Submitted by Kartr on
Image by Gordon Johnson from
When calculating In your Numerology Chart you may encounter the numbers 1, 4, 5, or 7. These single numbers are the reduced numbers derived from the numbers 19 28 37 and 46 all of these break down to single where karmic debt is is indicated.
If the karmic debt is in ones self or expression number it affects ones professional life and or productivity in life. If it is in ones family area it can affect ones relationships . One can make bad choices in these areas of life. If the debt is in the personality number it will
affect ones social interactions and or health more. If the karmic debt is in ones maturity aspect it can affect one in late teens 20s or late 40s or 50s- or in areas such as mid-slife crisis . If it is in ones essence cycle, karmic debt can affect a certain period and orpinnacle cycles.An essence cycle being your name and the numerical value of the numbers of the letters of your name. A pinnacle cycle being the first number describing you thus your day of birth.
So to calculate these karmic debt numbers it is derived from calculating your life path. This being your day, month year all added up to get to your life path number.
Thus if your life path happens to add to 13 14 16 and 19 before you break them down to the numbers 1-9 you may have a karmic soul journey and It can take a lifetime to work through and master these soul lessons.
Karmic cycles of reaction can include happiness sorrow or a cycle of birth and rebirth and if the soul performs good actions one can work positively. Sometimes the karma comes from a previous life time so becoming consciousness can enlighten us to remove the negativity and help the flow more and unburden ourselves.
For instance the Life Path 13 is often karmic due issues a previous life to do with lack of care in one’s work even being lazy in a previous life time or taking advantage of others! The 1 of the 13 represents the individual and the ego and one’s personal experiences and the three represents expression of optimism. The 13 is to do with attitude and accountability in this life time and the emphasis toward hard work and perseverance toward achieve goals to repay karmic debt. One has to learn to overcome one’s own stress insecurities and anxieties and to overcome ones rigid uncompromising side and not to be scattered or pessimistic . The karmic 13/ 4 is about finding middle ground and not being too blunt or radical and having to learn diplomacy and be careful not to self-destruct or to take shortcuts and thus allow the the releasing and working through of ones lessons from past lives with forgiveness.
A 14 is all about control and failure to control in a previous life. So, to learn to direct one’s energy and happiness and learn to satisfy ones own need to do with being careful in love and commitment and being together with one person without wasting energy, Differentiating the wrong people from the right people to give energy to and realising that change is inevitable. In a previous life time 14 meant that ones freedom could have been abused and in this life time the need to learn to adapt and work through addiction or overindulgence issues as well as learning to maintain emotional stability and focus on goals and dreams are the karmic lesson. Maintaining focus and clarity and being adaptable and flexible in ones immediate environment is all part of this 14 journey.
14/5 is an aspect regarding maturity and can highlight difficulties on certain topic in one’s life to do with the misuse of freedom in a previous manifestation. The balance of security and stability and a step-by-step process for responsibility and hard work is the key to working through the karmic lessons. Learning not to be selfish and learning not to be self absorbed and the not misusing freedom at the expense of others and learning to take full responsibility and recognising and balancing the excess behaviour of a 5 . Also overcoming relationship difficulties like holding onto a bad or addictive relationship, or else jumping from job to job and even have severe or unhealthy sense of independence . Needing to practice self discipline work through addictive or have or unhealthy dependence or at times just lacking the ability to commit or follow through. So by facing these things head-on and becoming a little bit more flexible and being disciplined and doing the work doing the hard work setting the challenges and rather than feeling victimised. This can involve going through an intense self reconstruction and at the same time extracting oneself from the destructive path. Becoming more interdependent and learning to commit these being difficult lesson. So in this lifetime as a 14 it can still be a rollercoaster ride but it is imperative to not give up on ones goals and dreams .
16 is the destruction of the old and the birth of the new and is about overcoming ones ego . It involves breaking down what you previously built and can involve some self destruction in career choice or ruining a wonderful relationship and the karmic debt is overcoming the battle that follows and approaching life with a new awareness . 16 debt can involve isolation and loneliness and spiritual growth and a move toward higher consciousness/16s needs to learn flexibility and not to be stubborn and to learn to bring happiness to ones true self. So if a person does not want to acknowledge the karma it can get worse so to get rid of that one has to become more flexible and less belief orientated and become more inquisitive about the world.
16/7 involves previous misuse of love and challenging the ego, thus learning to be spiritual sense in your higher purpose and actually turning destruction into rebirth and changing from not aking responsibility and releasing self-centredness and moving to a higher deeper level of understanding.
16/7 can be difficult to approach as they can isolate themselves. They can be withdrawn from the world and the need for privacy or being emotionally detached and withdrawn from the world and can look down on others views but if they are prepared to meet the challenge and get through that 7 alertness, they can reap the benefits . Though it takes effort and commitment as well as an openness to spirituality and intuition . Literally rewiring oneself with trust and openness to overcome the karma involves going through an intense reconstruction not feeling victimis,ed working and understanding and acknowledging the lessons until they are mastered.
19 is the karmic debt to do with Independence and in fact learning to stand alone .19s often resist help and need to overcome their own personal power struggles and this is usually self imposed. They often not wanting to take or listen to advice. It is about standing on ones own two feet and also being connected to others and being interdependent rather than totally independent . It is the wisdom , power spiritual knowledge that represents the power that bridges higher knowledge that may have been misused in a previous manifestation. If 19 is one of your core numbers then maybe abuse of power was a theme- or being self-centred or destructive in a narcissistic way or even just pure stubbornness. Understanding optimism that the 19 karmic debt entails , that one has a debt to pay to do with constructing leadership creativity and achievement of independence. These are the things that could lead to positive results rather than riding the same road. 19 meant that in a previous life one could have been incapable of empathy in this life time. Thus one needs to make one’s life easier see new perspective enrich ones life with sincere friendships exciting conversation and absence of loneliness . Learning not to judge and to rather try and see the positive side of things not being prejudiced or picky and also learning to socialise with others and listen to them sincerely . Clearing the debt involves letting go of the patterns, learning to expose hypocrisy and seeing things as they really are. Acknowledging how humanity has suffered .1 being the number of new beginnings and 9 the number of letting go - the 1 self and the 9 acceptance so major lessons of self acceptance in this lifetime and inner peace ability to break through out out of limitations - seeing the reality and leading a conscious life!
It is always interesting if there is Karma and karmic debt in your chart to be aware of it so that you can learn your lessons and correct the debt in this life time and understand why at times you have made the errors in certain areas of your life and being consciously aware whilst correcting it and thus evolving further in this lifetime . Hoping you can see from your 1 4 5 7 in your chart which of these karmic 13 14 16 and 19 numbers are lessons that may be part of your journey and part of your karmic debt.
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