Submitted by Skywriter on
By Limbourg brothers - Own work, Public Domain,
Many analytic processes in astrology require discernment of the condition of the Moon and choosing a good date for surgery is no exception. It is a good idea to operate 5 days before or after a New Moon. The Moon rules the tidal fluids of the body and during this period the fluids are at their lowest which assists with healing. There is usually less swelling and lymph drainage after surgery. It is never a good idea to operate 5 days before or after a Full Moon when the body fluids are at their highest and swelling and bruising and overt drainage can take place. Things will return back to normal eventually but much later than would be desired. A Void-Of-Course Moon is another facet to avoid because it can indicate that mistakes will be made and that allergic reactions to drugs or anesthesia can occur. Often the client will require further surgery at a later date for repair.
The Moon’s signature is also important. Each sign of the zodiac represents an area of the anatomy so it is not a good idea if on the day of the surgery, the Moon is in the sign or opposite the sign that rules the part of the body scheduled for repair. If this does occur, healing in prolonged and the bodily area is sensitive and tender for a long period of time. The best Moon sign for operations are when the Moon is in a Fixed Sign such as Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius as these signs all represent strength. These signs should not be chosen if they correspond with the part of the anatomy slated for repair. For example, a tonsillectomy should not take place when the Moon is in the sign of Taurus which rules the throat or the sign opposite Taurus which is Scorpio. The 2nd best choice is Cardinal signs – Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. It is best to avoid Mutable signs such as Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces as it is believed that the surgeon might be a bit too “creative” during these transits. It is never a good idea to operate on the day when the Moon is either conjunct, square, inconjunct (quincunx) the individual’s natal Sun, Mars, Saturn or Neptune. On the other hand, sextiles or trines to the individual’s natal Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto are helpful. If the Moon is conjunct the natal Venus or Jupiter this is a boon as these planets provide an extra degree of protection.
Aside from the Moon, the cosmic condition of transiting Mercury and Mars and Neptune need attention. A big no-no is scheduling surgery during a Mercury retrograde period. Mistakes with lab work or mistakes rendered by the surgeon or by those in attendance during surgery are common. Also common is allergic reaction to anesthesia or pre and post operative medications. Sutures can fall out or become undone before healing has taken place or sometimes staples or sponges are sutured into the incision by mistake. Later surgery to repair mistakes is basically a given and statistically most malpractice suits occur as a direct result of surgery that conducted during Mercury retrograde.
A retrograde transiting Mars is also a big problem. Mars rules surgery and cutting and when the planet is retrograde sudden or unexpected hemorrhaging can take place along with abnormal swelling, inflammation, bruising and internal bleeding. Emergency rooms are usually very busy during Mars retrograde tending to accident victims. In addition to Mars, I have also found it helpful to check out the conditions surrounding Neptune in the natal chart. Neptune rules drugs, medications and anesthesia along with any allergies to these things. Should any individual show cosmic risk in his/her nativity for allergies this should be brought to the attention of the client and surgeon. Propensity for infection which is also partly ruled by Neptune should also be discerned.
Clients who are seeking more insight into their actual medical conditions astrologically should seek the advice of a qualified Medical Astrologer. As a rule of thumb it is wise to remember that a bonafide Medical Astrologer is also a credentialed practicing Medical Doctor. Do not settle for less.
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