Submitted by Truth Seeker on

How closely connected are we? Does how we feel, what we think, what we say have any affect on others around us? Sometimes it is easier to just do what we want and what feels good, with no thought or consideration for the repercussions that follow. Do you wonder sometimes if the proverbial pebble in a pond applies to your life?
I always question… is global warming real or just some made up who-ha that some grassroots organization may have dreamed up. I wonder how much my energy can affect others and the environment around me. If I am angry do others get angry too? If I am happy and laughing does that to affect the space, people, plants and animals around me?
One night a long time ago while driving home from work I was listening to a preacher on a local Christian radio station. He said something that really got my attention. He said, “… you cannot sin in a vacuum.” You know you can hear or read the same thing over and over and just not get it, and then one day the light goes on. Or so you think.
Lately I have been contemplating whether or not everything has a soul. You know sometimes as children we are taught that yes people do go to heaven. Then when a beloved pet dies and we asked did he or she go to heaven the answers are a little vague. I seem to remember a verse somewhere in the Bible, which talks about every knee shall bow, there is a song that says all the trees and the rock shall praise the Lord. So it seems logical to me that yes everything and I do mean everything has a soul. Animals have knees and somewhere sometime the person that wrote the song must have had knowledge of trees and rocks praising and worshipping as well.
Well let me tell you a little story that has solidified my belief that yes we are all very, very connected and that everything does have a soul.
My neighbor has been caring for her aging and sickly father for several months now, along with a dog that is quiet precocious. About 3 or 4 weeks ago the dog had to become an outside dog. The reasons I am not sure of, but the result I am. He became the neighborhood barker. This barking was incessant and annoyed my husband to no end.
Unfortunately or fortunately (depending on how you view things) the gentleman next door died or transitioned as I would prefer to think of it. When I got home and went next door to offer my condolences I knew immediately that the only thing that would be of any help at that moment would be to go home and pray and send them as much loving, protective Light as I could. It was a lovely early spring night. The moon was full and the air cool. I sat with candles lit my heart aching with sadness for the family next door. As I meditated it suddenly dawned on me that the dog was no longer barking, but he was whimpering and crying while on occasion making mournful groaning sounds that tore at my heart. He knew that his master had gone on without him.
An hour or so went by and the funeral home finally arrived to pick up the deceased. Having lost a parent myself I know the wrenching pain that my neighbors were feeling. Even as I write this today my head begins to ache. I hear the clatter of metal against rock next door and see the men come out the front door with the gurney. The barker next door is crying inconsolably. Then something happens that I would never have expected. All the dogs in the vicinity started to howl with him. They continued there chorus of grief until the hearse is out of site. Then it becomes so very quiet, only the occasional whimper and soulful moans of the grieving pet remain.
So, if we are not all connected how did the dogs, forget me, seem to grieve with my neighbors and their dog? How could they have known that the man had transitioned? I got a “phone” call; I don’t think the dogs have cell phones! So you tell me are we all connected by some invisible connection. By some web of energy so intricate and strong that even the animals are tuned in to it. (I believe that the animals spoke at a soul level.) If that could be true then I purpose to you that we can’t “sin in a vacuum” or for that matter do anything else that doesn’t trickle down, spiral out and inevitably touch everything and everybody on this great, yet small, planet we call Mother Earth.
Be good to yourself, others and Mother Earth! I send you Peace and Love.
HEY! Are you talking to your plants?
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