Submitted by Leelo Antares on

David Huggins, a man from New Jersey, is one of thousands of documented abductees who have come forward to share their story. The most fascinating aspect of extraterrestrial abductees is the fact that all of them share practically the exact same story, the same description of the beings involved, and similar experiences during the abduction coupled with telepathic messages.
How do we know this? Well, there area handful of professionals on the planet who have hypnotically regressed people who claimed to have had these experiences. Two of the most prominent in the field are Dr. David Jacobs, a retired university professor and historian from Temple University, and Young-Hae Chi from the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom. Others are the late great Dr. John Mack, a psychologist from Harvard University, and Bud Hopkins. Together, along with others, they have talked to and also regressed thousands of individuals claiming to be abductees.
“Yes, it’s both. It’s both literally, physically happening to a degree; and it’s also some kind of psychological, spiritual experience occurring and originating perhaps in another dimension. And so the phenomenon stretches us, or it asks us to stretch to open to realities that are not simply the literal physical world, but to extend to the possibility that there are other unseen realities from which our consciousness, our, if you will, learning processes over the past several hundred years have closed us off.” – John Mack (source)
Dr. Jacobs also makes a great point: The “consistency is mind-boggling” with regards to the stories these abductees shared. There are thousands of them all over the world who, again, share practically the exact same stories. How is this possible?
Now, let us suppose it is not happening, all those things still remain, and yet it’s not happening, there is no such thing as the abduction phenomenon. If that is the case, we have found the most important thing ever in the history of neurology, brain function, cognition… all these people are saying the same thing at their risk, this is not going to bring applause to them, that they say they’ve been abducted by aliens from outer space. High functioning people say this knowing full well it could destroy their careers, and they say this around the world… And it’s not happening then what? – Jacobs
Before we go any further, it’s important to mention that there are multiple types of alleged extraterrestrial contact. Some people have been taken against their will, like abductees, others simply have contact experiences through non-forced encounters or some type of telepathic communication. Overall, the general consensus behind why people are being contacted seems to be that they’re concerned for our planet and the direction we’re headed, although not all researchers agree. This narrative comes from experiences, for example, like the 60 school children in Zimbabwe who had an encounter, which was one Mack was heavily involved in investigating. Multiple children received telepathic messages regarding the care-taking and well-being of our planet. You can read more about that here. Not only that, but this narrative also comes from multiple credible ‘insiders’ with very interesting backgrounds.
Colonel Ross Dedrickson is one of many examples of ‘credible’ sources I’ve used in the past. He was assigned to the US Atomic Energy Commission and was in service there between 1950-1958, making him privy to some very sensitive information. He eventually decided to go public and tell the world that the “preservation of the planet is their main concern.” He did so in this interview with Dr. Steven Greer.
Young-Hae Chi believes there is great concern among the extraterrestrials and abductees with regards to the way we are treating our environment, and Dr. Jacobs believes the opposite: that there might be some sort of ‘take over’ sinister type of agenda, and he uses that as an explanation for the supposed hybrid program. You can watch their talks and find more information on their perspectives on this phenomenon in this article. Both have regressed thousands of people, who again shared practically the exact same stories.
One of Many Examples: David Huggins
David Huggins is an abductee who has been experiencing abductions since he was eight years old. In one encounter, as described in a documentary about him called Love and Saucers, he describes walking through the forest near his home when an extraterrestrial woman appeared and seduced him. He goes on to describe multiple instances of sex between himself and the alleged female human/alien hybrid beings, and he also claims that he lost his virginity to an extraterrestrial at the age of 17.
As a young boy growing up in rural Georgia, he was abducted multiple times, and the contacts continued for several decades, which according to him resulted in the birth of more than sixty hybrid children.
There are multiple theories based on abductees’ testimonies and the research that’s been conducted thus far. One common theme seems to be an alien/human hybridization program. Many abductees claim to have been subjected to strange procedures, from having their sperm or eggs extracted from their bodies to forced orgasms to having sex with extraterrestrials. Others report being forced to breed with human-like extraterrestrials.
Many women who are abducted and subjected to these procedures become pregnant shortly after they’re returned, and during their pregnancies they often experience another abduction event where they are returned without their fetuses inside of them. After this, the next abduction usually occurs years later, which often involves the abductee enduring a ‘meet and greet’ with their hybrid child or children. They spend time together aboard the craft and are observed during this type of activity by the extraterrestrials.
“This is extremely common for women, women have these experiences all the time.” – Jacobs (source)
It seems the same thing is happening to men, although if you go through the literature it’s more common for women.
David’s paintings sometimes spark even more memories. He describes his first encounter:
“I am sitting under a tree, and I hear this voice say, ‘David, behind you.’ And I turned around and there is this little hairy guy with large glowing eyes coming straight towards me. I thought it was the bogeyman. I didn’t know what to think of it,” he says in the film. Another day, an “insect-like being” that reminded Huggins of a praying mantis appeared. “I was very terrified,” he says. “It was like, ‘What in the world am I looking at?’ And for an eight-year-old, you don’t know what to think.”
Once the shock wore off, Huggins says his encounters were weird, but not all that threatening. When he left Georgia in the mid 60s for art school in New York City, the beings followed. Nocturnal visits from Crescent, the ET who deflowered him, became routine. “My relationship with Crescent was warm and friendly. A little strange. What do I mean, a little. Very strange. She was my girlfriend, really,” Huggins says in the film. “A very unconventional relationship,” he adds.
David along with thousands of other abductees share experiences with little ‘Gray’ aliens who have taken them.
Along with these ones, it’s very common in the lore of abductees to also experience encounters with Mantis type beings, alien/human hybrid type beings, reptilian type beings, and tall white humanoid extraterrestrial type beings. These seem to be the most common, but there are also stories from very credible sources of extraterrestrials that pretty much look exactly like human beings as well as human-looking extraterrestrials who range from the 8-12 feet tall. It appears all of these different types of beings, at least during the abduction experiences, are all aboard the same craft while the abductions are taking place. This is also what David experienced.
Filmmaker Brad Abrahams tracked Huggins down in Hoboken, New Jersey where he lives now. Abrahams heard Huggins’ story on a podcast about UFOs and paranormal phenomena.
Huggins said his paintings were a form of release.
“He was able to sleep for the first time in weeks. And since then, he has painted every single detail of every encounter. A hundred-something paintings. It is art therapy. I don’t know if that’s how David would describe it, but that was a big part of what I wanted to show, too. Once he found a way to show the rest of the world, or even just himself, [what happened] visually through art, he was able to process, make sense of, and come to peace with whatever it was that happened to him.” (source)
Corey Armpriester from The Artblog conducted a fascinating interview with Huggins, which provides greater insight into his experience.
“Condemnation without investigation is its own form of insanity. I’m writing this piece not to give the impression that I know David is telling the truth, because I don’t know; I’m on the fence about all of this. I celebrate the world of ideas no matter how far out some of them may seem. Even if this is a made-up story from the mind of a delusional man, the power of the idea remains the same. Ideas are essential to the curious mind, and we as artists need not fear the ideas of other artists no matter how alien they sound. If David is indeed “crazy” he’s in good company. Unusual ideas are almost always perceived as odd or askew until the common mind can make use of it. And as we all know artists are anything but common; and that’s why I love talking with them and sharing our conversations with you, the reader.” – Armpriester
I am not sure if Armpriester is aware that Huggins story correlates with several thousands of other people all over the globe.
Another interesting encounter painted by Huggins below is with another human-looking extraterrestrial he met when he was a boy. There seems to be multiple races involved in the abduction phenomenon described here. Abductees often report seeing all of them aboard the same craft, serving different purposes.
Some of these experiences are terrifying, but according to Huggins, there is no malevolent will.
Below are a few questions asked by Armpriester to Huggins, and you can read the full set of questions and answers here.
How have your parents dealt with your ET experiences?
As a kid I would see one of the beings and I would run to the house and say “Hey mom and dad, there is something out at the barn or something behind the house.” And they would say “Quit making things up, there is nothing there.” One time I did it and it was too much — I got a whipping really good. The next day I went behind the house and there is the woman [Crescent] with a few Grays and one Insect-Being and I remember telling the woman “My momma and daddy don’t believe me that I see you and I got a whipping.” As soon as I said that, I knew she [Crescent] didn’t like that. She looked at me and said, “Then don’t tell them.” After that, I never said a word.
Do you have absolute trust in these beings?
Yeah, they have helped me in a lot of ways.
Well they saved my life a couple of times. There was the incident with the snake under the tool shed; there was another incident were I nearly drowned. I’m looking at this person while I’m drowning and I hear this voice say “Let him live.” And just as they said that my toe catches hold of a root and I’m able to pull myself to shore.
How are the ETs organized?
There are the Grays; then there is Crescent; then there is a guy, very tall and angular, very thin, and he has a hair bun on the back of his head. He has red eyes and he communicates with the insect beings; so does Crescent.
Are you in contact with them today?
Oh yes.
When was your last encounter with them?
Maybe about a month ago.
Are you in your physical body during these encounters or are you out of body?
It’s a combinations of all those. Sometimes they come and just take me. I know I’ve had a lot of the out of the body experiences. There are times when I’m with them — I feel like I’m in a human body, but a much younger body.
Do you feel violated — do you have a say in what they do to you?
It was up to me. The Little Hairy Guy came to my room one time and asked “David can we use your body?” and I said “Yes, you can use it as much as you like.” He seemed very happy by my response and he left the room, just kind of vanished.
Was that before the sexual encounters?
That was after. I was like, “Hey man, why are you asking now?”
Do they confirm to the law of free will?
There is free will.
Is there a male equivalent to Crescent?
I can’t say. I have seen a lot of males. I have no idea. There does seem to be a faint memory of other males but I don’t remember too much.
Why do you think you were chosen?
Good question, I don’t know.
The Takeaway
One of the biggest mouthpieces for “the establishment,” The New York Times, admitted something that the establishment, or facets of it, have been concealing for years: UFOs are real. The Times broke the story about a secret Pentagon program, but any UFO researcher knows these programs are more in-depth, expensive, and expansive than anything that’s been described in mainstream media.
Christopher Mellon, the former United States Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, wrote an article for the Washington Post, sharing his frustrations about the fact that we now have observed phenomena, officially verified to be real with actual electrooptical data and radar tracking, yet the government pays very little attention to it. They’ve also stressed that, as many other governments have, these are not isolated incidents and they occur all the time.
The point is that UFOs for which the extraterrestrial hypothesis is plausible are without a doubt real. Perhaps it’s time to listen to these people who are coming forward and telling their stories. They have nothing to gain by doing so except ridicule.
Mainstream UFO disclosure, however, could be used for ulterior motives, just like false-flag terrorism is. You can read more about that here. That being said, the extraterrestrial hypothesis itself, without the spin of mainstream media and the global elite, is a very real possibility.
“We have, indeed, been contacted — perhaps even visited — by extraterrestrial beings, and the US government, in collusion with the other national powers of the Earth, is determined to keep this information from the general public.” - Victor Marchetti (Second Look, Volume 1, No 7, Washington, DC, May, 1979)
Robert Bigelow, founder of the Bigelow Aerospace Corporation, lets the world know that he has knowledge that we are not alone, and that we are currently being visited by intelligent extraterrestrials. (Comments here: )
Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Defense Minister once pointed out that:
“Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about where we were headed and offered to help. But instead, we, or at least some of us, interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after.”
There are thousands of credible people who support the extraterrestrial hypothesis.
It’s time to stop ridiculing and to start listening and exploring. This is perhaps the greatest story in human history, it leaves no aspect of humanity untouched.
Arjun Walia (March 1, 2019)
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