Submitted by Urban Magic on

Nowadays more and more people are waking up from their deep sleep: from the identification of forms. More and more people are concerned about this: Who or what am I? I'm just the sum of my personal life story, memories, experiences, thoughts and sufferings? Or is therein me a hidden dimension of a mysterious consciousness, which is superimposed by the noise of my personal life stories?
Eckhart Tolle’s opinion, our present consciousness opens up the gate to mysterious human dimension of pure consciousness. The individual must experience the present moment, while the alertness of his/her consciousness enables the person to view his or her own thoughts, emotions and reactions triggered by the stimuli of the environment.
The Presence thus created (conscious alertness) brings about the sense of tranquility and internal peace. The sustained conscious attention launches the spiritual process of transubstatiation that leads the individual to conscious alertness, new perspective and new ways of observing. This process, by transforming the consciousness of the person, changes the entire personality of the individual.
The transformation of the conscience, the beginning of spiritual consciousness, is when the person experiences that he or she is the consciousness that perceives the operation of Ego. In Tolle’s opinion, when a person is aware that he/she is thinking, the consciousness that experiences this is not part of the person’s thinking. This is another dimension of consciousness.
The spiritual awakening means for the person the ability "to clearly see that what I perceive, experience, think or feel, is after all not the same as what I am.” As soon as a person recognizes who he or she is not, immediately comes the recognition of who he or she actually is: "The light of consciousness, in which perceptions, experiences, thoughts and emotions come and go. This consciousness in the background, is the deeper, real self.”
The most important hampering factor in this process is the Ego. It means the conventional, ordinary "self,” which constitutes the common mistake in which the illusory belief in the personal identity is rooted. This illusory self will then be the basis of all mental processes, human relations and the interpretation of reality. Only the consciousness of the current moment is able to terminate the illusory self-interpretation and elevate the person’s consciousness to a higher, more spiritual level.
Eckhart Tolle believes that this Conscious Alertness has already appeared at a small, but rapidly increasing part of mankind.
Are you Awake?
All you have to do is to complete the following Conscious Alertness Quiz.
The Conscious Alertness Quiz is assembled according to the strict criteria of the development of a scientific research method. The results of the quiz represent the reality only, when you answer the items of the quiz honestly.
I made this quiz as a scientific research method.
Take the Conscious Alertness Quiz
Please, read all statements carefully and mark the alternative that best describes your emotions and behavior by the number of each statement, according to the following criteria:
SCALE: 1=never or almost never, 2=rarely, 3=sometimes, 4=on the majority of days, 5=every day, 6=many times a day
1. I believe that the continual stream of my thoughts is recurrent and pointless
2. I am overcome by joy and tranquility without any particular reason
3. I believe that I am unable to find myself in external things (house, car, money)
4. I think that my thoughts and emotions only constitute a small fragment of what I actually am
5. I believe that behind the external shape of my body there is an inner vitality, intensively vivid field of energy
6. I think that the things around me—even the inanimate ones—have a soul
7. I do not react to my thoughts and emotions, I simply let them happen
8. I think that I am right in many things, but others do not acknowledge that
9. I get offended easily
10, In conversations, I mention things that I possess in order to look more valuable in the eyes of others
11. I feel that nothing is enough for me, I always long for something more, something different
12. I feel it a burden having to do what I am doing
13. I tend to brood on offences that I suffer
14. I think that I am reckless and dissatisfied
15. I tend to complain about other people
16. I believe that I am the consciousness behind my thoughts and emotions
The Conscious Alertness Quiz revealed three dimensions of the Presence:
Reduction in the functions of Ego
Transcending the functions of Ego
Alert consciousness in the present
You will find the evaluation of the Conscious Alertness Quiz HERE
Frank M. Wanderer