Submitted by Little Buddha on
When you have a satisfactory answer to a big question related to the nature of life, the universe, and everything, the real challenge is integrating that answer into your daily life. How can you act in alignment with your most important values and beliefs?
Accepting Misalignment
The first step is to notice misalignment. Ask yourself this question: Where do I feel out of alignment right now?
Where are the misalignments? In which areas of life do you not feel that your best self is shining through?
When you recognize some of these misalignments, accept them for what they are. Accept the truths you’re observing. Try to treat truth alignment as a separate phase from love and power alignment. Don’t worry about exploring your desires and taking action in a new direction until you’ve accepted the truth that your current path is out of alignment.
Have you ever experienced that moment of clarity when you realized that you absolutely needed to transition out of your job or relationship, only to watch yourself delaying action for months? In such circumstances people are often tempted to justify their actions by pretending they’re okay with their current situation.
Don’t pretend. Don’t justify. Let the situation be lousy, and admit the truth to yourself.
Next, work on accepting the consequences of your truth. You’re probably shifting towards a major transition, one that will create ripples across all areas of your life. There’s no getting around that. This type of transition is a big deal, and it’s going to take courage, patience, and persistence.
Keep reminding yourself of the importance of alignment. If you’ve discovered a profound answer, and you’ve intelligently reasoned your way to the truth of it, remind yourself that there can be no satisfaction for you in the long run if you don’t bring your life into alignment with your truth.
Welcome the challenge that you’re facing. Stop resisting it, and just surrender to it. This type of challenge will make you stronger.
Turning Profound Answers Into Daily Practice
Perhaps my #1 tool for turning profound answers into daily practice is what I call Daily Conscious Time. This is a deliberate investment, typically 15-30 minutes per day but sometimes an hour or more, to work on alignment issues.
I usually do this in the form of journaling. Here are some of the questions I ask and answer during this time:
- Where does my life still feel out of alignment?
- What would a stronger alignment look like?
- What steps can I take to transition to a stronger alignment?
Imagine doing this kind of personal growth work almost every day, working through alignment issues large and small and doing your best to resolve them. You may not always succeed, but in the long run, this persistence will yield a more aligned life from top to bottom.
Take these alignment issues seriously. They truly matter. These challenges will test you, and you may feel that life is asking too much of you when it presents you with such a challenge. At first it may even feel like more of a curse than a blessing, but when you work through enough of these, you may actually start to welcome them because these are among the richest growth experiences you’ll encounter in this life.
Steve Pavlina