Submitted by Drea on
Creation or the universe is energy and this energy is consciousness or mind. There is nothing else but consciousness or mind. Since we live in a matter reality, it means that matter is a specific form of consciousness or mind. Thoughts and ideas are energy. We all know that thoughts are real and that thoughts are things! If thoughts are things, things must be thoughts or energy...
Our physical body is a form of energy and that's why our body is a very sophisticated thought. Sure it is, for it certainly is not matter. Our scientists tell us that all matter is 99.999999% emptiness. The so called matter body we live in is 99.999999% emptiness. That is a lot of emptiness! All material things are thoughts in form. Our body is a thought in form! Our flesh, bones and brains are forms of mind or a specific condition of mind. Mind or consciousness is a vibration of energy and this energy is universal and infinite...
Specific vibrations of this energy make physical things 'appear' as if they are different solid objects or substances. Please pay specific attention to the word 'appear' in that last sentence. So called solid things are similar to the things that 'appear' on your TV - they are visible - but not really there! All things are actually different vibrations of energy and are forms of consciousness or mind...
Steel for example is a different vibration than a rose and a butterfly is a different vibration than a snake or whatever. All things are different vibrations and all vibrations have specific characteristics that form different matter particles, things or beings. Some vibrations are fast and some are slow. However, all vibrations are too fast for human beings to see that material things vibrate. We think and experience them as solid objects that seem to be standing still. However, they are far from solid and far from standing still. All atoms continuously dance with lightning speed. Since we experience all objects as solid, except fluids or gasses, we are being fooled by the body we live in? What is the point of all this?
By looking into this deeper, we discover that matter does not exist at all and that the objective reality we seem to live in is not objective either. IOW: it is subjective for it is mind in form which we perceive with our senses and conscious mind - so our perception is subjective. In addition to this, we all have different perceptions of the same thing. Our senses and conscious mind are mind seeing and experiencing mind so to speak. Weird! Things are mind in form and we are looking at these things with another aspect of mind that is our body or body-mind. So, our body functions as a lens and when we look through this lens, what we see is a matter reality. This matter reality however is made to look like matter by the body we live in. We come to the conclusion that our body is fooling us. We are looking at a whirling mass of atoms but see and experience solidness...
Our senses and the workings of our conscious mind make energy-clouds look like material objects that we experience as solid! Thus, our body is an instrument in which we live and our matter reality is perceived as solid and real. It is so real, that when we bump into something solid, we get hurt. Sometimes it hurts so bad that it knocks us out. We lose our mind so to speak. Mind hitting mind! Weird indeed... Could it be that all things are force fields? By golly, naturally - that's what they are! All things including our body are Electromagnetic Force Fields. All these force fields float like self-contained orbs in an infinite Ocean of Mind. No doubt all things or fields together make up the Universal Mind or the Creator. Did you get this Mary-Ann? Great! Let's get going...
So, what is really going on? Well, it's basically simple, we are fooled by the human body we live in and the trick now is to figure out why this is happening. Our task is to change our ideas of the body and understand the perception of the reality we experience. Fact is, every human being, every animal or bug that lives in this reality is being fooled! One wonders if this is a Reality for Fools? Maybe it is a Fool’s Paradise. When we realize that matter is 99.999999% emptiness, we intellectually understand that there is no such thing as an objective reality. Yet we experience what we call an objective reality out there. This whole proposition is a first class conundrum and billions of beings have been deluded for ages and ages. It's a perfect illusion! Very weird indeed Mr. Bohm...
Could it be that the body and the reality we live in is a dream? It must be! This means naturally that our life is a dream. The worst thing is that we do not know that we are dreaming. Mighty Moses! Is this really true? Well, let's keep trucking along and think really deep about this. We are being fooled left and right and do not know it. Imagine - we are fooled by our own body. Our body has more power over us than we want to admit. Holy mackerel! Life must be a perfect dream. So, let's think and dream about this some more and see...
If Life is a dream, this would mean that all of us are dreaming and then the question arises, if we are all dreaming - is there anybody out there who is awake? Is this guy God or what? What's the point of all this? Well, to put it simply, we as human beings have come to earth in order to experience this matter reality, and after we have been here a few thousand times - we come to the conclusion that the whole thing is an illusion! Is it some kind of Energy Matrix? The weird part is, that we live in it as if the whole thing was solid and we keep bumping into each other. Especially on the battle fields. It's November 11 today and that's why I am thinking about all these people who were fighting and killed each other in the past. Extremely dumb idea naturally when you know that the whole thing is a dream or an illusion. So, what the dickens is going on?
Naturally, we can only discover what is going on, by means of the tools that are available to us. What are these tools? These tools are our knowledge, our awareness and our mind. Well, really? Is this what Life is all about? Is Life an investigation? Looks like it! Are we here to figure out what all this means? What else could it be? Objective reality is an illusion and our body is ten thousand times thinner than a faint puff of smoke. This MUST be a place for Fools. The whole thing fools us from all directions and perspectives. I wonder if David Copperfield knows about this? Somehow, I think he does - for he is taking advantage of it. Maybe he is the only person who is not fooled anymore? If you see him - please ask and tell...
Could it be that we return to this earth repeatedly and live in human bodies until we figure this out? Is that the purpose of our Life? Is the purpose of Life gaining Awareness? Maybe being taught to love God or love Jesus is but a delay or detour? How can we love this God anyway? We do not have the faintest idea what this God really is? How could we possibly love this God? Well, on the other hand, this God or Creator could be Creation itself. If that is so, that would mean that we need to love everybody and everything around us! In the meantime, could solving this puzzle be our task and purpose? That would mean that following a Religion is but a diversion? Aha! Maybe following a Religion is for the mentally immature...
Well, if this is so, deluding mankind must be the intention of the Religions in the first place? Are they here to confuse us more than we already are? Are these Religions established for the sake of controlling us and having power over us? Maybe these Religions control us by Fear! Think about this Mary-Ann. In the first place, all Religions are man-made and they all have different agendas. Not only that, all their followers think that they have the one and only true Religion. How could that be? On top of this, many religious people kill others who do not believe what they believe. They kill Infidels. Nice going! Anyway, let's see what gives here...
It is time to have a look at, what the Religions really are and how they were established in this world. So here we go! At certain times, whenever it was deemed necessary by the Forces that take care of Humanity, a small group of people would be inspired with specific instructions in order to establish the curriculum that needs to be followed by the people on earth at that particular time in order for them to become more aware. The religious books like the Koran and the Bible are but two of these books. These books contain guidelines for the people to live by. These guidelines are taught by the Religions or the Churches...
So the Bible is written by people who were inspired. The question is - who were those Inspirers? The Inspirers were negative-oriented controlling Alien Forces who control the people of earth. These Beings are able to travel back and forth in Time. Mighty Moses - what a trick! They actually and normally exist beyond Time and they are able to travel Time and be present in any Time-Period they want to. So these Time Travelers inspire certain people with certain thoughts or ideas. So, here we are, these Alien Forces inspired a group of Church Fathers and these Fathers wrote the Religious Guidelines that became the so called Holy Books as we know them. How nice and cozy...
As you gather by now, God naturally is not the Inspirer or Author of these so called Holy Books. These Inspirers are other Beings! These so called Holy Books are used to teach, condition or brainwash the Souls who live on earth in human bodies. Souls then are taught to behave in certain ways according to what was inspired by controlling Alien Forces. This is not necessarily a Divine Inspiration naturally. On the other hand, I am not sure what Divine really means or how far it goes. As far as I am concerned we are all Divine and Equal! I do not think that Divinity has different graduations...
Now, in order to introduce certain revelations or predictions into these so called Holy Books, these Controllers go forwards in time and establish what is going on in the world and then go back in time to give instructions or inspirations to those who were writing their hearts out and produced the Bible for example. Revelations or predictions then, are based on what goes on in the present and these happenings are put into words by the Church Fathers of the past... Bingo! No wonder it works out exactly as was predicted in the Bible! Someone is pulling a trick on us...
These Controllers live beyond Time and they are able to travel to the past or future at will. Hard to beat that kind of stuff! They travel back and forth in time and just change or correct all inspirations according to what is required to make it come out right. What we need to understand here is, that all happenings in our world are synchronized with the happenings in the higher worlds. The whole of Creation is guided from the highest levels of Creation. These levels are far beyond the Negative-Oriented Aliens! On these levels we find the Infinite Souls of Creation. They are very very wise Infinite Beings...
Creation is an organization of co-creators creating. Creation is not just some haphazard occurrence. Also, the entire creation is one happening in the first place. It's One Energy doing its thing and humanity is a certain aspect or event of this happening. Also, there is a general plan. Some people call this the Will of God. I do not think that God has a will. God is the energy that makes creation possible and what's happening is planned by the highest levels of co-creators according to a certain plan or script. Humanity is a small aspect of this plan. We all play roles in this performance and we have certain functions. Meanwhile, most of us are spectators naturally. A few do not want to see anything at all and start knitting baby-socks. Great! Everything is good for something...
From all this we are able to understand, that what has happened in our past, and what happens in the present, are World-Scenarios. We could call these Scenarios - Plays or Performances. The scripts for these Plays have been written a long time ago. The Controllers write the scripts and the whole thing is a planned operation. It all works according to a schedule that is variable. We also could call it a set-up! However, the people on earth do have some influence over what is going to happen. Their collective feelings and visualizations are projected into the collective dream of the world. Mankind on earth is as much an active co-creator or dreamer as any other Force. However, Mankind is not a very well organized dreamer or planner. His thoughts clash a lot with other thoughts. This means that we are witnessing a pretty confused Play...
So, we are not completely subjected to the planned operations of the highest levels of co-creators and certainly not the negative-oriented Aliens. They are aspects of the set-up so to speak. Changes can be implemented by people who are able to think and create properly. Praying in the form of mumbling words however is not too affective. This praying has to be a heart felt visualization of Peace on Earth, with great intension and emotional overtones. E-motion is Energy in Motion! First of all, the prayer must come from the Peace within our Heart, not because we hate the forces shouting for invasions or war. Also, we must be able to accept all those who live in ignorance. This includes the war-mongers of this world. All human beings are aspects of ourselves...
In the mean time, what the Plays on Earth are really all about is not important, as long as Human Souls learn their lessons and a small percentage of Souls are able to 'see through' the Games played by the Controllers and the Rulers of Humanity. A good question to ask might be: who inspired Nostradamus? Well, the same Controllers naturally! Nostradamus received different words but the predictions could be the same. I am not sure whether they are the same or not, because I am not into predictions. I am only in writing how they came about. These predictions are the Plan that was written for mankind a long time ago and we are following it, with a few deviations here and there. Life is a Play that presents us with the lessons we need to learn to graduate in this Cosmic School. Full awareness is the goal...
Now, let's continue to determine what matter in and by itself actually is. This must be done with the knowledge that is available to us. Which is basically what our scientists have told us. But yet, we cannot completely trust what they have said. The sciences are revised daily and most of what we are told by scientists is not quite so. In short, we are in a hell of a bind and somehow there has to be a solution to all of this. You know, the miraculous thing is, that many of the Sages of the past had solved this problem and told us that the reality we live in is an illusion. It's Maya they said! Big deal - what the heck is Maya?
Apparently these Sages had a better handle on all this than our modern scientific community. However, there is some light on the end of the tunnel. The sciences have advanced a lot in the last 20 years. The Quantum Sciences and the discoveries that have been made give us a different picture or grasp on the illusionary reality we live in. Presently, there are some scientists who published their findings and they say that we live in an artificially created reality and they call it a Holographic Energy Matrix. A Holographic Energy Matrix that forms our reality. Way out Man... way out...
Does naming it solve our dilemma? Naming it is fine and dandy, but somehow this Matrix has been working for millions of years probably, so what gives? This Matrix must be very reliable for example. It certainly should be, because if it is not, our physical universe would collapse and there we are - standing naked in a body that does not exist. At that very moment we could say: your Soul is showing Mary-Ann - where is your Matrix?
There are scientists who say that we live in an artificial reality and that it is an Energy Matrix - it's a set-up that makes all of us belief that it is an objective reality. On top of that, it is our belief in this objective reality that re-enforces the Matrix we live in. Mighty Moses - we're stuck in a Cosmic Catch 22! Do you realize what this means? It means, that we as human beings perceive and re-enforce a reality that is millions of years old possibly. Somehow it continues to exist as if somebody is looking after it. How come? Who really is the creator of this Matrix and what is this creator really creating? This creator must be us! Please think deeper than you have ever done...
Another thing is, how come nobody ever discovered this but a few Maya Sages of the past? Possibly, many people in the past caught on, but whatever they told others was immediately disregarded as nonsense, because others did not see through the Energy Matrix. Spooky stuff this Matrix. It's real as muck and some people know that it's thinner than smoke. It's real and it is not! What gives here? The clue is Mary-Ann that our beliefs create it! They create the world as we experience it...
Since we believe in the reality we live in as material and solid
- actually means that -
We re-enforce this reality by means of our belief in Solidity.
! We all create our "solidity" with our own Mind !
... We All Are Co-Creators ...
One of our troubles is, that most people in the past, as well as in the present, do not have the knowledge to grasp the significance of this Energy Matrix and by golly they just keep re-enforcing it by believing in something that fools them. They do not know that they are living in an artificial reality. To top this, they keep re-enforcing their so called 'material solidity' by their own beliefs...
! Belief is Creative Thought in Action !
Believing in a certain reality is creating that reality! Holy Smoke! Is that what is going on? Are we creating our own reality and are we not aware of this? These Sages of the past must have been really keen! Were you one of them Mary-Ann? Did you know all along what was going on? This means that all of us are deceived by the reality we live in, because we are fooled by our body and our shallow beliefs. Who or what is this body anyway? Are we the body? Definitely not! In any case, in order to come to the heart of the matter now, we step into the next reality-frame and start to hit the soft spot so to speak...
For starters let's assume a few things here and there and see where they lead us. First of all, let's assume that the reality we live in is a dream. Yes, a gigantic global and collectively created dream, which is re-enforced by those who are dreaming it. Thus, we are dreaming an Energy-Matrix of Dreamstuff and live in it as if it was an objective reality. A Matrix is basically a Mindset! We live or are alive in this Matrix or Mindset! This is hard to figure Mary-Ann...
The question is, how can we awaken and quit dreaming this nonsense? Why dream up wars and suffering? Why dream up murder? Why dream up killing and torturing for example? Holy harps! Is it really all that simple? Do we just quit dreaming and wake up? Where is the alarm clock in my dream? What does it take to awaken? Do I need a kick in the head or in the butt? Well, naturally this depends on where the soft spot is...
We as human beings are aspects of creation and creation is the creator in disguise. Now, please read that again! Well, here it is - the words are the same but arranged differently: we are aspects of the creator and the creator is creation! This means that we as human beings are the creator and we are dreaming. We are asleep! Yes, we are the Almighty Creator asleep and dream! We dream realities that are virtual and all objects are mind in form. These objects certainly are not solid matter for they are 99.999999% empty stuff...
Creation is a dream and all manifestations in the world are dream-figments in our dream - and above all - they ARE the dreamers of the collective dream! So, we as human beings dream the world and we live in this dream. What we experience is a world that is solid. Our dream, our belief or our thoughts become manifested and they are real and actual. Holy Saint the Second - we create the whole Show. It's incredible... our dreams are REAL! Now, if all this is true - I need a lot more than a few kicks here and there!
At this point it becomes clear that the world is a mass-dream that we seemingly experience as an objective reality. We need to think about the following now - what would happen if all human beings and other Beings stopped dreaming or creating our world by stopping their thoughts or beliefs in this world? Well, it's very simple. The physical reality of the world would collapse and disappear! However, there are only a few people who have come to the realization that they live in an Energy Matrix that is maintained by the beliefs of the unconscious masses? For now we are safe so to speak...
Is this why some of us are able to create our own world and live in it just the way we want to? Sure it is! That is the beauty of our creative abilities. We do not have to live in a world that has been created by the unconscious thoughts and beliefs of others. We are able to consciously create our own World as well as Peace. It is possible for us to live in a world that suits us! It means naturally that we must become a conscious creator and quit meddling with the unconscious thoughts and dreams of others. Keep our mind to ourselves and be true to ourselves. We must forget about what others dream or believe - we must believe in our own dream and become an Observer. It's obvious and simple...
Here are a few notes about the Observer's Position. An Observer has no opponents! There are no Good Guys or Bad Guys for Observers. Observers have stepped outside of Duality! To them there are only Actors or Souls learning their lessons! An Observer sees what's going on and knows that those within Duality need another bit of Light somewhere. The very Observer's Position is a position of Holding Light in the first place naturally and it automatically radiates where it is needed (Service To All). We all need more Light in order to come to the Realized Observer's Position we could call the Christ or Buddha Consciousness. A Christ or Buddha is not for or against anything or any person. They know that All is Well for they Rest in Peace. Big chuckle here.
As long as we belong to the mass-mind however, we are still subject to our habitual belief systems. Yet, we know, that we have some control over our reality, for we dream or create some of our individual surroundings. Like the reality in our living room and other places. So, we do have some measure of control! The creator within us however is mostly unconscious. This unconscious creator within us creates the mass-dream we call the world. Excuse me Mr. Pope, we've got an enormous hole in our thinking and we have been missing the point for ages. Oops to the Power of Ten! This means that the Vatican and all other Religious Institutions have never told us the truth in the first place. Could it be that they do not know the Truth themselves! If so - ignorance in Rome is Trump...
The creator lives within the mass-mind must be next to unconscious or asleep. This means that the mass-mind is all ego and very little Soul. The masses do not know who or what they actually are! The masses are the unconscious dreamers of the dream that creates the Holographic Energy Matrix from which they create their world. They are not aware of the power within themselves that creates everything around them. They are unconscious of the fact that they are co-creators of the world they live in and what's happening. They are unaware of what is causing what! They create a dangerous world because they are unconscious and are brainwashed by nonsense...
Their world is a world created by Judgment and Fear! Holy Mackerel the Third Mr Pope - the ignorance in Rome is staggering! Ritual is the Ignorance of Rome. How come you do not know Mr Pope what I think I know? Did you get lost in your Rituals? Your Vatican is a 2000 year old Joke! The tragic point is that nobody is laughing...
Well, let's assume that we still belong to the mass-mind and keep speaking in that vernacular. The creator within us does almost all things in an unconscious manner and its actions cause us to suffer. That's the way it works. Because we are unconscious we create this gigantic dream in which millions of us suffer and die. What an enormous stupid thing to do! However, our suffering slowly but surely awakens the creator within us. Mighty Moses - at least there is one tiny point of Light. The Religions however, have told us a completely different story...
The unconscious creator within us then, does terrible things to itself and others. It is driven by urges and unconsciousness. In order to live life, the emotional ego takes over and it is just as unconscious as the creator-within. This unconscious emotional ego is our temporary awareness! It comes with the body-mind as a default entity and lives in a dense fog within ourselves. We live in unconsciousness. Holy Saint of the Suckers. We are one of them...
Somehow this ego within us becomes an illusionary self by default and it is brainwashed by nonsense. This default illusionary self becomes our identity and we give it a name. Hello, Pete the Pigeon... Hello, Bert de Bishop... My name is Arny and I am the Governor! In the mean time, during our younger years, this illusionary self, this "I", is instilled within us and brainwashed by parents, religions, schooling, universities, and all kinds of institutions of learning of which nobody knows that they are all deluded by the reality we live in...
Holy Sainterooney - please stop right there! Is this really possible? Is the entire world bonkers? Are the Religions bunk? Is the world insane? My God! Could this really be so? Am I nuts or what? No Gerardus - You Are Light! You are The Infinite Light of Creation (TIL) and so is everyone else - but all of us must discover The Infinite Light We Are within ourselves by ourselves and nurse it to greatness. That is the Law... and it is binding...
Do you understand what this all means Mary-Ann? It means that the world is a Lie and everybody accepts it as truth and as real. A Global Lie! The entire world and the entire physical universe is an illusion. It's only real in our mind or dream - not in actuality. There is no Objective Reality! It means that what we think we know is nonsense and as a matter of fact we know nothing! Everything we have been taught is not so! We have given all things names and no thing is its name! We have been taken for a ride for ages and do not know it. It's a dilemma and a conundrum that is bigger than we could imagine. Well, let's see if there is anything we can do about all this...
The emotional ego within us or the illusionary self - in combination with the creative force within us - dreams and creates. We as human beings take part in dreaming and creating the world unconsciously. This dream includes our specific individual reality - like our living room stuff. However, while all this is going on, there must be an exception to all of this. What is it? Well, we have the option to awaken from this dream and become the observer of the dream. We need to stop dreaming! The dream is the world in which we live - we are unconsciously creating it by means of the creative consciousness within us that unconsciously creates this world. Remember, it's the creator within us who dreams and creates our world...
Naturally this creator is us - but we do not know this! We must remember who or what we are! We have identified ourselves with The illusionary Self or the "ego" - but we ARE the very Creative Force living within us. We are the Creator in disguise... Thus, we have been deceived by the negative-oriented Aliens in the first place who were the cause of all the inspirations and other brainwashing of the NWO, the Illuminati, the Religions, the Politicians and the Bankers. This means that Alien Forces have pulled a global fast one on us that is good enough for at least a thousand lifetimes. It looks like as if our entire planet has been hijacked! Period...
Why have we been deceived? Did the Religions delude us on purpose? It looks that way! Maybe they don't know any better themselves? Well, possibly some do... but many don't. No doubt the Priests and the Ministers are deceived and deluded themselves. They all go for rituals instead of awareness. I do not think that even Mr. Pope knows. Now what? All these Religions tell us that we are supposed to serve God and become perfect like Jesus. It means that we must follow their rules and become a follower. My Good Gracious Golly...
This is a con-game of global proportions! Is this really possible? Well, by now we know it is! No doubt it keeps the Religions rich and the followers poor. Not only that, we keep coming back lifetime after lifetime, because we are slaves to our own belief systems. It means that we live in a Mental Prison and have a closed mind! We are kept there by the walls of our own ignorance. No doubt these walls need to come down as soon as possible. Give me Awareness and a Bulldozer please...
So how do we awaken? Well, we take a deep breath and use what we have to work with - our brains, our common sense and our analytical powers. Sure, read this whole story from the beginning again... and again. It might help to make things clearer. It's hard to remember all this for the first time. In any case, awakening means that we stop participating with the collective dream. It does not have to be OUR Dream! Yes, we need to accept the way things are, but we do not have to participate in creating nonsense or try to change the dreams of others who unconsciously create this nonsense...
First of all we need to know - that we cannot stop others from dreaming their dreams. We can only try to help them when they ask. Well, if and when they ask - we could give them this article. That's all we can do! Anything else might interfere with their free will. We do not want to be interfered with... and we do not want to interfere with others. Free Will and the simplicity of the Observer are trump! This means naturally, love them and leave them alone...
We start to awaken when we stop participating with the unconscious collective dream of the masses. We must dream and consciously create our own realities of Peace, Beauty and Abundance. In the meantime, we must accept the world the way it is! It means we become a witness or an observer of what's going on! The point is, that as long as we are participating or try to change the mass dream of the world, we cannot observe what we need to observe. Our ego-mind or illusionary self is still kept busy with trying to fix the dream of others. To change their dream is their Job! The world does not need to be fixed. The reality of the mass-dream needs to play itself out. There is a time and season for all things...
In the meantime, we need to understand that the mass-dreamers are told nonsense by the Religions, the Politicians, the World Bank, the United Nations and the Mass Media. The world is a Lie from beginning to end! Please read that again! To experience this Lie eventually means to awaken to what is! The Mass Media are the Tools of the Controllers. We need to understand that the illusionary self or the ego lives in a dense fog. It is biased and pre-occupied. It is asleep... it is next to unconscious! The illusionary self or the ego is not awakened enough to recognize the Lies. They need to be experienced! This takes time. What a perfect system of deceit. The fact is however that the ego always receives what it needs to awaken. In all ways - dreamers are like dogs. Beware: do not awaken them. They must awaken by themselves. Do not awaken them unless they ask...
So, what does awakening mean? It means that we know that we cannot fix anything in the collective dream that unconsciously creates the world. It means that all we need to do is awaken ourselves and quit dreaming the mass-dream. My point is, that we can only fix our own dream and the world created by our dream! We can only create Peace within ourselves - not in others. There is no way we can fix other people's dreams. Not even if this collective dream creates the world in which we also live. Do you grok this Mary-Ann? I sure hope so...
Awakening can only be done by ourselves and it is a Soul-Thing. Nobody can awaken us and we cannot awaken someone else. We all must rely on the Soul We Are and when it is ready, the alarm bells ring loud and clear. Awakening is a do it yourself Job! The creator within knows its own time to awaken. Rest assured that this is so...
So let's go over this again. The Creator within us thinks and functions as a default illusionary self and we think that we are this illusionary self for we call it the "I" - we figure that it is our "I" or ego-identity. It is not! It is the creator's identity. So, the creator within all individual beings dreams and unconsciously creates. The trouble is that we take this dream and creation for real because we think we are awake. Not so! We are asleep Mary-Ann...
We are snoring to beat hell. We are dreaming for we take the world as real. We even think that we can fix this world by meddling with it. We think that by doing certain things we are able to correct things out there. That's a big laugh for sure! No one can fix a reality created by a dream that is unconsciously dreamed by others. We can only change our own dream. This means we must awaken one by one! It is enough...
Once we are awake, we first of all need to establish Peace within ourselves. We cannot create Peace within other people's minds or hearts. That is their Job! When enough people create Peace within themselves - the Hundredth Monkey Effect takes care of the rest. The entire world will turn on a dime towards peaceful solutions. So, once enough of us are awake and establish Peace within ourselves - World Peace arrives! It means that we change the dream the world is, only by means of establishing Peace within ourselves first. The rest is easy. Peace shares itself with others...
When we realize this, we have pierced the illusionary reality called Maya and the illusionary self has awoken. It knows then that it really is the creator in disguise. To become aware of this is the purpose of our existence on earth! Read this again please Mary-Ann. Please read this once more! If we do not realize this at this time, we will be back some other time and begin from scratch. When we have awoken, the illusionary self has died and the "I" knows that it is the Creator. Yes, The Infinite One in Human Form...
The most astounding thing is, that for ages and ages we have been unconsciously creating a world in which we lived and had our tea and biscuits and it turns out that it is all an illusion or an Holographic Energy Matrix. It's Maya as the old Sages called it. Not really there! Yet, the tea was hot and we burnt ourselves. It's a baffling miracle to say the least...
Anyway, during our dreams we experienced all kinds of different realities and each in their turn awakened us to clearer insights. More and more we became aware in our dream so to speak. In the mean time, all realities are virtual realities or dream realities. So again, who or what experiences these virtual realities? It is the One Dreamer. It is the One We Are - The Creator in Human Form...
Knowing this means, that we have promoted ourselves to a higher State of Mind - it is a State of Understanding! We understand "what is"! Sooner or later we will awaken to the Christ or the Buddha Consciousness. In the meantime, the Christ or Buddha Consciousness level is not necessarily the limit of Awakening either. I do not think that there is a limit! There is no limit to Awareness...
Conclusions... What actually dreams?
What dreams is Universal Energy. Call it Spirit if you like or Life! We could also call it: The Infinite-Subconsciousness (The IS) or the Soul of Creation. Naturally this is - The Infinite Subconscious Mind of the Creator - The Unfathomable Reality! Some Sages of the past called this - The Void. However, I do not think that there is a Void. The Infinite Subconsciousness of the Creator is not a Void. A void to me means that there is something missing - nothing is missing for all is included...
It is The Infinite Energy out of which all things arise. The Infinite Subconsciousness is Infinite Potential! Ready to manifest itself. It is an Infinite Creative Energy and it is the Energy out of which we emerge and have our being. It is the Universe, high and low! However, this Energy is Unconscious Energy and it becomes consciously aware ONLY within the created. It becomes aware within you and me and within the louse and the mouse and all other manifestations! It becomes consciously aware within you and I by means of our experiences, by means of living in creation as the created. Awakening is a process we are subjected to and eventually discover that we are Love expressing itself for that is our Nature...
~ Gerardus Grist
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