Submitted by Golden Harmony on
Reposted from The Awakening Website
The word yoga is a Sanskrit term that means ‘to join’. In the Hindu philosophy, the goal of the practice of yoga is to unite ourselves with God. There are many forms of yoga. But all forms require that we expand our awareness and walk the path.
According to yoga, there are seven main energy centers, called Chakras, which form a part of the aura that exists between your physical body and your Spirit. Modern science knows very little about this system, which it considers to be the autonomic nervous system.
When your Chakras are functioning properly, they are open and spinning, each at a specific frequency. So a Chakra is opened when its frequency is perfected through yoga. This enables it to metabolize the various energetic needs of the corresponding part of your body. Once all seven of your Chakras are perfected, they form your Tree of Life.
Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the Tree of Life and may go through the Gates into the City. Revelation 22:14
There is an energy, called kundalini, which originates from the base of the spine. The job of this energy is to break up and then perfect the three lower Chakras.If it then succeeds in rising up to perfect the higher Chakras, it will produce various degrees of spiritual awareness and enlightenment.
If the kundalini energy reaches the level of the fourth Chakra, which feeds the heart, we will start to see God’s holy Light. If it reaches the fifth Chakra, the throat, we find ourselves wanting to think and speak only of God.
The sixth Chakra feeds the pituitary gland. This is where the optic nerve crosses the motor nuclei fibres of the spinal nerves that serve the limbs and trunk of the body. This crossing is the most restricted path through which this holy energy can pass – the path that opens the way for our consciousness to ascend to the pineal gland, which is fed by the seventh Chakra.[i]
Enter through the narrow Gate. Matthew 7:13
The human conditions that will prevent a person from accessing the seventh Chakra are Lust, Greed, Pride and Fear. But, if the kundalini energy reaches it, we experience a vision of God and the sacred geometries with which the Universe was created.
The mystery is this… The seven lampstands are the seven __________. Revelation 1:20
At the end of the current evolution, we can finally experience this revelation, that which Buddhists call nirvana, Hindus call samadhi and Christians call the mystical union. This is the opening of the seventh Chakra – the mind of unity and the mind of the Christ.
There before me was the lamb… and with him 144,000 who had his Name and his father’s Name written on their Foreheads. His Name will be on their Foreheads. - Revelation 14:1 & 22:4