Submitted by Clarity on

If you are an evolving and ascending soul, then you are probably becoming more and more aware of the world around you, and within you. As such, you are developing a greater mindfulness. Mindfulness is of course, the quiet observation of the conscious mind that is non-judgmental, and simply observant. When we are mindful, we become more conscious, and less subjected to the vast programming of society. What often happens, though, is that others around you may seem to be very content to live in a state of mindlessness, which is just the opposite. Mindlessness is that auto-pilot, programmed response that occurs in the lowered awareness of someone whose conscious-awareness has been stifled.
We are at a time when the vast majority of people on earth are more interested in mindlessness rather than mindfulness, preferring a hedonistic mixture of personal pleasure without regard for anything but their own selves. In our selfishness, we have helped to forge a greater sense of division of mankind, both between each other, and with our Ultimate Source. This is truly sad, because while we are thinking we are being wise, yet we are becoming fools. Ignorance and foolishness go hand in hand. It has been said by the great Albert Einstein that, “condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance,” and yet we see this all the time in our massively conditioned society at this time. We see people just absorbing what they are told without question. Their higher senses have been dulled and stifled practically to the point of non-existence. Anything goes and all is permissible, as our sense of empathy and ability to relate to one another has been replaced by ego-centric ideas implanted into the many channels of influence such as television programming, some types of music, some of the information that comes out of the false, “empire-funded” scientific community which supports this mindset. Meanwhile, the real scientific community’s amazing discoveries get swept under the rug or those who make those discoveries end up mysteriously dead. Why? You may wonder. BECAUSE THE NEW SHIFT OF CONSCIOUSNESS IS POWERFUL and has with it the power to shift the horrendous conditions of the earth at this time, which some are starting to really see (especially as we spend less time on useless distractions). But there are others who feed off of us like a food source, energetically, who do not wish this shift to occur. They are afraid of losing their power. If we are actually the source of that power, then wouldn’t it be wise on their part to keep us in the dark about this as much as possible? This is another reason that mindless is encouraged in segments of society. It keeps us ignorant and subservient. I agree with that scripture that says we need to be “as gentle as doves” if you are a child of God, but it also admonishes us to be ‘as wise than the serpent.” (Mt.10:16). A lamb must be able to discern a wolf, even if it dresses all pretty in sheepcoat, because otherwise that wolf will trick the sheep into being dinner ! Ok, moving right along…
The Law of Cause and Effect (Actions and Consequences)
We’ve been conditioned to think that there is no consequence for our actions and our thoughts, and that there is going to be no ultimate accountability for the choices we’ve made in our lives. We believe ourselves to be at the leading edge of all human existence, yet we have never been so disconnected from all that is around us in the spiritual realm, and even from our own selves, and each other.
People are being poisoned through the air (chemtrails containing aluminum, barium, etc), the water (fluoride, chlorine), and the food supply (GMO’s with hybridized DNA, aspartame, Monosodium glutamate (MSG), etc, just to name a couple of the hundreds of chemicals now put into foods we eat—all designed to destabilize your neuro-cognitive processes, leading to a kind of chemical “dumbing down” of the population. This is because it makes it easier to control and manipulate the populace into accepting anything the rulers wish them to believe or do. Eventually soon, people will be lining up for their microchips without question just because they are told to do so “for their own good”. Lord, help us! At this point, people would be able to be controlled via psychotronic weapons which utilize mind control technologies and can be used at a distance without the person even being consciously aware of it. Many years ago the military put out a document about just how to do this (Weapons for a Quiet War; Army War College).
They will do this because of mindlessness. Many think themselves to be “wise” but yet are foolish, in that they seek the vain glories of the temporary, not caring about the consequences. Those who are experts at something they know nothing about and who go off spouting what they have simply heard repeated over and over again (which is programming), without any personal investigation into a matter or course of understanding. This is part of the programming of our society. A lie repeated often enough is often thought of as truth to those without higher awareness, intelligence, or to those without any real sense of discernment. They will believe anything that they are repeatedly exposed to, simply because their minds have become passive and lazy. They don’t want to actually have to do the hard work of thinking, reflecting, or going within and seeking the Higher Light. They would rather others spoon-feed them their reality, and if provided just a few of their hedonistic desires (usually some food, soul-less sex, and mindless destabilizing “entertainment”), they won’t even question that spoon-fed version of reality! This is not a judgment, but more like an observation. Sometimes we all just need a massive wake-up call. And it is indeed time to wake up. It is a matter of literally life and death because we create what kind of a world we experience, and if we sow the seeds of death, discord and hatred, and such things, then that is the world we will live in. However, if we could sow the seeds of life, joy, harmony, love and so on, we would create a world that reflects that. What kind of world is it that you really want? Think on this. Then begin to be that which you want to see being birthed into this reality. Don’t wait for others to wake up, or wait until things are all perfect in your life, because all of what we create comes out of the energetic field we create by way of our state of consciousness and the thoughts that come forth from that state of consciousness, whether they are in alignment with the truth of God or not. In the words of the great leader Mahatma Ghandi, “Be the change you want to see in the world.”
Become that which you desire in others
Mindless Entertainment
Since the entertainment industry has been massively taken over by the same powerful interests that took over the financial institutions, the media, as well as politics, what often times gets put out as entertainment is designed to lull you into a passive mind, so that you accept into your subconscious mind, those ideas and images that form your perception of things. Much of what passes for entertainment today should be called entrainment instead, because we are being programmed through it, while seeing much of it as harmless, which makes us let our guard down in order to make the mind passive and mindless, thus making it even easier to influence and program to perceive only what those in charge of it want you to perceive. And it is usually those beliefs which support a suppression of higher reality. Do not think this is by accident. It is not. It is a well-developed plan which has taken years to put together.
A Lack of Discernment
We have been trained to forge the bars of our own prison, and because of the lack of discernment of what is really real and what is happening in this current part of the time-space timeline on earth, many refute this very idea, yet the evidence is everywhere if we chose to see it and look. Ah but that’s the problem, isn’t it? We don’t really want to look, or see, or understand, or believe what is clearly evident, in terms of the mess we have created. It is because we’ve been so conditioned to be selfish and self-centered, that we often don’t want to take responsibility for our actions and how they have affected not only ourselves and state of our soul, but also how it affects others, and the rest of the sea of humanity. Accountability isn’t a popular thing in this generation it would seem. Yes we were created to be co-creators, and we have allowed others to rule over us by secrecy and stealth, with their manipulations of mind, and manipulations of the energetic grid in an attempt to shut down the consciousness of humanity even further than it already is. It is because some of us are part of the Awakening, and this is a huge threat to those who wish us all to remain as Sleepwalkers. If the Awakened wake up the Sleepwalkers, then a massive freedom would occur on the planet and we would be liberated from the rulers of darkness. Humanity at this time has such a hard time discerning darkness from light because we’ve been under massive covert mind control for quite a while now, and our senses have become so dulled that we often embrace the darkness, while thinking we are walking in light. This occurs when the person has chosen to stay ignorant of reality, yet the sad thing is they will often be the very ones who think they are “enlightened”, and will criticize, judge and condemn those who try to help them be free, and see things as they truly are. Love, patience and forgiveness are needed here for those who are working spiritually in this Field of the World.
False Enlightenment
Enlightenment is good indeed, but there is also what I’ll call a false enlightenment. There are many hawkers of this false enlightenment which will lead us to a global order of false peace under a totalitarian regime of darkness. Just as it speaks of the “angels of light” in the Judeo-Christian bible, who are, in actuality, the “ministers of darkness”, we can be blindsided if we are not attuned to our Source of Life, God.
“Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no wonder that his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. In the end they will get the punishment their wicked deeds deserve” .2 Corinthians 11:14-15 New Living Translation, bible
This reality was also warned about in the ancient Emerald Tablets which spoke of those who disguise themselves as men, even righteous or men of enlightened consciousness, yet who were, in reality, serving the dark lords of chaos (called demons and Lucifer in the bible and other spiritual texts; the Nagas in the Hindu Vedas). This is why some refer to the “enlightenment of Lucifer” or dark lords, as if it is a liberating thing, yet they are wise in their own deceit because they are helping forge the bars of their own prison, yet they know it not.
The ideologies of Luciferianism include an exaltation of the Ego and the self-centered view of the world, in which the ‘ends justifies the means’. The concepts of leaving the light of the soul and embracing the darkness to obtain power and ego gratification at the expense of others is also highly prevalent. This concept is espoused in overt and covert ways in certain music (especially discordant and dark music) as well as that which appears innocent or benign. These things have influenced the development of modern society to the state of debauchery it is in now.
The most deceptive belief is that none of this dark reality exists. This programs a belief filter in your mind such as “that is not possible,” or “I won’t listen to a conspiracy theory because I’ve been told they’re all wrong” By the way, notice when people say things like “I’ve been told” like that, and not stuff like “I know from hours of research and connecting the dots. This shows a lazy and passive mind. They have no idea how to verify facts and analyze data, due a massive social assault on critical thinking skills in the past couple generations, much less how to interpret things with a higher sensitivity spiritually and psychically. Ok, so what this does when we have these filters of the mind, is it programs your mind so that you won’t “see” perceptively and cognitively, that which could be standing right in from of you. This is why what is so obvious to one person , another person will be completely oblivious to. They have different levels of perception due to how much programming they have had or still have. I’ve engaged in many many discussion with others about this, over many years, and I’ve come to realize that those who disbelieve in the works of the darkside, shall we say, are the ones who are usually most unconsciously (unknowingly) entrenched in it. It is because it is the nature of the dark energies to blind your third eye, by preventing the full opening of the brow chakra (third eye). In fact, the “eye of false light” which thinks it sees, but is blind is part of what constitutes the ‘mark’ spoken of in prophecy. (Rev.13:16). The darkside and those that serve it, affects you whether you have perception to see that it exists or not. It’s just like gravity. You can say you don’t believe in gravity and that’s fine. Nonetheless, you are affected by it.
As a matter of fact, we are even more affected by something that we choose to be ignorant of. This is because the process of denial is such that what you resist, persists. If you resist a conscious awareness just because your Ego-mind doesn’t like it at first, or your ego fears it will lose something it’s holding onto because of a belief that this harmful thing you’re holding onto gives you the power or the joy you’re looking for, then you are shutting out the doorway to the next step of awareness as you travel up the ascending path. And yet if you don’t take the next step, you will continue to be a mind slave to the delusion that denial brings. It can be a challenge at times to overcome denial, because as I’ve seen, it can be amazing the lengths of denial that people will engage in just in order to justify feeding their addictions and illusions. The very thing which imprisons a higher expression of themselves, they blindly serve, thinking it is giving them power. Think about this: If we are part of the Infinite Consciousness, then the source of Life Force that exists in your very being right now is connected to the Ultimate Power in the Universe (yes even above the many ‘alien’ forms of life), then if we are getting our power source from some other place, then doesn’t that show that the source of it is an illusion? It is giving you what you think to be power, but it is sucking the life force out of you while it gives you a substitute feeling of power or even temporary happiness. The irony, eh?
Mindlessness in Religion
True Enlightenment is about the soul reconnecting with Source (God as you understand it), and it is not necessarily about a particular religion per se. Institutional religions have all become corrupted, most of them having become little more than religious corporations, sad to say (check out or google church incorporation and 501C3 or start at While there is some truth in all of the religions, yet all of them contain enough errors in terms of reflecting the higher nature of Reality (which is the only way we break free of this “matrix” of the fallen man’s experience of the knowledge of good and evil), that the soul can only travel so far in them, and then there are certain perception “walls” built in, so that the information and soul growth leading to transformation of the spirit and a block to a closer walk with the Lord God. For example, if we all got really really past the whole “My God is better than your God” mentality, which seems to predominate many religious circles (even when it’s couched in spiritual sounding words), then we could have this major shift of awareness about how we all have a spiritual common source! Then we wouldn’t be ‘disagreeing over doctrine” but rather uniting in the holy Spirit and in Divine Love. And we’d come to have an amazing truth hit us: When we harm others, we harm ourselves too. In many ways which we cannot perceive fully right now in critical mass, we are all fundamentally connected. Healing, not wars, brings this about. Love from our Creator God through us, would heal the hate caused by the mind-consciousness religion.
The latter days of this age, so long prophesied in Scripture, are the days we find ourselves in now. It is a current reality in the three-dimensional realm of the physical earth plane. Religion is a business for the most part, and though it does some good, it is the slick substitution method of giving you a counterfeit that looks like the real deal, but you only find out you’ve been sold a bill of goods when it’s time for the fruit of your beliefs to manifest. Then when it doesn’t really work out, the soul just gives up on the whole notion that any of that stuff is real. It is real. It’s just that we have been given so many obstacles in this time, in order to seek out the purest and highest truths of Our Creator, that it can get tiresome to the seeker. I know, this is what happened to me for a time. I found out that I wasn’t alone.
This is why so many spiritual seekers get disillusioned with religions, even the organized Christian faith, which while being close to the higher reality when properly understood through the inner knowing of the metaphysical realities that many of the teachings point to, yet it has been infiltrated since it’s earliest days when Catholicism usurped the outer shell of the faith that Jesus Christ had shown the way towards. The light of the “kingdom within” was replaced by the dark kingdom of organized religion whose interest was with the political systems of its day (as it is today). Today, there’s only an outer show of “separation of church and state”, since what it really boils down to is that the State controls the church (incorporated ones anyway), and the church cannot stand up against the State. It would be a ‘conflict of interests’ due the willing servitude that the churches (and other religious institutions) have placed themselves under when they went into contract with the State, especially since the 1960’s in the U.S. Many would be in utter shock to go down that rabbit hole of reality!
So, all in all, we must really decide, whether to be truly mindful, aware, awake and ascending on our path, or if we will go with the crowd and be mindless robots, being lead to slaughter on many levels. Each choice you make, as to what to take into your mind, your body or your spirit, needs to be evaluated as to whether or not it is supporting your highest path goals, or not. And in the end, you must do what is right for you and all those who you will affect. It is ok to fully Awaken.
Phoenix Raine
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