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In his writings Paul Twitchell describes two divisions in the planes of reality. The divisions are generally called the lower worlds and the higher worlds. The lower worlds are the realms of expression and manifestation. They are characterized by the occurrence of matter and duality, where everything exists in relation to its opposite.
In contrast, the higher worlds are not defined by duality, matter, and manifestation. Everything there exists as spiritual potential that could be manifested but isn't. Another way to say it is that things just are. They don't exist in relationship to anything else or for any reason - they simply exist. They are pure Spirit energy. Needless to say, it is very
difficult to describe the higher worlds in words, which themselves belong to the lower worlds.
The lower worlds are comprised of four major planes: The physical, astral, causal, and mental world. We as individuals exist simultaneously on all these planes. Just as we have a physical body, we have a corresponding astral (emotional) body, a causal (memory) body, and a mental (thought) body.
These worlds exist within us as the microcosm of our bodies, and outside us as the macrocosm of the planes of reality.
The higher worlds begin with the soul plane and ascend through various spiritual states
to the God plane, also known as the Ocean of Love and Mercy.
As our true self, we eternally exist as Soul on the soul plane, yet in the human state we
inhabit the bodies of the lower worlds listed above. In the human consciousness we are mostly unaware of the other planes because we identify very strongly with the physical body and its world, to the point that we believe it is the only reality. However, since we exist on all planes in our corresponding bodies, all we have to do is awaken our senses there to experience them.
How do we do this? We could separate our other bodies from the physical body and
travel around in them, such as in astral projection. However, this can be a somewhat
dangerous process because it can have unforeseen adverse effects on the physical
body. Fortunately we don't have to go through this. As Soul we can perceive directly
in each plane, as long as our spiritual senses are awakened.
There are many exercises listed in the spiritual literature to develop our spiritual senses, so I won't go into all of them. Suffice it to say that one method would be to sit in a comfortable position with our hands in our lap, as seen in the picture here. It is not necessary to be cross-legged; we can sit on a chair. The main thing is that we are relaxed and the environment is quiet. Then we close our eyes and place our attention on the Spiritual Eye, the inner screen between the eyebrows. To connect with Divine Spirit and raise our consciousness to the level of Soul, we can chant the word HU or another charged word out loud for a few minutes, then silently to ourselves.
As a result, we may begin to see a light on our inner screen. Or we might hear a
sound, or both. A spiritual journey or a meeting with a master may happen just
by contemplating like this, but for the most part my experience has been that I need to do more. Specifically, I need to use my creative imagination. If I imagine a place I want to go very vividly and concentrate on it without wavering, eventually I might find myself there in the soul body because I have contacted the actual place via my imagination. The trick then is to stop imagining and let the experience take over. I know when the
actual experience has taken over because then I experience things that are new, things that I have never seen or known before.
Often in a spiritual exercise, moving my awareness from one plane to another involves the symbolism of a tunnel. The picture here is a remarkably accurate representation of
an experience I once had when I was following my spiritual guide in the soul body through a tunnel to another plane. The water running down the steps symbolized Spirit flowing down from the worlds above. It made a rushing, crashing sound so loud it was almost frightening. Yet I was without fear and very joyful, for I had absolute confidence in the guidance and protection of my spiritual master. After quite a long climb, we emerged into a higher world where the ambient light was very bright and it looked like the water was draining down into a giant whirlpool.
A whirlpool is another symbol I have encountered several times in the other planes. It
made me realize that everything we see in the physical world is really a representation
of something that exists in the worlds above it. As the old saying goes, "as above, so
below." That is why things in the other worlds often look familiar or very similar to
things we see in our world, even though the laws governing those worlds are different
from ours.
Steve DeWitt
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