Submitted by Bittul Ha Yesh on

The early Christian roots and the 'Brotherhood of Iesa' is really not a threatening thing for anyone who believes in Christ. It is an affirmational sharing that enhances ALL! Another perspective came my way via Wicca, and the husband and wife team who wrote the book A Witches' Bible. The Farrars (Janet and Stewart) from 1981 address the different names that can be used for the spirits or dimensional energies. Some of the groups or 'cults' use the names from Norse or Egyptian cultures, but any true student knows that the names do not limit the true nature; the names are just man's way of representing these forces. They say on page 14:
"All this is reflected in the fact that it is the Greater Sabbats which have Gaelic names. Of the various forms which witches use, we have chosen the Irish Gaelic ones, for personal and historical reasons - personal because we live in Ireland, where these forms have living meaning; historical, because Ireland was the only Celtic country never to be absorbed by the Roman Empire, and so it is in Ireland's mythology and in her ancient language that the lineaments of the Old Religion can often be most clearly discerned. Even the Celtic Church remained stubbornly independent of the Vatican for many centuries. There is a tiny Russian Orthodox community in Ireland based on exiles from Russia; interestingly, 'it has attracted quite a number of Irish converts, some of whom regard it as the Irish Church which existed before the arrival of St. Patrick {Who personally burned over 150 books that we must remember were hand written - the Sumerian and Mayan duplicating methods were not being used at these times throughout most of the world.} to the years following Henry's invasion and the establishments of the links with Rome. (Sunday Press, Dublin 12th March 1978)."
The Qabala was probably not the only ancient verbal tradition that the even older church of Keltic 'travelers' spread in their mission of 'Brotherhood' and MacDari who writes a lot about this does not mention the Qabala. He after all is a Mason/Rosicrucian and they too, like to lay claim to knowledge as their own. The Qabala is involved in the knowledge of many roots of the 'source' that Jesus studied. These include but are not limited to: alchemy (metallurgy was more correctly Joseph's trade), the Tao, Gnosticism and pagan beliefs such as shamans and maybe Buddhism or Hinduism. Being as his forefather Solomon sent ships throughout the whole spherical world and returned with much knowledge there is good reason to assume he might even have studied Mayan which some say his last words were written in (and not Aramaic), perhaps I should say spoken in. There is a legend I find hard to believe that Jesus went to Mayan lands after he was brought down from the cross. It is more likely he went there before his mission in Israel (Iesa-real) began. This definitely would have been possible as the Bat Creek stones show many Judeans escaping Roman persecution came to the Americas and recent archaeology acknowledges the Romans came to this verdant paradise then too.
Before Christ and certainly by his time the social morays and prejudices against women were already massive. Even though (St?) Augustine was the interpreter of Genesis as proof of women being the harbingers of sin - 'original?' in a later time. Wicca says it is 25,000 years old and some of their leaders who I have talked with at length confirm that they draw their knowledge from Druidry. These Kelts never saw a need to resort to force and insecurity or fear to have their sexual needs met in their families. They respected their equal mates and knew that they had been or would be women in other incarnations of the multi-dimensional soul as time passed.
When the Jewish people were deprived of their homeland and dispersed during the 'Diaspora' they were suffering massive repulsive programs of discrimination by Catholic and later offshoots such as Martin Luther created. His words are ridiculous to an extreme seldom seen in the venomous annals of Roman inspired hatred. It is interesting to note that Vlad the Impaler of Dracula fame was a Catholic paid agent who salted wells and blamed the Jews among other heinous acts. At his time in the middle Ages the Rabbis created a book called the Zohar and thought to correct the treatment they had given women, a little. Perhaps like self-serving prayer, these men thought the treatment the Jews were receiving at the hands of the Flagellants etc., could be abated by a minor re- deification of women. I am not belittling the positive cultural impact the creation of the 'Matronit' brought about, but I am saying they did not go far enough. To talk about the horrors of religious behavior in academic terms sometimes seems to absolve one from the real and utterly disgusting aspects of these hypocrites - pursuing power! I must remind myself every time I think of religion that women are being genitally disfigured and forced into unloving arranged marriages or what amounts to prostitution without pay or concubinage.
Many scholars think the degradation of the Jewish scholarship during this period led to the use of a watered down version of the Qabala that was called the Kaballah. Assuredly many of the blessings I have spoken of earlier are often experienced by serious practitioners of these arts included in the Qabala. Healings and exorcisms are well within the potential of every man and woman on this small planet hurtling at ever faster velocity through space. The Tree of Life which is central to Kaballah is very powerful meditational 'stuff'! The next quote is from Gersholm Sholem, who I think gave a paper at the Eranos Conferences on the 'Golem' or 'dybbyk' and gargoyles, that are animate forms of prior inanimate matter. He says:
"Kaballah is a unique phenomena, and should not be considered to be identical with what is known as 'mysticism'. It is mysticism in fact; but at the same time it is both esotericism and theosophy. In what sense it may be called mysticism depends on the definition of the term, a matter of dispute among scholars. If the term is restricted to the profound yearning for direct communion with God through annihilation of individuality (bittul ha-yesh in hassidic terminology), then only a few manifestations of Kaballah can be designated as such, because few kaballists sought this goal, let alone formulated it openly as their final aim. However, Kaballah may be considered mysticism insofar as it seeks an apprehension of God and creation whose intrinsic elements are beyond the grasp of the intellect, although this is seldom explicitly belittled or rejected by the kaballists." {The intellect or Hod.}
Robert Bruce Baird
Robert Baird is the Author of Diverse Druids, Columnist for The ES Press Magazine, Guest 'expert' at