our own responsibilities necessitating a second life to reap the fruits of our responsibilities namely, reward and punishment, subject to our modesty and understanding, or our arrogance and obstinacy.
We consider life-cycle, development, aging and death as normal phenomena where every life dimension is destined to go through. But it is when we debanalize the banal that the nature of things may be disclosed and we may become more aware of things, their presence, their origin and their finality within the overall framework of our being.
Revelations unravel unto man a framework of two lives. One is short, temporary, transitory and illusory and the other as real and eternal. Islam reveals man's purpose, man's origin, mans' endeavor, in terms of reward and punishment, and man's finality. Man, being intuitively conscious of his own actions, is held responsible for his actions whether to believe or disbelieve, act rightly or wrongly. Man makes his own destiny:
‘Has there come upon man ever any period of time in which he was not even mentioned? Behold! We created man from a drop of thickened fluid of sperm in order to test him; so We make him hearing, seeing (knowing). Verily! We have shown him the way, whether he be grateful or disbelieving. Verily! We have prepared for disbelievers shackles and chains and a raging Fire. Verily! The righteous shall drink of a cup whereof the mixture is of camphor.' Qur'an 76: 1-5
AUTHOR: Soran Mardini
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