Submitted by Gamanesque on
Color me silly… I thought the “Information Age” was supposed to… supply folks with valuable information to make more informed and intelligent decisions… provide a means for expanding knowledge… provide a way for folks to stay connected, maybe even to shoo away the lonelies… I dunno folks… something has gone horribly wrong.
Our own government and businesses have turned society into a mass conglomeration of cynical and capitalistic psychologically programmed robots who have now – and it seems like more than ever before - learned to turn on each other, in part, perhaps, because they feel responsible and disillusioned for putting the controllers in positions to have such an overwhelming impact on their psyche… their pocketbooks… their lives!
We’ve gone from 15 minutes of fame to 15 minutes of shame… and every body’s doin’ it… from blatant political misconduct, to sex scandals, to being rewarded for less than stellar behaviors, to everyone knowing everyone else’s business, to corporate and government thievery, to cyber bullying, to WikiLeaks, to wars “just because”, to who knows what else. Why? Because we can!
The World has Gone MAD… literally! It’s like… OMG, WTF is happening to the USA!?!?!? And it’s not just the USA, it’s the whole world… sheesh!
I read lots of news articles online – some important, some mindless – and it never ceases to amaze me as I read others’ comments… the anger that spews in what these folks write and towards each other… and they don’t even know each other. It’s like it’s become okay to turn on each other online… they’ll likely never meet each other, they’re hiding behind a screen – likely using an alias, so why not? Maybe they think it’s better to spew at folks they don’t know than take it out on the ones they love, but ya’ gotta wonder… there’s a bunch of very angry people out there! For good reason, I guess, but come on!
So, here’s what I’m thinking… I’m thinking let’s start a movement… let’s call it the “Just Be Nice” Movement.
Arlo Guthrie says…
“If one person does it, they may think he’s really sick… if two people do it, in harmony, they’ll think they’re both strange… if three people do it, they may think it’s an organization… and can you imagine, fifty people a day… count ‘em… fifty people a day… well, friends… they may think it’s a movement!”
And that’s what it is… it’s the Gamanesque “Just Be Nice” Movement… and all ya gotta do to join is remember to Just Be Nice… every time you think… every time you open your mouth to speak… every time you do anything let those words ring in your brain. Think about this… everyone has a ‘story’… and you may or may not know what it is… but they do. And it may just be that all anyone needs is for others to “Just Be Nice” to add a little loving kindness to their story… so… JUST BE NICE!
Who knows? Maybe it’ll catch on!
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