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The Meaning Of The Fool


Image by 美桃 魏 from

IF ...

... the father represents the divine Logos, evil uncle the Corrupt Demiurge, and mother the Matrix. The Corrupt Demiurge usurped the Logos and took control of the Matrix. The avenging hero represents the Christ intelligence, whose role is to destroy the Control System and bring the Matrix back into rightful harmonization with the Logos. The heroic fool, however, represents more the portion of this Christ intelligence that is working within the system to undermine it, the “ground team” so to speak.

The fool represents what the Ra Material calls “Wanderers,” or what the book Bringers of the Dawn calls “Systems Busters.” These are higher souls who have volunteered to incarnate into the Matrix Control System to help. Entering via the womb and being confined to a primitive human body means donning the shackles of mental and spiritual retardation. By default they forget who they are and, like Tarzan, get “raised by apes of the jungle.”

Hence by entering this world, they become “idiots” relative to their original form. But underneath, they still maintain an innate sense of wisdom, freedom, and spiritual intelligence that puts them out of step with social norms. As much as they need to become human to survive here, they must also overcome or reject social programming that might interfere with their mission. To society, they may appear as fools for not buying into the Control System values. And should these souls awaken from their programming and begin the inner and outer search for truth and purpose, they would soon think, speak, feel, and act according to higher knowledge and standards that society simply cannot comprehend, thus they would once again be seen as fools for subscribing to “utter nonsense.”

Everyone reading this knows firsthand how society too easily dismisses higher wisdom as lunatic ravings. I can say with certainty that if you have read this far, you are likely a Wanderer, and you have walked the Way of the Fool. Here I am simply revealing what this path signifies and why it exists.

Hamlet pretending to be an idiot to escape the suspicion of his enemies, how does that apply to our situation? As explained, by becoming human we can exist here relatively undisturbed. We are still in the Second Phase, where the spiritual war is fought sub rosa. Amleth played a fool until the end. The time has not yet come for open use of superhuman abilities, which is reserved for the Third Phase. Imagine being born with pyrokinetic, telekinetic, spacetime bending powers — how far would you have gotten before you were incapacitated and kept in some underground base for study and experimentation? We are born and live as fools, so that we may enter society as any other human might, and take up positions through which we can exert our subversive influences.

But just as the Christ intelligence has its alien and human representatives, so does the Corrupt Demiurge. We live under the watchful eyes of the evil uncle, under surveillance by higher dark forces. These are the demonic legions and negative alien factions that target, abduct, program, and manipulate us. They are the negative timeline manipulators that have been at this game for tens of thousands of years. Like our own efforts, their plans are currently carried out covertly. Abduction and programming happen in secret; demons move among us invisibly. The more we expose ourselves and threaten their agenda, the higher priority targets we become.

Like Amleth’s enemies testing him to discover his true motives, these forces are very interested in discovering our true mission. They may sense we are threats and program us accordingly to lose faith and interest in our quest, but they may not know our specific missions because these remain locked away deep within our souls, unknown even to us, until the right time when they automatically unlock. This may explain the commonly reported practice in which an abductee is seated before a screen and shown random apocalyptic imagery; perhaps the locks are being picked. Not until the influx of the Etheric Tide and a convergence of other factors would the full cache of hidden knowledge and purpose be opened. Then, like Excalibur rising from the lake or the sword being drawn from the stone, it would signify the start of the Third Phase.

We also face everyday testing by the enemy in the form of provocations, temptations, and distractions that probe our weaknesses. These aim to extract “evidence of impurity” by which these beings acquire metaphysical right to attack us further, which from our perspective seems like karmic punishment but to them appears as convenient openings in our defenses.

The Pure Fool -

In the First Phase, pure beings were unwise and thus vulnerable, which brought about the Fall. In the Second Phase, purity was replaced by strength and cunning. Both conditions signify states of imbalance. In the Third Phase, purity, strength, and cleverness will combine into a balanced whole. These signify the perfection of spirit, body, mind, and soul.

The combination of virtues equates to having eaten from both trees in the Garden of Eden. These characteristics together form the base of spiritual chivalry, which will mature in the Third Phase but is already blossoming within the Hero/Fool during the Second Phase.

While the hero and fool act with purity and innocence, they also have cleverness and strength. They need strength to withstand the pressures of the Control System, and cleverness to navigate its obstacles. Their strength comes from not being divided within themselves, not saddled by self-doubt or social programming.

The Biblical character Samson was strong because his hair had never been cut; cutting of hair signifies a trimming of one’s true nature to conform to standards of the Control System. In the end, his remaining strength allowed him to push apart the columns of a building and crush all his enemies, much like Amleth casting a net over his enemies and bringing the burning building down atop them. Again, this pertains to the Christ intelligence destroying the World Dream, partly by removing/retrieving that which supports it – our collective ignorant participation in it.

It’s easy to see how strength and cleverness are tactical advantages, but how might purity and innocence be likewise helpful? Because the hero and fool are aligned with their hearts, with spirit, with the divine will, they have synchronistic superiority over their spiritually inferior enemies who only have cunning and force on their side. Synchronistic superiority means things work out in unexpected ways when one stays true to one’s higher, nobler Self. Ground troops receive “air support” as long as their positions are visible and distinct from enemy forces; if they lower themselves into darkness, they cannot be helped.

Dorothy was a pure fool who, out of concern for the Witch’s broom being on fire, poured water to extinguish it but ended up inadvertently killing the Wicked Witch in the process. Amleth thrust his sword into a wall to test his strength, and ended up killing an assassin who had been hiding there about to attack (compare with Logion 98 in The Gospel of Thomas). In our own lives, traps set by dark forces backfire when we maintain spiritual composure; their obstacles become our stepping stones. These examples illustrate how one can win a fight without fighting, just by acting naturally in a non-anticipatory manner and having the pieces fall into place.

Of course, as Wanderers or Systems Busters facing harsh odds, the best approach is combining all our assets. While science and the stiffer esoteric schools advocate only strength and cleverness, and while certain religion and softer spiritual practices advocate only purity of soul, each has its shortcomings. There is no point reinforcing the front door when the rear door stays wide open. What we have, we must use. Those who give up the intellect for the soul or vice versa are missing the point. Hence the dictum “be wise as serpents, gentle as doves,” and why I emphasize combining a positive attitude with greater awareness.

The Unity of All Esoteric Training

The Way of the Fool is a spiritual school of hard knocks that employs life itself as the classroom. Its initiates operate in the wilderness like paratroopers launched into enemy territory. They learn their lessons through direct contact with the conditions of life in the World Dream. Hard experience, synchronicity, independent study, observation, dreams, and intuition are among the teaching tools.

Then there are occult teachers and formal esoteric schools that provide a more disciplined, protected, and accelerated environment for spiritual growth. Examples include Fourth Way, Inner Christianity, Sufism, Rosicrucianism, Toltec Shamanism, Anthroposophy, and Gnostic/Hermetic organizations.

Both formal and informal esoteric pathways share the same goal, to fortify Spirit and enable its triumph over matter. This entails disengaging from lower/outer and engaging higher/inner, resulting in Spirit influencing the World instead of vice versa. The opposite is true for people who are spiritually asleep; via genetics and environment, the world molds them into becoming mere instruments of the Matrix Control System. Esoteric training aims to reverse this.

To disengage from lower/outer means to observe and master (if useful) or reject (if harmful) everything the Control System has grafted onto us: all the bad habits, prejudices, mindless instincts, egotism, ignorance, chaotic thoughts and feelings, petty concerns, baseless fears and illusory goals. It means to see through illusion and take back power from the World Dream.

To engage the higher means to get Spirit back online in our lives, minds, bodies, and souls. Feelings are harmonized with Spirit via devotion, humility, compassion, understanding, patience, forbearance, and love. Life is harmonized via higher thoughts and feelings initiating synchronistic support and wise action clearing the way of obstacles. And the lower mind is harmonized when it becomes aware of information streaming from Spirit. The latter occurs in small flashes when, through contemplation, intuition leads to revelation, and revelation builds wisdom and discernment. But it doesn’t become a constant light until the mind achieves continuity of consciousness between waking and dreaming states, so that even while awake one can access the dream state and thus receive communications from the subconscious, which is really a gateway to the higher mind. This bridge is enhanced by the development of psychic structures in the etheric body that mediate information between different aspects of one’s being. This bridge allows under current conditions what would otherwise only be possible during an Etheric Tide.

Whether one examines the teachings of Rudolf Steiner, Jesus Christ, Buddha, Gurdjieff, Mouravieff, Baines, Mares, Castaneda, etc… they all basically boil down to disengaging from lower and engaging higher.

For Wanderers on a mission, it seems that life helps them achieve this up to the minimum threshold required for them to do what they are here to do, rather than spurring them on to superhuman perfection. Thus while we should strive to overcome the lower and activate the higher as much as possible, we should not get depressed if certain goals remain beyond reach, especially ones that are not mission critical.

Nonetheless, we would all do well to practice disengaging the lower, cultivating synchronistic support, and building up more conviction, courage, understanding, forbearance, and compassion. We have to be mindful of what originates from our lower nature versus higher nature and distinguish between them so that we can consistently choose the latter. This will “tide” us over until divine grace or some cosmic shift grants us etheric activation and spiritual transcendence that currently seem beyond practical reach.

If we want to reach that transcendental stage sooner, esoteric paths require total death of the lower self in order for the higher Self to take its place. In the Path of the Fool where life itself provides the catalysts, such a thing is quite painful; if such a thing becomes necessary for some of us, it’s an unfortunate possibility that the appropriate catalysts will likely be provided by the aftermath of the traumatic global cataclysms on the horizon.

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