Submitted by Starman Abiodun on
In the book 48 Laws Of Power, Robert Greene stated the fourth law as saying less than necessary, V in the book The Mafia Manager stated and axiom that, 'A silent fool passes for a wise man'. Abraham Lincoln mused that, 'It is better to keep one's mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and resolve all doubts'. You may wonder why all this quotes from all these people, well it is because when so many people continue to emphasise on one thing, then we should take a closer look at why they are repeating what they are saying. In our world today people son't know the effect of talking too much let alone the wrong words.
It is in human nature to want to express yourself but it is also important to say the right thing at the right time because saying the wrong words to right or wrong people at the wrong time may cause severe consequences. I asked my friend a question and he gave me a shocking answer, the question was should you speak more or less and he simply answered, 'Say all you can in the least amount of words because your mouth may be moving but you're not saying anything' What an answer you may say but that is the blunt truth,some people in attempt to show off end up doing more harm than good or even expose themselves to danger.
The more you talk the higher the chances of your saying something foolish as we were told that empty vessels make the most noise. When you talk do so with moderation because one wrong word can cause you a whole lot of harm. Believe it or not the words we speak can attract people or repel them from us depending on how we use them. Someone said, 'Words are like nitroglycerine that can blow up bridges or heal hearts'.
Dear friend, be careful not to be rash with your mouth because words are like eggs once broken can't be replaced. While referring to others please, mind your language.
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