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Every chart has twelve houses and since there are only ten astrological planets, every individual will have at least two empty or VOID houses. If a house is empty, it shows that there is less conscious concern in that area. You pretty much accept conditions the way they are and anything experienced is not likely to give you any more of a problem than you can handle. Still, such a house still has a sign influencing it and the ruler of that sign is the planet to look to for particulars. Only planets are considered when discerning VOID houses. There is karmic implication connected to VOID houses. The belief is that either the individual has already worked through the karma of the corresponding house or they have chosen to work through the karma of the corresponding house in the next lifetime. In Einstein’s chart (planets only) the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, and 12th houses are VOID or unoccupied.
1 – An uncluttered personality true to the sign on the cusp (Ascendant). In harmony with outer appearance and projection.
2 – Money, possessions and values are not vital to the individual. Financial circumstances are either completely assured or totally irrelevant.
3 – No essential desire to communicate or travel on a daily or mundane level. Relatives and siblings are easily accepted or not integrated into the individual’s lifestyle.
4 – Often prefers to be away from the home environment. Actual home setting is not important. One of the parents probably the father did or does not play a significant role in the individual’s life.
5 – No innate urge to procreate. Romantic, sporting and creative instincts either take a back seat or are transmuted to other areas of life.
6 – Definitely NOT a work-a-holic! Rarely worries unduly about health or work matters and often possess a strong constitution.
7 – Able to live life equally well in either a married or single state. The individual likes independence and is not likely to hang on to outworn relationships.
8 – Not dependent upon others’ emotions or financial resources for well being. Unlikely to become involved in extremely intense, obsessive, or over emotional relationships.
9 – Higher learning, expansive philosophies and extensive traveling are readily accepted by the individual but he/she will not be driven to experience these things on a personal level.
10 – The individual does not strive to assert him/her self ambitiously or need to be admired as a status symbol. Detachment and/or acceptance towards mother-figure.
11 – Equally at ease when possessing many friends or non at all, but unlikely to encourage close liaisons or become entrenched in group situations.
12 – Lesser evolved Souls usually find planets posited here rather difficult to handle – VOIDS however, tend to add balance and strength on both a mental and physical plane.
The 2nd, 6th, and 10th houses should be studied in unison when interpreting work status. All three houses unoccupied denotes total lack of interest in work, financial and status oriented situations but does not denote lack of ability to earn. If the 2nd is unoccupied but the 6th and 10th are occupied, the individual is ambitious and mindful of working needs but unconcerned with any financial rewards connected to work. If the 10th is occupied and the 2nd and 6th empty, the individual is extremely ambitious and assertive with an eye on the prize of status and financial success. If only the 2nd house is occupied, financial security is a vital factor and the individual is capable of working hard to satisfy strong monetary needs and security.
The 3rd, 7th and 11th houses should also be studied simultaneously as they are pertinent to relationships and communication. VOIDS in all three houses denotes an individual who has no desire to form relationships on a communicative level BUT if the 5th or 8th houses are occupied, the individual would be interested in forming close liaisons through emotional or physical contact. Planets in the 11th hose with none I the 7th house indicates an ease with mental or intellectual communication with casual associates rather than close partners. If just the 3rd house is occupied, an attachment to relatives takes precedence over all other relationships.
The 4th, 8th and 12th houses deal with strong or repressed emotions and physic tendencies. A total VOID in these houses renders the individual more open and creative in expression and less liable to emotional instability but there will also be a lack in depth of feeling unless Water signs are well represented in the chart. With just the 8th house occupied, the individual chooses to express emotional needs purely through sexual activity. A solely occupied 4th house suggests that the individual seeks emotional security from the confines of home. A solely occupied 12th house indicates that the individual is reclusive on an emotional level and may live in a secret world of fantasy and imagination. Feelings are deep but difficult to demonstrate.
The 1st, 5th, and 9th houses pertain to Self expression. Planets solely in the 1st indicate an individual who can be obsessively concerned with his own personal effect on the outside world resulting in vanity and self centeredness. A solely occupied 5th house can create a compulsively creative lifestyle that is dangerous. There may be over large families, too much risk taking, and fatalistic love affairs. A solely occupied 9th house indicates an over zealous religious personality or philosophical attitudes that are difficult to integrate into the outer personality and creative endeavors. There is often much education and traveling undertaken with little creative accomplishment.
It is also wise to review the 7th, 8th and 9th houses for further information regarding emotional status and intimate relations. A lack of planets in all three of these houses indicates detachment or disinterest in forming close relationships. Sometimes the general physical (handicaps) and mental (disability) circumstances of the individual deny emotional contact. If only one of these houses is occupied, the house will describe the area in which the individual emphatically chooses to connect on a relationship level. It often implies a karmic past tie where the individual is being tested. A solely occupied 5th house in this grouping suggests over romantic instincts and a tendency towards casual affairs or infidelity. A solely occupied 7th indicates the individual revels in the permanency and closeness of a binding commitment. A solely occupied 8th house indicates a tendency towards becoming obsessed by the sexual aspects of a relationship.
The 4th and 10th houses should also be discerned when assessing parental influence. If one of these house is occupied and the other empty it suggests that one parent played a more prominent role in the individual’s upbringing. The empty house signifies a parent who was literally physically absent or detached or disinclined to demonstrate parental love.
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