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“The Decanates of the Zodiac”
All of us are used to reading “Sun-Sign” or Solar horoscopes in magazines and newspapers or on the internet. This information can be useful but is limited. For those of you who are reluctant to consult a professional astrologer for an in depth personal reading, you might enjoy picking up some extra information about your sign via its decanate. Each sign consists of thirty degrees which is further broken down into ten degree increments known as decanates or decans. Each decanate reveals more information about the Sun Sign. Look for your birthday in the following Zodiac listings and find your decanate to learn more about yourself.
Decan 1: March 21 - March 31 … This is the strongest decan of the sign of Aries. The influence adds more punch and pizzazz to your already forceful personality. You are the dominant one in all of your affairs and partnerships displaying “tunnel vision” and head first impetuousness. No one can argue with you, it is simply impossible. You rush in where wise men fear to tread with great heartfelt conviction and action. You are a clear thinker and very rarely wrong about the decisions you make. You are an inspiration to others but need to learn to muzzle your mouth once in a while so someone else can speak. Decan 2: April 1 - April 10 … You are very dignified and proud. You love change particularly in your love affairs and this may be due to your highly ardent nature and powerful sex drive. Others see you as a problem solver and are also drawn to your magnetism and love of fun. You are a true adventurer who wants to make a mark on the world. You have expensive tastes in everything so it is a good thing that you have the where-with-all to know how to make the money to pay for your extravagances. Decan 3: April 11- April 19 … You are the most idealistic and freewheeling Arian. You love to travel and hate any kind of restriction. You love to be the boss especially in creative endeavors. Information and knowledge are key for you and you are particularly drawn to the occult and mystical and are known to be very psychic. You are never at a loss for friends and enjoy parties and social gatherings.
Decan 1: April 20 - April 30 … There is a charm and graciousness about you that keeps you from being abrasive even when you are at your worst! You are a kind and devoted friend and if you are not careful your sympathetic nature will draw those who will impose upon you and take advantage of your goodness. Art is second nature to you and you might also possess musical ability. You love beautiful things and instinctively understand their value. You are the shyest of the Taureans and can be stubborn about venturing forward with new things. Decan 2: May 1- May 10 … The power of your mind is potent indeed! Your approach might exemplify the Taurean trait of conservatism and practicality but these are amply balanced by strong intuition and curiosity. You are a team worker par excellence and have a flair for breaking down difficult concepts so all can understand. Writing ability is common among those of this decan. Try not to be too much of a busy body. Decan 3: May 11- May 20 … You are reliable, determined and observant. You are also a great analyzer of the human condition and are certainly not afraid to let others know where you stand under any circumstances. You also cannot be deterred once you have set your mind on a goal. The well of your feelings runs deep and you are loyal and faithful in your affairs. You can be easily hurt by the words of others although you hide it well.
Decan 1: May 21 - May 31 … You are one of the brainiacs of the Zodiac. Your mental acumen is extremely sharp and you are always looking for new ideas through which you can express yourself. You are detail oriented, rational, and logical enough to rival any Virgo but do try not to become too overwhelmed. The double dose of Mercurial energy inherent in this decan tends towards nervous tension and you often worry too much. Your personality is magnetic and others admire your ability to make decisions quickly. Sometimes you become too immersed in a loved one’s affairs. Try to remember who you are! Decan 2: June 1 – June 10 … You are a social butterfly and others can’t get enough of your warmth. This is a good thing because the approval of others is very important to you. You are adventurous and love to travel because the exposure broadens your sense of self. Sharing and caring would be good by-words to describe you because you are so generous with your time and friendship. This decan expresses great sex appeal and an ardent nature so make sure the object of your affection is deserving of what you have to offer. Decan 3: June 11 – June 20 … You have such an original point of view that others often seek your advice or hang around just to hear you talk! You expression is totally Mercurial and therefore you have an intellectual rather than emotional approach to life and love. A romantic prospect must prove his/herself to have a brain or you’ll run for the hills! You are also very demanding and domineering and others have difficulty meeting your standards. Try to back off a bit.
Decan 1: June 21 – June 30 … You are a born counselor. Your sensitive receptivity into human nature is so strong that others are always seeking your advice. Even thought you are very sensitive, you highly value rationality because it aids you in making balanced decisions. You have the memory of an elephant yet simple mundane details escape you. You are a seeker of harmony on a grand scale who dislikes dissension of any kind. This is because emotional turbulence can literally leave you feeling ill. Decan 2: July 1 – July 11 … All Cancerians like to deal with the watery depths and what they entail but your decan is the most mystical and interested in things unseen and arcane. Others are drawn to your forceful personality and actually like to tell you their secrets. This can be a little disconcerting at times but your intellectual fortitude helps you to sort through any emotional reactions to what you hear. Sometimes you display two different personalities because at work you are very practical and disciplined yet in your relationships you are sentimental and even possessive. Once your mind is made up NO ONE can change it. Decan 3: July 12 – July 22 … You are romantic, artistic, and creative. You are skilled at adapting to different social situations and to people and because of this you often hold some sort of public position. You love deeply and form protective ties with those who are important to you. You approach problem solving with natural caution and conservatism and this makes you a great crisis buster.
Decan 1: July 23 – August 1 … You are a natural leader who enjoys being in the limelight. You always draw attention because of the colorful way you present yourself including the way you act, speak and dress! When you are happy or sad the whole world knows about it since you have no problem being vocal about how you feel. Love is an impulsive expression for you and you can change partners with the blink of an eye. This is because you strictly follow the dictates of your heart without listening to your head! Your vitality is grand and so is your artistic flair. Decan 2: August 2 – August 12 … You possess intellectual prowess, great vision, and enormous pride. You are a “doer” who dissects a problem and then jumps in to set it right. You are good natured and humorous but do not like to be at the receiving end of a joke. Some of your enthusiasm is directed into ambition which results in financial success. Intellectual pursuits are also high on your list. Decan 3: August 13 – August 22 … You are impetuous with enough will power to rival any Arian. You love to tackle new projects and challenges and totally enjoy the tangible results of your efforts. You have a great dislike of the mundane and would rather stay busy … really busy. This is fine as long as you avoid burn-out by learning to balance busy with break time. You hate to wait for ANYTHING and dislike anyone who doesn’t present him/herself in a forthright and honest manner. In love, you are overly idealistic and often demand perfection of lover which can make things very difficult and short-lived.
Decan 1: August 23 – September 1: Your mind is so formidable and rational that you are not just satisfied to solve a problem, you want rectify the cause of the problem so it doesn’t reoccur. You are so keenly observant that others think you are actually prophetic. Your personality is warm and fuzzy and your razor wit often draws admirers. You dislike stupidity and lack of manners so you tend to associate among those with high standards, proper decorum and equally high intelligence. You are a romantic devotee but have secret worries about your love life which sometimes leads to “much ado about nothing.” Decan 2: September 2 – September 12 … You have a fixity of purpose that enables you to perform with perfection when tackling any project. You are detail oriented and usually have the edge over the competition because you have planned in advance. In reality, you are very adaptable and versatile but others tend to see you ambitious and purposeful. In romance, you are sympathetic and kind and will go out of your way to please. Decan 3: September 13 – September 22 … Your greatest talent is for using words and in social circles this ability really wins everyone over! You are known to be a spiffy dresser who is well groomed with a marvelous sense of style. You are poised and confident and can be counted on for tact and diplomacy in your affairs. You have a great dislike for restriction and think of yourself as the master of your own destiny. Often the great outdoors has a special appeal to you. You are kindhearted and generous in your romances but expect equal attention in return from a lover.
Decan 1: September 23 – October 2 … Beauty, charm, luxury, and pleasure all apply to you! Extravagance can be a real problem for you so watch those credit cards. You adore grand entrances and attention but do try not to let the opinions of others influence how you feel about yourself. You might often find yourself taking on the role of the aggressor but this is merely a cover up for a lack of self confidence. In romance, you need to stay away from “takers”- those who take advantage of your good nature … remember to employ balance. Decan 2: October 3 – October 13 … You often present an enigma to others because what is initially seen as easy charm quickly presents itself as sharp intelligence with an equally sharp tongue. There is a great originality to your style and you are a mover and a shaker who gets things done. In relationships, some may view you as too independent to become involved but the real you needs and enjoys companionship and love. Decan 3: October 14 – October 22: … Naives of this decan are often found in public positions where they really shine. The influence of this decan provides brains, sex appeal, equity, and balanced judgment. It can’t get much better than that! You tend to keep your true feelings for a lover concealed just beneath the surface but make no mistake … love runs to the depth and breadth of your core. Often there is substantial writing talent for things of an intellectual nature – emotions are too hard to express vocally or on paper.
Decan 1: October 23 – November 1: You possess a magnetic quality that has an intensely hypnotic effect on others. Others see you as very dependable and in truth you are quite steadfast and loyal. You will stand by your man/woman even when the relationship no longer serves your growth however, once you walk away it is forever. You have a scientific mind that likes to flip over all of the rocks in search of the facts. If something cannot be validated it loses all usefulness to you. You have a great love of the arcane. Decan 2: November 2 – November 11: … Many doctors and healers are born under this decan so it is no surprise that you have no problem reaching out to touch someone. You tend to run short on patience with the unfolding of life events and may find yourself often blaming the Universe for failing to recognize your needs. In romance you tend to be idealistic looking for a mate that completes you. Of course you quickly learn that this is simply your need to understand yourself more intimately. Decan 3: November 12 – November 21 … Allure is your password so you have no problem being in the public eye. As a matter of act, you thrive in group situations where your magnetism makes you very popular. You probably feel that Destiny has a very strong influence in your life and that this is proven by the multitude of relationships that seemingly come out of nowhere. You like to take up the cause of the underdog but sometimes this comes from a misplaced sense of injustice. You will try to slip through the cracks if you are caught in one of your clever manipulations but will fess up honestly in the end.
Decan1: November 22 – December 1 … Adventuresome and experimental, no mountain is too high for you to climb. This especially refers to the great mountain of knowledge where you often visit to renew yourself as a student of the Universe. Others seek you out regarding the questions of life and know they can count on you to provide them with the answers. Your delivery is infused with candor and honesty and emphasis placed on the appreciation for the autonomy of others. You are very much an individual and find committed romantic situations difficult and stifling but as a friend there is no one better. Decan 2: December 2 – December 11 … You are generous, expansive, and inspirational. You could not imagine letting anyone down so even when you are feeling low you never show it to the outside world. You are very independent with great strength of character and often do not even realize the up-lifting effect you have on others. You can be depended upon to get the job done and enjoy the sense of achievement that can be ascertained from doing things well. In love you can seem rather cool and detached on the outside but inside you are loyal to a fault. Decan 3: December 12 – December 21 … You possess the gift of humor and can always make others laugh even in the middle of a crisis. Your high intellect is hidden by an outgoing and friendly nature and your impulsive passion. Cultural art and beauty have a great appeal for you and you don’t mind traveling especially to foreign places. You believe that exposure expands your horizons. Your love affairs seem to end as quickly as they start when you are young mostly because you like to have your own way but, with age comes the maturity for longevity.
Decan 1: December 22 – December 31 … You are orderly, precise, and responsible. You are very serious when tasking and often don’t trust others to get the job done correctly. There is a subtle forcefulness about you – it is never aggressive but others are very well aware of your quiet brand of power. Ambition fuels your ego machine … all the way up to the top of the mountain. You know how to push other people’s buttons but often it is for their own good. In love, “still waters run deep” and your mate is in for a passionate surprise. Decan 2: January 1 – January 10 … Time is of the essence to you and you do not like to waste it. This decan carries great creativity and individuals born under this decan often have a flair for design with structure such as architecture. You require time for solitude and this is usually spent enhancing your mind with study. You display some reticence in your feelings but no one is more devoted. Decan 3: January 11 – January 19 … You give respect and expect it in return. This is the most “people” conscious of the Capricorn decans and along with your amazing intellect you also display adaptability and flexibility. You are mystical and spiritual and idealistic yet hardworking, grounded, and financially ambitious. Your romantic fires burn brightly but only for the “one.” During your lifetime, you will spend much time fulfilling your inner needs and raising your consciousness.
Decan1: January 20 – January 29 … You love challenges and never mind tackling obstacles. You possess great “people” perception and others appreciate your intellect and awesome wit. Change is necessary for you because it keeps life from becoming too stale. Often you take on the role of an amateur psychologist because you are intrigued by the human psyche. You really are quite romantically affectionate but somehow you still manage to come across detached in your love affairs. You are also very environmentally conscious and have a great respect for nature. Decan 2: January 30 – February 8 … In plain English – you sparkle. Your best trait is your spontaneity which draws others in like a moth to the flame. The gift for gab is laced with candor and frankness and this makes you popular in many circles. Knowledge is very important to you and you consider yourself an eternal student. You yearn for passionate love with all the bells and whistles but your autonomous nature keeps you grounded. Many born under this decan are collectors of books and/or display varied literary interests. Decan 3: February 9 – February 18 … You are intellectual, artistic, and future oriented. Although you are a bit of a flirt, you have the greatest capacity among the Aquarian decans to engage truly close and enduring relationships. You have a great dislike of lazy people and are especially peeved by those who do not keep their word and lack social structure. You have a sharp eye for beauty and detail and like your environment to be pleasing with “a place for everything and everything in its place.”
Decan 1: February 19 – February 29 … If you were born under this decan you must as the old song lyric goes work to “accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative AND don’t mess with Mr. in between.” This is the most sensitive and vulnerable of the Piscean decans that closely links mind, body and spirit. Discord and negativity can literally make you sick but the strength of your character will see you through the toughest times. Talents abound in this decan and there may be gifts for the artistic or the literary. Your passions run deeper than any ocean and you can be sure the ocean will toss you a romantic tidal wave now and then. Decan 2: March 1 – March 10 … You are highly receptive, intuitive, and downright psychic. Often you know how people are feeling even before they open their mouths to tell you. This is the most social of the Piscean decans and often individuals born under this decan are very popular and capable of achieving public status. Although you are a great visionary who believes in the transforming quality of love - love seems to elusively slip through your fingers. Decan 3: March 11 – March 20 … There is a great deal of power to harness inherent within this decan. Internal matters take precedence and solitude is necessary for renewal. There is a strong draw to the religious, spiritual, arcane, occult, and profound … ALL of it! Achievement can be easily attained and taken to great heights if the intellect can be balanced with the imagination and then funneled through vision. As a true “heart” person who is very emotional, you already know that love motivates most of your decisions so use your head once in a while too!