Submitted by LI - Executor on
What is the edge of a person’s life?
Your edge is that line to cross where one feels their life.
Our essence defines individuality and our edge is what we sharpen our essence against.
An edge requires both change and a shifting of perception.
Movement is the easiest edge to feel, but it isn’t the only edge on life. Yet movement is usually the first place to start. Often for my students the first thing I teach them is a movement practice such as Qi Gong or Yoga as part of their healing path.
While movement is the easiest starting point to let us feel an edge, it doesn’t necessarily represent a person’s core edge. Often times the hard work in a spiritual practice is discovering your deeper personalized core edge in life.
Why Do We Need An Edge?
Without an edge, we don’t feel our life.
A simple truth: if you don’t feel your life, you cannot properly live your life.
The curious truth is very few people understand or even know where their own edges are in life. This means most people will ignore the signs of losing touch to their life. Then they will begin to get depressed, over eat, get angry or start activities that work against them in life.
A simple truth is most people don’t realize they need an edge. So as a result they never learn to embrace their edge. Consider this for a moment. Have you ever pondered your own edges? Did you know you even had an edge?
Even worse, since being near an edge can be uncomfortable, risk adverse souls actually actively avoid going near any of their edges in life. Over time this can lead to a person being disconnected from their own life.
In spiritual practice, a person slowly removes all the false edges they had in their life. Then with time a spiritual seeker will also see their true edges and embrace them. Finally, a spiritual practice will challenge a person to push against their edges in life to help them grow. As a spiritual teacher, I will teach against the current challenges a student has and then with time show a student their essence. If you take away the false edges of life too fast a student will reject the help, since at first they still need those false edges to feel life against. This means healing a person take patience and time as false edges are released in stages to be replaced by a person’s true edges of life.
What is my Edge?
Everyone has an unique edge. Don’t try to force your edge to be something you can just look up and hold. Look at your actions in life, look at your patterns and find the recurring theme.
A simple truth is this: the most common edge is living to the story you claim as yours. Most people unconsciously push against that story and that is enough to feel and live life against.
Never Make Drama Your Edge
My last post was about not allowing Drama nor Fighting to define your edge in life. This is important as outside conflict increases we are being pushed out from our own personal edge more and more.
Just remember a trap when you lose your edge of life, is to create false drama or get caught up in other people’s drama to feel life again. This is a serious trap because drama isn’t required to live life. Drama takes energy away from living our life.
So if you encounter a drama queen, then you have really met a person who has lost touch with their core essence and life. A person who has replaced their own edge with something outside of their own life will forever chase false drama. Over time, living a life of drama will undercut and destroy a person.
Inherited Edges
Don’t be fooled by family, social or inherited drama. It takes 5 generations to remove abuse and other problems from a family. It has been shown that environmental stress can propagate genetically over 10 generations. This means some of the edges you hold, are not your own. You could be pushing against your grandfather’s drama for instance rather than your own. This is important, because once you discover an echo edge from a past family member, it becomes easier to release it and find your freedom. You can find many teachings in spiritual practices that revolve around releasing drama from our ancestors or even healing our ancestors of their drama.
The Worst Trap of Addiction
People will chase addiction as the final solution when they lack an edge to their life for too long. This sounds extreme, but it really isn’t, this truth represents natural behaviors people will follow in trying to avoid inner pain.
When a person has lost their edge of life long enough then they will crack their very soul to find it again.
Addictive behavior is the attempt to redefine and feel life by some outside substance or means. Addiction is when a person literally breaks themselves in order to feel themselves again or to avoid dealing with their edge. In the act of breaking oneself, you then have to lean permanently on outside forces to define yourself against. It’s the ultimate way to lose oneself. It’s possible to heal from addiction, but the price of healing is to become a totally new person.
Never underestimate a person’s capacity to hurt themselves and others when they are desperate to find their edge in life.