Submitted by Kether on
What really is disrespect and why do you go crazy and angry when someone does not respect you? This is an interesting dilemma as the more that you become angry at someone for disrespecting you, the more they will disrespect you.
So turn it around. What are you really wanting from that person? There are a few reasons that you are angry:-
1. They do not appreciate you as a person
2. They do not appreciate the work that you have performed for them
3. They do not appreciate your relationship
You may not like this but what another person actually thinks of us is none of our business. You can never change their thoughts unless they decide to change and the chances are that they will not. Actions and consequences of these actions are mind boggling.
You would be better off understanding the reasons why they do not respect you and maybe by your actions you will get the respect that you are craving for. Become the ultimate observer and become them. What did you do to upset them? If you are not willing to change your attitude to why they would be upset to you and you are being honest, then nothing will change. Sometimes you just have to say “Namaste” shrug your shoulders and walk away.
- Some people are just angry at anything and you cannot change that. They have issues. It is usually to do with not getting their way so they become angry to get their way.
- Some people will purposely “Push your buttons” to get a reaction from you which is very childish. When they are challenged, they will rush to get others to be on “Their side” so that they can disrespect you from afar behind someone’s skirts or pants. You are better than this. Leave them alone so they can be in their self obsessed childish world. You do not need these people as you are better off without them.
- Some people will be angry at you to control you and these people are the ones that you will probably never change but you can and should walk away from if you can. Why would you sacrifice yourself for someone that does not care for you? Why would you sacrifice your life for that person?
Angry family members are the tricky ones. Even still you can choose what to do. I cannot tell you what to do as that is not giving you free will. Make your own mind up on what you wish to do in this situation. The three points above are still relevant. You can choose to walk away. Just maybe they will wake up if they can get over their own egocentric nature, and this is a very big maybe. Understand the reason why they are angry at you so you can reflect on this yourself. Is it you that is causing the issues? Be realistic and be the ultimate observer. Would you be happy if you stepped in their shoes? Then be empathetic to that situation and just maybe, you need to change slightly to get their respect. But then there are always the real nasty people that you want to avoid.
Always remember to respect yourself first but do it honestly and not with ego. You can accept, love and respect them, but you will never change them unless the situation changes. You can change your attitude to them. Just maybe by doing this, your life will become better. Or you can choose to walk away.