Submitted by Asher Jade on
Arguments for the existence of God fall into different categories:
There are the metaphysical arguments that try to prove the logical necessity of a being with at least one attribute that only God could have.
The first cause argument is a metaphysical argument that argues that God was around at the start of things.
The mathematical argument is the metaphysical argument which argues that God is the Absolute Infinite.
The Ontological arguments, are metaphysical arguments that are based on the concept that God is a, being than which nothing greater can be conceived.
The Pantheistic argument is a metaphysical argument which argues that, God is all.
Empirical arguments deal with data beyond definitions and axioms.
The Teleological argument, is an empirical argument that argues that, the universe order and complexity shows signs of purpose.
The Anthropic argument, is an empirical argument which argues that there are basic facts that proves God exist.
The Moral argument, is an empirical argument that says, logic, science, ethics and other things we take seriously do not make sense if there is no God.
The Transcendental arguments, argues that objective morality exists and that therefore God exists.
Inductive arguments are argues that the proof of the existence of God presents a fairly large probability but no absolute certainty.
Subjective arguments rely mainly on the testimony or experience of certain witnesses or the propositions of a specific revealed religion. What the witness argument does is give truth to personal witnesses, contemporary and throughout the ages.
The Religious argument, is a subjective argument, is specific to types of religions such as Christianity. An example, of an argument a Christian might use to prove the existence of God is: Jesus life as written in the New Testament.
The majority argument, is a subjective argument that argues that people in all times and in different places have believed in God, so it is unlikely he does not exist. Another subjective argument is that near death experiences implies that God exists.
Empirical arguments argues that in the framework of scientific rationalism one can conclude that God is non-existent. That the inconsistence of revelations, identifying contradictions between scriptures, contradictions within a single scripture, or contradictions between scripture and known facts prove that God does not exist.
The evil arguments, is an empirical argument that says that logical and evidential arguments from evil contest the existence of god.
The poor design argument, is an empirical argument that contest the idea that a god created life.
The non-belief, is an empirical argument that contest that the claim that God wants to test humans to see who has the most faith is dismissed because of the debate surrounding the problem of evil.
Deductive arguments: Omnipotence paradox, is a deductive argument that argues that the definitions or descriptions of a god are logically contradictory which shows his non-existence.
The free will argument, is a deductive argument that argues that the two properties, free will and God’s existence are contradictory.
The transcendental argument, is a deductive argument that argues that the existence of an intelligent creator are incompatible with science.
The cosmological argument, is a deductive argument that says, that if the universe had to be created by God because it must have a creator, then God in turn would have had to be created by some other God and so on.
The Theological non-cognitivism, is a deductive argument that disapproves the god-concept by showing that it is unverifiable and meaningless.
Inductive arguments: Atheist-existentialist, is an inductive argument that argues that since existence preceded essence that a sentient being cannot be complete or perfect.
The No reason argument, is an inductive argument that argues that the universe existence is an contradiction, as such, an omnipotent god cannot exist.
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