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The ability to sense spirits is called: clairsentience.
I've experienced paranormal phenomena throughout my life. Over the years I've discovered that spirits manifest in all sorts of different ways.
- Feeling goosebumps
- Sudden inexplicable change in room temperature (either hot or cold)
- Sensation of being touched, when there's no one near you
- Sensation of being pushed, when there's no one near you
- Discovering you've been scratched, bruised or burned
- (these bruises, scratches and burns are seen by all, and are photographable)
- Feeling a change in a room's energy
- Feeling suddenly nauseous or dizzy
- (these feelings stop when you leave the room)
- Feeling tired suddenly for no reason
- Feeling as if you've been drained of energy
- Feeling your heart begin to beat fast for no reason
- (your heartbeat returns to normal when you leave the room)
- A sense of heaviness in the air
- Suddenly feeling anxious for no apparent reason
- (may start shaking)
- Suddenly feeling sad for no apparent reason
- (may start crying)
- Suddenly feeling excited for no apparent reason
- Suddenly feeling terrified for no apparent reason
- (this feeling may be so intense you need to leave the room)
- Hearing voices, (people talking, moaning, laughing)
- Hearing animals, (growling, howling, barking)
- Hearing noises, (footsteps, doors opening/closing, banging on walls)
- Seeing someone out of the corner of your eye
- Seeing someone walk in front of you
Sometimes when my husband and I are sitting in the living room, I'll suddenly feel as if I'm being enveloped in cold. The first thing I do, is ask him if any doors or windows are open in the house which could be causing a draft. If none are open, I'll ask him come over to me and feel the air around me. He'll feel my face and/or arms to see if I'm chilled or hot. Then he holds his hands about six inches to a foot above my body. If the air feels cold, he'll grab one of our temperature guns and take a reading.
If he starts feeling goosebumps, he may grab a digital voice recorder and see if he can get an EVP. Sometimes he'll scan the room with an EMF meter or a full spectrum camera. Sometimes he catches something, sometimes not.
Jeanne Barkemeijer de Wit
(Published writer, composer, musician, artist, illustrator, photographer, empath, physical medium.)
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