Submitted by Julia on
"Debates are the extreme polarization of a central issue, and the eternal nemesis of Truth." -Joseph Panek
As we work our way through our school years we are introduced to a concept which is "theoretically" designed to assist us with our decisions and actions. And because this concept is a part of our formal education, we accept it to be sound, reasonable, and
efficient. However, this concept is, in reality, an exercise in futility which hampers, stagnates, and confuses us. This concept is the "art" of debating.
A debate is a structured visible and verbal competition in which two individuals, or factions, present two polarizing sides of a central issue.
Furthermore, debates are "scored" based upon how these opposing sides "present" their argument and NOT on whether they arrived at the Truth of the issue.
And because it is a visual and verbal competition, the judges and
audience are all-too-often deceptively swayed by the poise, appearance, and "charisma" of the debaters. These deceptions encourage the viewers of the debate to willingly and gladly toss aside the central Truth of the issue being debated and believe the debater who appears to be the most attractive and seductive.
When we consider these issues we find that the purpose of a debate competition is NOT to get to the heart (the Truth) of the issue being debated. The sole purpose of a staged debate is to win the debate by whatever means necessary.
So, the question is: what is the primary purpose for staging a debate in today's society?
As staged debates, in today's society, are either won or lost based upon the perceived appearance of the debaters, it is safe to conclude that debates are structured so as to discredit, cloud, and confuse the central issue (the Truth) of the topic being debated.
And as the debaters are not concerned with getting to the Truth of the issue being debated, their debate competition is naturally divisive. It inflames and polarizes the spectators of the debate.
Many high schools and colleges have debating clubs. Students in these clubs are taught to argue two sides of a simple issue. Each side introduces various aspects to the original issue until the issue is completely buried under a mass of confounding
arguments which simply serve to encourage divisiveness and hide the Truth.
We see this drama played out unendingly in our court system, politics, "news" media, group discussions, and in the conflicting opinions of "experts" who are paraded before us on a dailybasis.
We are taught that debating is a skill. Unfortunately, in today's society, it is a skill that is designed to cloud, or veil, an issue. Debating incorporates confusion into the main issue. It keeps throwing conflicting issues onto the Truth and buries the Truth
beneath layers of clutter. This takes us in the exact opposite direction which we should be traveling : the direction of Truth, clarity, and Wisdom.
By assigning one party to debate the opposite side of a simple issue (the Truth), we are teaching our students and children to attack the Truth, to take the opposite side of the Truth, to cloud the Truth, and to become a "devil's advocate" for the sole purpose of "winning" an argument. When, if fact, we should be encouraging our children, our students, and ourselves to focus on, and seek out, the Truth.
Truth is the only issue which should concern us...not gossip, "mud-slinging", hearsay, unfounded opinions, unproven theories, factless accusations, or discrediting someone else solely for the purpose of getting enough "points" to "win" a debate.
Nor should we allow our children, our students, and ourselves to be deceived by which debater has the best hair style, most fashionable clothing outfit, and the smoothest voice.
For perceptions are very often deceiving. And Truth is rarely, if ever, delivered to us by a "silver-tongued devil".
Joe Panek
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