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Traditional Astrological Views About Solar And Lunar Eclipses


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If the moon comes in between the Earth and Sun then it will cover the rays of Sun from reaching the Earth. Moon created a shadow on the sun and its seen from Earth. This celestial movement is known as a Solar eclipse.

When Earth comes between the Moon and Sun then it creates an obstruction in the path of Sun whose rays are meant to fall on Moon. This will create a shadow of Earth is formed on Moon. This celestial movement is known as a Lunar eclipse.

Celestial bodies cast a shadow over each other in many ways. Eclipses are classified as below:

Full solar eclipse: in this type of eclipse moon covered the shadow of the sun completely. It is called a Full solar eclipse.

Partial solar eclipse: if moon covered some part of sun then it called a Partial solar eclipse.

Annual lunar eclipse: when the shadow of the moon falls on the central part of the sun, leaving the outer edges to form a ring-like structure, this is known as an annual lunar eclipse.

Total lunar eclipse: When the moon is covered completely by the shadow of Earth, the eclipse is known as a Total lunar eclipse.

Partial lunar eclipse: if Earth covered some part of the moon then it called a Partial lunar eclipse.

Penumbral lunar eclipse: a shadow comprises of two parts: umbra and penumbra. Umbra is the darker part of the shadow and penumbra is the lighter shadow. If Earth’s penumbral shadow covered the moon then it called Penumbral Lunar eclipse whereas when earth’s umbra shadow covered the moon, it is known as Umbra Lunar eclipse.

Eclipses are excellent times for meditation, chanting mantras, or other spiritual practices. It is said that the positive effects of spiritual practices are enhanced many-fold during an eclipse. It’s recommended to fast and take advantage of the subtle influences.

During the solar eclipse, the shadow planet Rahu covers the Sun, and the sun’s rays which are vital to the Earth and to all living things. The interruption of the Sun rays is not favorable. During solar eclipses we don’t receive the light of the Sun (which is the light of life), but the emission of darkness emanating from Rahu (Rahu is a planet, the norther lunar node located at the intersection of the plane of the Moon orbit and the ecliptic). The eclipse removes or reduces solar energy (life-giving “prana”) for the whole Earth. So people and all creatures suffer.

During the eclipse, consciousness is obscured, the mind is poorly oriented during the events. In general, a solar eclipse creates an adverse impact on society, and increases tension on it, and it also brings out destructive tendencies. This influence might last up to a year.

Eclipses tend to have a strong negative result on:

1) the geographical regions in which they occur;

2) in places where they are visible;

3) in areas of underground mining.

Eclipses can be used on different levels as well. The most common way to use an eclipse in astrology is as an omen or sign portending global trends or events. Typically, because the eclipse is caused by a shadow passing across the Sun or the Moon, it is taken as an indication of negative events, suggesting problems for particular countries, leaders, or some aspect of world politics. On the other hand, eclipses can also be used for individuals. The astrological house in which the eclipse takes place will usually become sensitized for up to 6 months. If the eclipse falls near the same degree as a planet in the person’s natal chart, then it affects that planet and everything it symbolizes in the chart. If the eclipse falls on the person’s natal Sun, Moon, Ascendant, or ruler of the Ascendant, then it will have a powerful effect.

In the course of the ordinary activities of day-to-day life, eclipses should be avoided for important new beginnings in material areas. If you are thinking about starting a business, getting married, approaching your boss for a promotion, or proposing to your girlfriend, then an eclipse is not the time to do it. On the other hand, if you are thinking about going camping, going on a retreat, starting psychotherapy, ending a relationship, quitting a job, cleaning house, or just spending some quiet time, then an eclipse can be a good time to start.

In the decision making process, eclipses come in handy as well. If, for example, you find your dream house, or someone makes you a job offer at the time of an eclipse, it is generally a good idea to leave it. Things which you are presented with at this time are usually either short-lived or develop unforeseen problems later. If the thing that you are deciding is of an introspective or spiritual nature, however, then the eclipse might indicate a positive outcome.

The nakshatra in which an eclipse falls will also give a clue to its effect on both nations and individuals. Generally, the nakshatra, and whatever it symbolizes, will be spoiled for the next six months after the eclipse. For this reason various remedial measures have been prescribed by the ancient Vedic Rishis in order to counteract the effect of an eclipse in each nakshatra. In India, it is common for people to fast for 10 hours before an eclipse and then perform a havan (fire ritual) in the middle of the eclipse. In the west, where Vedic pundits are more scarce, the recommended activity during an eclipse is meditation, or possibly the chanting of an appropriate mantra for the nakshatra in which the eclipse is occurring. Please refer to the following notes of upcoming eclipses for appropriate mantras for specific eclipses.

Even when an eclipse does not contact personal planets in our charts, eclipses are always significant. Robert Jansky says that eclipses represent areas of crisis; the houses in which the eclipses fall in our charts represent areas of life that will receive the most focus over the next few months, and that will frequently undergo some sort of a change. First of all, the general rule that Eclipses represent crisis, focus and change applies. If an eclipse makes a close aspect to a planet in your chart, that planet is going to be involved in the changes and activities of the eclipses. In particular if an eclipse is conjunct a planet in your chart, then the function of that planet will be tied in with your personal experience of the eclipse.

While looking at the house that an eclipse degree falls in as well as the house/s that is ruled by the sign involved in the eclipse will give you a general overview of the areas of life that may be affected by an eclipse; not everybody will experience an eclipse with the same intensity and some may feel little or no effect at all.

It should first be stated that there are four chief points in a horoscope which are regarded as Significators. These are the Midheaven, the Ascendant, the Sun and the Moon. The position of these by longitude in the horoscope of birth should be noted, and it will invariably be found that a particular and permanent signification attaches to these positions throughout the life of an individual. For if an eclipse falls in conjunction with or opposition to any one of these points, there will follow a period of sickness, stress, misfortune and disfavour which cannot fail to arrest the attention of the most casual student.
It should further be observed that the Sun is indicative of the father and the male portion of the family circle, while the Moon denotes the mother and female side of the family. Also the Sun denotes organic disease, while the Moon denotes functional disorders. Thus the Sun stands for the vitality, while the Moon is the purveyor of this vitality to the several parts of the organism.

Moreover, the Sun has affinity with the Midheaven and the Moon with the Ascendant. Thus the Sun and Midheaven have signification of the position, honour, credit, profession and status of the individual, while the Moon and the Ascendant have relation to his health, general affairs, public relationships, and the changes which take place in these. 
Also the Midheaven denotes the position to which he aspires, his ambitions and hopes, the Ascendant to that which he gives, the things he does, and his output of energy. The West angle or Descendant to that which he suffers, what he receives or that which is done to him by the action of others, and the Nadir or 4th angle has relation to his locality, home, estate, and that which he stands upon or holds in tenure or possession.
In judging the effects of an eclipse we have therefore to observe in what quarter of the heavens it may fall as regards his own horoscope, what Significator or planet it shall coincide with, and what House or division of the heavens it may be posited in at the time of its centrality.

For it is to be observed that all the planets, as well as the four Significators above mentioned, are indicative of certain things and relationships, as Mars of brothers and collateral male kindred, Venus of sisters and collateral female kindred, Jupiter of uncles, Mercury of aunts, Saturn of aged persons and old associations, and Uranus of grandparents.

Moreover, Saturn denotes losses and privations, ill-health and disease. Uranus denotes dislocations, removals, separations, sundering of ties and violent dissensions. Mars denotes fevers and accidents and dangers by fire and arms, sometimes theft and violence, scalds, burns, wounds of various sorts, according to the sign it occupies, and also frenzies and madness. Venus denotes social and domestic affairs and concerns love, marriage, etc. Jupiter causes congestions, surfeits, extravagance, and losses through undue optimism and over-confidence. Mercury denotes commerce and business affairs, details of the life, which by eclipse cause worries and anxieties and sometimes dangers by travelling.
The 1st House shows the person, the 2nd finance, the 3rd journeys and relations, the 4th the house or residence, the 5th speculation, pleasures and domestic affairs, the 6th servants and personal comforts, food, clothing, etc., the 7th contracts, agreements, treaties, rivals and things that are counter to the person, the 8th death, wills, legacies, the wife or other partner’s finance, the 9th foreign affairs, religious concerns, the 10th credit and position, superiors, the 11th associates and advisors, friends and colleagues, the 12th the sick-room, hospital, restraints, confinements, sequestration and exile.
When hurts are signified they should be judged by the sign in which the significant planet may be, that is, the planet on which or in opposition to which the eclipse may fall, as to whether they be fiery, airy, watery or earth, whether they be bestial, human or reptilian. Thus the effects of eclipses may be judged with considerable accuracy. These rules are agreeable to the dictum of Ptolemy, who says that an eclipse will operate most efficaciously …. “upon such people whose nativities agree with the eclipse, that is to say, upon them whose Nativity or Revolution have the place of the horoscope, Sun, Moon, part of fortune, and other planets, in or about the degree of the eclipse or the quadrangle thereof”.
An eclipse must always be considered as a privation or misfortune of some sort, in as much as the cutting off of light of the Sun or the reflected light of the Moon has this general significance, from the correspondence that darkness has with things that are baneful and evil, and whereas the eclipse of the Sun is more significant of hurt to the king, the father, the head male representative of the family, etc., so an eclipse of the Moon has more significance of the queen, of the mother, the head female representative and her dependants. And from this institution of Nature it appears that there is no effective revolt, seeing that the Sun universally denotes the male and the Moon the female, each being necessary in its particular function to the upholding of our terrestrial integrity and welfare, their conjunctions being the period of natural generation, their oppositions the times of their bring forth, and their eclipses those of their mutual afflications. For each is necessary to the other and both are regnant in their own particular spheres.

In observing the position of an eclipse it should be noticed whether the planet or Significator on which the eclipse falls in the horoscope is harmoniously or inharmoniously configurated, whether it be upheld by trines and sextiles of other bodies or afflicted by squares and oppositions, for these will determine the degree to which an eclipse is capable of affecting the condition of things, on the principle that a man who is weak and of poor standing can more readily be assailed by misfortune than one who is strong and affluent.
Thus, if the Midheaven at the birth be afflicted by the quadrature of Saturn, and an eclipse falls on the Midheaven, the honour and credit, position and standing of the subject will be readily undermined inasmuch as it is radically weakened by the  quadrature of Saturn, whose radical import of evil is thus brought into effect by the eclipse, the latter being the time signal which warns of this calamity. And this is something that is desirable to know, even though it may be found that the sagacity of man is insufficient to wholly thwart and intercept the threatened evil, for we have at least the satisfaction of knowing that these things, without let or hindrance, are governed by laws that are intelligible and within the benevolent control of that Intelligence of  which they are the natural expression.
It has to be remembered when considering the value of eclipses as portents that the ancients had nothing but these and the transits of the planets to guide them in their study of astrology, and that by means of them they were able to trace a definite connection between the changes taking place in the heavens and the course of human events, so that by an anticipation of celestial motions they could predict events with singular definition and clearness, of which there are many illustrations both in sacred and profane writings.
– Sepharial

If you have a natal planet, luminary (Sun and Moon) or chart point (Ascendant, MidHeaven) that is closely aspected by the degree of an eclipse you are more likely to experience the effects of the eclipse.

Some people allow an orb (give or take allowance) of 5 degrees either side of the eclipse degree but the smaller the orb, the stronger the effect should be felt. Some feel that anything over a 2-degree orb is unlikely to be felt at all.

The type of aspect that the eclipse degree makes to the natal placement has an effect too. Those with natal placements at the exact degree (conjunction which is 0°) will feel it most.

Those with challenging aspects to the eclipse degree such as a square ( 90°) or opposition (180°) may find what transpires more stressful to deal with.

Those with easier aspects to the eclipse degree such as the trine (120°) or sextile (60°) are more likely to incorporate any new discoveries or changes in a positive manner.

Difficult aspects to Venus and Jupiter (traditionally called the benefics) may still turn out positive or helpful but the effect may be low key or short lasting. Difficult aspects to Mars and Saturn (traditionally called malefics) may bring disgrace or ruin.

The natal condition of any planet or luminary that makes an aspect to the eclipse degree is important too. What natal house it is in, which house it rules, it’s dignity and the aspects it makes to other planets in your chart will give some indication of how it will cope with the stress or change that an eclipse might bring.

The qualities of the natal planet that is in aspect to the eclipse degree are likely to be in the spotlight over the next year, for better or worse. If the natal planet in question has no aspects to other planets in the natal chart, mid-points may prove illuminating.

The signs are divided into three equal parts of 10 degrees each, and these are called “decans” or decanates. A considerable difference arises between the Oriental and
Occidental systems in regard to the signature or symbol attaching to these decans. In the East we find that the rulership of the successive decans follows the order of the Triplicities, while in the West the order follows the Chaldean enumeration, beginning with the first decan of Aries under Mars’ rulership.  From considerable experience of the effects of eclipses I have no hesitation in recommending the use of the Oriental  system..Having determined what planet rules the decan which is occupied by the eclipsed luminary, we have next to find its position and government in the horoscope for the lunation, and this, of course, will differ widely, according to the longitude and latitude of the place for which the horoscope is set. But for the general import of an eclipse we must give precedence to the nature of the sign in which it falls, considering whether it be in a cardinal, fixed, or mutable sign, and whether it has relation to one or other of the elements. For the cardinal signs have relations to things political, changes of government and rulership, mutations of State affairs, and revolutions among the people. 

Fixed signs have particular reference to seismic convulsions, the condition of the Earth and its crops or produce, to mines and the interior parts of the Earth. Common or mutable signs have relations to the condition of the people and their commerce and merchandise. Similarly, the human signs are in a particular sense related to human beings, bestial signs to the condition of cattle, and aquatic signs to the waters of the
Earth and the produce of them. Thus it is possible to discern between affairs of State and political affairs, affairs of common or public interest and matters relating to the body of the Earth itself. also we can refer the effects of eclipses to the human, bestial, or aquatic worlds, and these two sets of considerations will enable us to define with considerable clearness the particular significance attaching to any eclipse of the Sun or Moon.
The eclipse of April 17th, 1912, fell in Aries, a sign ruled by Mars. It was visible over the greater part of western Europe. The sign Aries is a military sign, and this eclipse was soon followed by the Balkan War, which was the precursor of the Great War in Europe.
The eclipse of March, 1914, fell in Virgo 21, and threatened the crops and food-stuffs of the world, which presently were affected by the outbreaks of war and the depletion of the agricultural districts of workers on the land. Food prices increased 50% in many countries, and clothing, equipment, etc., was in such great demand that supplies gave out, and all sorts of irregularities had to be admitted to the services.
There was an eclipse of the Sun in Pisces 6, in February, 1914, and one of the Moon on September 3rd of the same year in Pisces 12, which threatened the safety, condition, and supply of fish. As a consequence of the mining of the ocean and the activities of submarine craft, not to mention the dangers to trawlers carrying on the fishing trade, the dearth of fish soon became apparent, and a rise in prices amounting to as much as 100%, was soon registered. Pisces is a 12th House sign, corresponding with the 12th division of the visible heavens, and at this time there was a great internment of aliens and rounding up of enemies within the country, and this took place throughout all the belligerent countries : Great Britain, Germany, Russia, France, Austria-Hungary, Servia, Turkey, and Italy. This is agreeable to the general ascription of the 12th House as that of “detention, imprisonment, restraint, internment, ambush, exile, and asylum”. Hospitals and places of detention were of course filled to their utmost capacity, and vast new quarters had to be found for the hundreds of thousands of wounded.
On August 21st there was an eclipse of the Sun in Leo. This is a 5th House sign, and is ruled by the Sun. It therefore denotes hurt to the uprising generation among the youth of the country. It also indicates hurt to kings and rulers, the Sun being the natural significator of those in authority, as the Moon is that of the people. The eclipses of 1915 fell in the signs of Aquarius and Leo, the Sun being eclipsed on February 14th in Aquarius 25, and in Leo 17, on August 10th. Now the eclipse preceding the Great Plague fell in Aquarius, which, according to medical astrology, is the sign indicating the blood. There accordingly broke out in various parts of the war area a form of typhoid akin to the Black Plague, and throughout Servia and various parts of Hungary the plague was responsible for thousands of deaths. London has already been mentioned in connection
with the meridian position of the sign Aquarius, and it is to be noted that the Coalition Government followed this eclipse, consequently upon a great deal of public censure of the Ministry, which was accordingly reconstructed so as to include an equal number
of representatives of both parties. Aquarius as the 11th House sign is related to the Ministry of the country, and Cabinet changes have taken place in most of the European capitals in consequence of the military needs of the various countries.
Thus it is seen how, by mere consideration of the nature of the sign of eclipse, its ruler or planetary symbol, and its correspondence with a particular House or division of the
heaven, the import of an eclipse may be determined with some degree of accuracy.
Eclipses of the Sun are especially related to the rulers of nations, kings, princes, presidents, and monarchs of all orders, while eclipses of the Moon are especially related to the affairs and condition of the people.

Mundane Effects of Eclipse

The first and most potent cause of such events lies in the conjunctions of the Sun and Moon at eclipse and the movements of the stars at the time – Ptolemy

In nativities, eclipses are important when within 1° of a conjunction or opposition to the Sun, Moon or angles.

In mundane affairs they affect those nations and cities which have a traditional familiarity with the sign of the eclipse – especially those whose founding chart has the eclipse on the Asc.,MC, Sun or Moon.

Nations can also be affected if the eclipse falls on the natal Asc., MC or luminaries of its ruler.

Although many astrologers claim eclipses are still relevant when beneath the Earth (especially in the 4th house), it is generally accepted that they: “extend their effects most forcibly when above the Earth, weakly and not so vigorously when under the Earth“.

Eclipses in the Asc. affect recently initiated projects and young people; in the MC, Kingdoms, rulers and middle aged people; in the Desc., wars, contentions and old people.

The effects of a solar eclipse are greater when the Sun is rising or in the MC than when it is setting. Lunar eclipses are more destructive in the western hemisphere than the east.

Any brilliant fixed star (of 1st or 2nd magnitude) situated on the preceding angle is also considered, followed by any brilliant fixed star on the following angle. (ie., if the eclipse falls in the 12th, 11th or 10th house, consider a fixed star on the MC of prime importance, and a fixed star on the Asc. as a secondary influence.) Generally, it is agreed that such stars need to be low in latitude and near the ecliptic.

The nature of the eclipse is found by its planetary ruler and the prominent fixed stars of the time. The Lord of the eclipse is that planet which has most dignities and relationships by aspect to the degree of the eclipse and the following angle (i.e., the MC if the eclipse falls in the 7th, 8th or 9th house, the Asc. if it falls in the 10th, 11th or 12th).

If one planet dominates the eclipse degree and another the following angle, preference is given to the planet which dominates the eclipse, with the ruler of the angle used as a co-significator.

Saturn ruling the eclipse indicates damage by coldness, long illnesses, poverty, imprisonment, fear, mortality (particularly amongst the aged), malice, envy, and tedious law-suits. It causes cold, misty, freezing and gloomy weather; storm and damage at sea; flooding and pollution of rivers; loss and scarcity of crops, and a general decay of nature.

Jupiter ruling the eclipse indicates peace, prosperity, fertility, happiness and abundance. Bodily and spiritual health is improved, the population is increased, laws are executed with justice, and there is generosity from governments to people. The weather is beneficial for farming with a predominance of temperate, moist winds and gentle showers. In nativities, this eclipse promises fame, prosperity, health and peace of mind.

Mars ruling the eclipse brings damage by dryness, fire, arson, violence, murder, lawlessness, fever, war, and the sudden deaths of those in the prime of life. The climate suffers from lightning, hurricanes, drought and destructive winds. Impetuous storms and violent shipwrecks occur at sea. Crops suffer from excess of heat, damaging winds and fire.

Venus ruling the eclipse has a beneficial influence, similar to Jupiter. In nativities there is the promise of fame, contentment, love, marriage, children, prosperity and health. The climate is clear, settled, temperate and moist -favourable for agriculture. It is a time of elegance and abundance, with friendly relations between governments

Mercury adapts its influence to the nature of any planet it is strongly associated with. Alone, it produces quick, subtle and industrious actions, and when ruling the eclipse with malefics it brings trickery, theft and unsuccessful travel or trade. It also influences priests, the worship of gods, divinatory practices, and brings changes in customs and laws. The weather is changeable and irregular with a risk of hurricanes, earthquakes, thunder and lightning. Mercury occidental brings a fear of drought; oriental, flood.

The signs of the zodiac which contain the eclipse and its planetary rulers, together with the constellations of its governing stars, reveal the nature of its influence – those pertaining to the sea influence creatures of the sea and shipping, those of human form influence men and political affairs, animal signs influence cattle and beasts, terrestrial signs influence crops and earthquakes, etc..

Generally, eclipses in Fire signs signify the death of eminent people, discords, wars and fires; Earth signs portend agricultural problems; Air signs foreshadow tempestuous winds, famine and disease; Water signs show floods, maritime troubles, expectation of war, and a high mortality among ordinary people.

Eclipses in Aries bring war and controversies in religion. They threaten the lives and liberty of eminent people, and bring plague to ‘lesser’ cattle such as sheep and goats. (England, France, Germany and Denmark are traditionally linked to this sign.)

Eclipses in Taurus affect business, trade, grand buildings, agriculture, and men such as solicitors and agents who negotiate in others’ affairs. They threaten high mortality for oxen, cows and horses. (Russia, Ireland, Switzerland, Cyprus and Persia)

Eclipses in Gemini bring diseases (such as salmonella) which originate from fowl eaten by men. They bring conflict in religion and trade, contempt for law – much prattling with no action – and loss through the death of great persons. (Southern Egypt, London and the Southwest of England. Some say the USA.)

Eclipses in Cancer bring political changes, incite men to violate treaties and take up arms, and cause deceit and cunning among men in high office. Navigation and sea travel is dangerous; rivers dry, and there is an increase of sicknesses affecting the stomach. (Scotland, Holland, Africa, Venice, Amsterdam and York.)

Eclipses in Leo portend death or misfortune for royalty, nobility and ‘persons of quality’; the ruination and destruction of ancient buildings, palaces and churches; division amongst the clergy, the besieging of towns, and a scarcity of horses and grain. (Italy, Sicily, Rome and Turkey.)

Eclipses in Virgo bring the pitiful death of great men and general ruin through plague, drought or crop failure. All things are scarce. Writers, poets and mercurial men suffer. (Southern Greece, Crete, Iraq, Paris and South-west France.)

Eclipses in Libra corrupt the air and increase contagious diseases, plagues, etc.. They bring bad weather, high winds, ‘incline youth to wantonness’, cause religious controversies, and bring division and loss to nobility. (Austria, Portugal and Vienna.)

Eclipses in Scorpio foreshadow underhand, treasonous and murderous acts; indicate military deposition of governors by tyrants, generally increase disease and public disorder, and give an abundance of thunder, lightning and earthquakes. (Norway, Mauritius, Liverpool)

Eclipses in Sagittarius cause affliction to horses, spread religious intolerance and mistrust amongst men, bring disaster to famous people, threaten destruction of flying fowls, and increase theft, rape and piracy at sea. (Spain and Hungary.)

Eclipses in Capricorn declare the untimely death of worthy people, bring an increase in false accusations, slanders and conspiracies; cause political change and the alteration of governments, military invasions into neighbouring states and the loss of many ships. (India, the West Indies and Oxford.)

Eclipses in Aquarius bring floods, affliction to cattle, public sorrow, mourning and discontent. Ancient buildings are destroyed or damaged, thefts and earthquakes increase, and obstinate controversies arise in the Church. (Arabia and Ethiopia)

Eclipses in Pisces bring misfortune to the sea and the fishing industry, corruption of the coastline, loss of fish and the draining of rivers. The death of some illustrious man is foreshadowed, the immoral actions of men connected to the Church or the Law will be revealed, and all lawyers or men of religion will suffer. (Northern Egypt)”A number of attempts have been made to determine how long the “effects” of eclipses endure. It is suggested that these inquiries are erroneously conceived. To reason by analogy: how long do the effects of a blow last? Clearly two factors are involved – the violence of the impact and the susceptibility of the object struck. A blow by a hand on a stone has no effect on the stone; a blow by a knife on soft flesh may inflict a lifelong injury. Thus, we must consider how “violently” an eclipse affects the figure under consideration, and that must depend upon how closely it falls to sensitive points therein; and we must further consider how susceptible, or sensitive, that spot is. If the eclipse does not fall nearer than, say, five degrees of any important body or point the “effect” will be negligible even at the time and certainly will have no duration. But if it falls on the very degree held by a body and if, in addition, that body is highly sensitive owing to its radical condition, the so-called effects may be serious and long lasting.Nevertheless it is true that an eclipse may produce little or nothing at the time but may apparently correspond to something important but occurring some considerable time later. The most usual times seem to be when the Sun comes to the next square of the place of the eclipse, i.e., three months later, or when a planet, particularly Mars, transits the place of the eclipse.”

Do’s and Don’ts during Eclipse occur

One should follow some rules during, after and before the eclipse. Let’s know about the do’s and don’ts during the eclipse.

During the time of the eclipse, you can do meditation. It brings good luck and happiness in your life.

When an eclipse occurs, don’t worship of the idols and deities. It .is considered inauspicious on this day.

Pregnant women should avoid seeing eclipses. They do not go out from home. The harmful radiations of the eclipse might penetrate the skin of belly covering the foetus of women. It may also harm the health and well-being of the unborn child.

Do not eat anything at the time of the eclipse. It might harm your health and makes you ill. And also, don’t cook in the period of eclipse.

One should avoid knives and sharp objects during the eclipse.

Avoid sleeping during this time.

Do not touch Tulsi or any other plant.

Always take bath after the eclipse. Sprinkle Gangajal into the house and Puja Ghar to remove all the negativities from home.

One should make donations on the day of the eclipse. It is considered auspicious.

Recite the mantra of the Sun and Moon or related planet of the eclipse.

After the eclipse, light a diya in the temple of the house.

The research of medical scientists proved the undeniable influence of a solar eclipse on man. Medical research was conducted on dozens of healthy and sick people. Studies have shown that the human body begins to react to this natural phenomenon as soon as the sun’s disk is covered by Moon. Within an hour after the beginning of the eclipse, hypertensive patients that have high blood pressure, meaning the narrowing of the blood vessels, and the heart works harder to move the blood. The blood begins to flow unevenly into different hemispheres of the brain. The nervous system is clearly disabled. The doctors expected that all these phenomenon should occur only two days after the eclipse, when the cosmic rays from the Sun reached the Earth.

The Moon is the evening source of light, which is very close to us. The Sun gives energy (the masculine principle), and the Moon absorbs it (the feminine principle). When two bodies of light find themselves at one point during the eclipse, their energies exert the strongest influence on a person. In the body, there is a powerful load on the regulatory processes. Especially, this day would be bad for people with cardiovascular pathologies, hypertensive patients. It would also be bad for people who are currently undergoing treatment courses.

Even doctors say that on the day of the eclipse, it’s better not to engage in any activity, as actions will be inadequate and you will be more likely to make mistakes. To avoid discomfort with ill health, they recommend taking a contrast shower on this day (which, by the way, should be taken not only on days of solar eclipse, but regularly, every day). In the morning shower must be finished with cool water, it stimulates the body, and in the evening with warm water.

In 1954, the French economist Maurice Allais by observing the movement of the pendulum, noticed that during a solar eclipse, the pendulum began to move faster than usual. This phenomenon was called the Allais effect, but no one could understand it. Today, a new study of the Dutch scientist Chris Duif, confirms this phenomenon, but he also cannot explain it yet. The astrophysicist Nikolai Kozyrev learned the fact that eclipses act on people. He says that time transforms during the eclipse.

Scientific data on the development of an embryo, and certain studies show that the influence of the Sun’s rays is more powerful than the rays of Jupiter. Pregnant women are also not allowed to go out during the solar or lunar eclipses. And those who have neglected the danger and have done this gave birth to abnormal babies. The explanation of the connection between these events is not explained by modern science.

The consequences of an eclipse in the form of a powerful earthquake or other natural disaster is possible for even a week after the eclipse. In any case, an eclipse brings changes to the society.

During the lunar eclipse, the mind, the thinking and emotional spheres of people are highly vulnerable. The number of mental disorders in people increases. This is due to the disruption of the hypothalamus at the psychophysiological level, which corresponds to the Moon, according to the discovery of Tony Nader (Nader Radjah Rama). The hormonal cycle of the body can also be disturbed, especially in women. During a solar eclipse, work of the physiological correspondence of the Sun – the Thalamus is more disrupted, and the risk of cardiovascular disease increases, since the Sun controls the heart. Perception of Atma (“I”, pure consciousness) is clouded. The consequence of this may be an increase in tension, radical and aggressive trends in the world as well as dissatisfaction with the egos of politicians, or heads of a state.


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